>Amerifat logic
Care to join us, the civilised societies, in the 21st century yet? Or do you want to live in the wild wild west for the rest of your lives?
>Amerifat logic
Care to join us, the civilised societies, in the 21st century yet? Or do you want to live in the wild wild west for the rest of your lives?
Other urls found in this thread:
>inner layer, white chocolate
hey let's throw away the best parts of chocolate -- the taste, the caffeine, the healthy antioxidants; and call this chocolate
>outer layer, milk chocolate
this is what euros bitch about American chocolate (nevermind that they eat Cheese with 10 times more of a butyric acid taste), but put a 2 cent chinese toy in it, and OH WOW IT'S THE BEST
Whats it like being retarded
>be canadian
>go to the mall
>don't get shot
You tell me
sounds pretty fucking boring if you ask me
Civilization is founded upon the sword and plow. Anyone who would like to argue is a slave.
>be Canadian
>random Mexican criminals don't just walk into our country and magically become citizens
feels good man
Kinder eggs were banned due to being choking hazards for small children with the reason being they were able to be purchased without the parents permission more or less. Although I havent been keeping up since I dont eat candy like a fat shit.
Same thing happened with cracker jack prizes some time ago, although I think that was world wide.
Whats it like being Australia's autistic little brother that tries to banter like him but fails every time?
M8, it's all they got. Just let them have it.
I went to Canada last year. Maybe Columbus arrived in India after all...
That's not why tinder eggs are banned.
They're banned because the FDA says you can't have plastic inside of food.
>be Canadian
>blow dog
>the dog wins
Couldnt be bothered to breakfast and google. My mistake then. Explains why you get shitty paper prizes in cracker jacks now.
I went to Australia last year. Maybe Britain made a good choice sending all of it's undesirables to a far away island.
I went to Australia last year. With the amount of refo boat cunts showing up you'd think it's still a penal colony.
>Burgers bite into kinder egg
>choke on capsule
americans are funny jokes
>leafs enjoy carcinogen laden sweets while they are children
That must explain it
I live in bum fuck nowhere Montana, every gas station has kinder eggs.
Why is this myth still circulated?
kinder egg isn't going to help when dejamalius breaks down your door and tries to rape your wife
>if you don't blow your dog, he wins
Just like France right? Oh wait
which would you rather have?
we have a gun, you have a toy egg.
enough said
Don't let America join civilization please. Not while they have a black man running their country and are 62% white, lad.
>be Canadian
>go to mall
>never see a shitskin
feels good man
>Be Canadian
>Nobody cares
>be american
>have to stay in doors because you don't want to be shot by radical black supremacists sweeping the country that are being praised by your own government
>black nignog and spic break down your door, rape your wife and threaten to kill you
>police officer nervously walks by your house and pretends to not notice what's going on because he's afraid he'll be shot just for being in his line of work
>meanwhile estranged NEET shoots up a school down the street
>entire month focuses on how he's a white man who had the same hobbies as a third of the population focuses on
>meanwhile tyrone down the road stabbing 20 people barely gets touched on
>all while a corrupt bitch gets elected because she has a vagina despite being a proven criminal and national traitor
>guns get banned and jobs go over seas
>she opens the gates for even more cultural enrichment
Land of the free.
>implying we aren't looking to move to canada once US becomes shittier
>be American
>have black president
>vote to have black miss USA
>pay out majority of welfare to blacks
>produce the most cuckold black on white porn in the world
>lose entire major cities to blacks
>be the birthplace of black terrorist groups demanding reparations and rioting
>replace Andrew Jackson with a black women on the $20 bill
>have affirmative action that gives blacks seats in university and careers they didn't earn
>black on white crime is rampant but no one says anything cause "das racist"
>there's literally a 50/50 chance I'm not even white
>decide to end 8 years of Bush and 8 years of Obama with 8 years of Hillary
>literally any Mexican can just walk across the border and be an American
>Under 18 populations for almost every southern state all have majority Hispanic populations
>literally run by Jews, all major American corporation owners and have absorbed all other businesses
>American Dream is dead because of mass unfiltered immigration, globalization and the destruction of the traditional family model as well as an inflated housing market
>"land of the free" yet incarcerates more of it's population than any other country
>hasn't had military success since Korea
>destabilized the middle east to stop an African backed gold currency that would go against the Jewish agenda causing millions of deaths, 4 trillion of taxpayer money wasted and the refugee crisis
wew lad I could go on forever. I mean Germany, Sweden and Canada get a lot of shit for being cucked but the USA takes it to a whole new fucking level. You must actually be retarded to still have a sense of nationalism.
Pretty much
AR-15 are not illegal you fucking cunt.
I swear every leaf but me is a fucking shill
The wild west one. Yep.
>be american
>can't buy buckyballs because kids keep swallowing them and wrecking their guts
>can buy firearms even though owners often accidentally (or purposely) kill themselves
All I ask is that we be consistent. Either I can have all the things so long as they don't infringe on other people's rights -- including e.g. drugs -- or the government is my babysitter and can decide what's safe for me to have -- and I don't think firearms fit in that category.
