I liked it

I liked it.

It's pure. There's no malice, wrongdoing, cheating or deceit.

its pretty comfy movie lad

Except when Bella cheats on Edward with Jacob in front of him but it's okay because Mary Sue can do no wrong so Edward is okay with it lmao