I should be able to snort coke, eat buckyballs, and shoot guns (safely), or none of those things. All I ask is that we make up our minds.
Nice bait, I'll bite.
More people die each year in the US from choking than from rifles.
>i'd rather have candy than guns
Jesus fucking christ canada, get it together.
And yes, you can buy kinder shiteggs in america, they're as illegal as fireworks on the 4th of july.
firearms are legal in your country you faggot
>it's a canadians being desperate for attention episode
The fuck are you on about? All of Canada's major cities are filled with shitshkins, chinks or natives
what is a buckyball
We'll let you die in the streets, Juan.
Wtf MODS! Did shillary buy your love?
Like we give a damn about that shit
So let me get this straight.
>Plastic in food is fine
>Tools guaranteed to us by our nature as humans (man) upheld by our constitution are unacceptable
>inb4 gunz are ezyr to gib thin buukz
>be American
>have black president
by "choice"
>vote to have black miss USA
>pay out majority of welfare to blacks
no one is happy about that
>produce the most cuckold black on white porn in the world
see: Jews
>lose entire major cities to blacks
see: NAFTA
>be the birthplace of black terrorist groups demanding reparations and rioting
see: Soros Obama Hillary Jews
>replace Andrew Jackson with a black women on the $20 bill
no one knows how the fuck that happened
>have affirmative action that gives blacks seats in university and careers they didn't earn
>black on white crime is rampant but no one says anything cause "das racist"
see: jews
>there's literally a 50/50 chance I'm not even white
>decide to end 8 years of Bush and 8 years of Obama with 8 years of Hillary
America hates hillary
>literally any Mexican can just walk across the border and be an American
>Under 18 populations for almost every southern state all have majority Hispanic populations
>literally run by Jews, all major American corporation owners and have absorbed all other businesses
see: jews
>American Dream is dead because of mass unfiltered immigration, globalization and the destruction of the traditional family model as well as an inflated housing market
>"land of the free" yet incarcerates more of it's population than any other country
see: niggers
>hasn't had military success since Korea
see: guerilla warfare: NATO (When the rules of engagement are written to determine behavior between uniformed soldiers, it's kind of fucking impossibly hard to win a war against solders who disguise as/hide behind civillians)
>destabilized the middle east to stop an African backed gold currency that would go against the Jewish agenda causing millions of deaths, 4 trillion of taxpayer money wasted and the refugee crisis
see: jews hillary soros
No American is happy with the current sate of affairs with the world
i'd trade chocolate for guns any day
Are you really trying to pretend your PM wouldn't throw you under the bus just to get a taste of that sweet sweet SJW vote?(or whatever the fuck you leafs have to "decide" officials)
American children can't be that retarded. Can they?
That's an automatic assault rifle, you fucking retard.
kinder eggs kill more children then ar15
Im really getting tired of this shit, learn your fucking facts before posting dipshit. Ar-15 are totally legal in canada, just requires a rpal.
No, France! No!
That weapon LOOKS like an M16 military rifle. That is !most likely! an AR15 SEMIautomatic rifle, the CIVILLIAN purpose rifle, same as any other hunting rifle (One shot fired per pull of the trigger)
Italy, Yes!
>current century
PMJT plz go
>a Canadian bestseller
Goodbye sides
The wild west had some of the strictest gun law in our countries history. Also, mind your own business.
And just so you know you can buy kinder eggs in the us, they just can't sell them to children because they're a choking hazard.
Euros, you could have prevented this:
wild west pls. Your faggots don't even know what freedom is
Don't worry Canada, your lovely Prime Minister will let any Mexican in after Trump becomes President.
Fight Bigotry!
>too stupid to understand the main point of OP
You literally have to ban food with toys inside because fat american children are too lazy to check inside surprise eggs before shoving it in their fat face.
>American children can't be that retarded. Can they?
The US was responsible for a nearly worldwide ban on those little asian fruit jellies because some worthless liberal cunt in California gave one to a toddler and let them suck in it while running around the back yard.
Shit parenting got a retarded kid killed, so liberals decided to restrict the rights of billions to prevent less than a dozen deaths a decade.
This is what liberals are. This is what they do.
Get informed retard, I have an hk mr223, perfectly legally.
The point OP made still stands though, Canada doesn't allow the same kind of weaponry to be sold, nor does it allow them to be acquired as easily as in the US.
>It is believed the girl put the toy, described as having wheels, into her mouth. It became stuck in her airway and she could not breathe.
So, basically, her death doesn't have anything to do with Kinder eggs per se.
She just put a small object in her mouth and swallowed, something 3 year olds are doing fairly often.
Could have been a piece of rock for that matter.
That's just shit parenting and/or bad luck.
Why do people still think kinder eggs are illegal here?
>Care to join us, the cucked societies, in prepping the bull yet?
>Illegal in Canada.
Do some research before you start shilling.
Ar-15 are legal in Canada. Its called an rpal (restricted possession and acquisition licence) allows you to buy handguns with a barrel length of 4.25" or greater, and all semi auto rifles under 18 inch barrel length
ar-15's are legal here
They just fucking suck compared to other stuff we can get like SKS. Unless you like cleaning more then you like shooting.
>claims to be first world
>doesnt have free healthcare
Oh, would you look at this
>"we can get a 308 semi automatic rifle"
>308 cal. is used to instantly* kill a 300lb+ deer/elk/hog/human
>SEMIAUTOMATIC: all US legal guns minus collectors pre-ban automatics
>Box magazine fed weapon: da spoopy deth machin that fires 800 bulletz a minut
* 308 round is much larger and much more common in hunting as it is less likely to be a NATO compliant round. NATO requires rounds that WOUND, not kill. The call of duty FMJ magic that everyone seems to hold as holy scripture is bullshit. Hunting rounds are designed to, for lack of a better explanation, EXPLODE inside the target. NATO rounds (AR15 ammo, by and large) are designed to pass through the target, without causing any life threatening injures.
You're saying an SKS is a better rifle than an AR-15? Is an AR-15 in leafland different than ours?
I always wondered what a Nato round was. Even our bullets are cucked ffs
>Canada doesn't allow the same kind of weaponry to be sold, nor does it allow them to be acquired as easily as in the US.
I'm talking about the point OP tried to make, not about AR-15 specifically.
Protip: File of the top 1/8 inch (1.5mm) of the bullet casing to make a soft tip hunting round. For deer of course.
>Canada doesn't allow the same kind of weaponry to be sold
>nor does it allow them to be acquired as easily as in the US.
Nanny state has to make bank somehow Mohammad
>She just put a small object in her mouth and swallowed, something 3 year olds are doing fairly often.
>She just put a small object in her hand and squeezed, something 3 year olds are doing fairly often.
Solution to both of these issues?
Got kids around? Don't let them play with your obviously hazardous tools.
Got kids around? Don't let them eat candy that CONTAINS A CHOKING HAZARD
Got kids around? Secure your weapons.
it is a goddamn tragedy that americans have to be subjected to both meme rifles AND a shortage of delicious kinder eggs and the fun toys and stickers inside
thankfully, canada has kinder eggs and we are allowed to import lots of non meme rifles the US has inexplicably banned
>le just for deer only, le this document is le informational only, dont hit on me silly ATF ;o)
this shit annoys me more about american gun owners than anything else
it's just so fucking obnoxious
you sound like a 12 year old trading "textfiles" you ripped off of Totse
same for "infographics", those threads are such fucking cancer on /k/ oh my lord
Let's count all the things Canada has provided to the world.
>Celine Dion
>Nanny state has to make bank somehow Mohammad
yeah what's up with that in the US
Up here we're allowed to buy a lot of things without paying the government every time
a PAL is what, like 80 bucks? don't you have to pay the ATF every time you want to transfer a firearm, and then it's like 200 bucks if you wanna get anything they've arbitrarily banned like "SBR"s or grandfathered machine guns or whatever?
Tom green
Wild, wild west please.
>Be Finnish
>Can walk outside at night alone unarmed without fear of getting robbed or killed
What a shitty country this is desu
>Still claiming that kinder eggs are illegal
Wrong again leaf
1 post by this ID
So mister "Canada," how long have you been an NSA supporter? I, an outstanding American Citizen truly believe that the world is safer when every possible form of communication is constantly observed by billions of dollars worth of employees and staff.PAL?
Pay for transfer/purchase? No. That's for suppressors/ machine guns/ grenade launchers/ grenades/ incendiary devices.
Any normal semiautomatic rifle/ pistol is tax free. Std tax aside.
Disregard 1 post by ID jab.
I think he's saying that because the SKS is non-restricted which means you can go innawoods with it unlike with the AR-15 which can only be used at a range.
>Be Canadian
>See Americans have more guns
Wow look at this non-white country, how stupid, letting them defend themselves while getting shot
>Laugh as dog licks peanut butter off junk
>Return the favor after taping picture of cucklord PM on dog
Great being Canadian right?
>Wipes dog jizz off chin
>be canadian
>burn to the ground
>leaf no more
I can buy pic related right now ...
>le wild west maymay
>not knowing the "wild west" time period was marked with decidedly low violence and that hollywood overportrays it to sell movies
Canadistan everyone.
>be American
>literally occasionally forget that Canada even exists
>remember it does
>laugh to myself
>repeat this process every few months
Feels fucking good man.
>getting shot with a .308
Unlike a 5.56x45, a 7.62x51 has a much greater chance of fucking ending you in a single shot. There's nothing cucked about a full sized cartridge.
Lol i just bought some of those fucking eggs in SLO this past weekend, they arent illegal everywhere in the US dumbshit.
Why do burgers think guns are illegal here? Are the anti-gun activists retarded?
its a restricted firearm, average person can't buy one without a reason like a security job, they will also put you under surveillance for having an R-PAL license.
as usual canadians blowing things out of proportion again just to match up with americans. I'm also pretty sure you can still buy kinder eggs in the us even if they're banned. just admit canada is an inferior shitty place.
Well most East Asian countries are fairly safe.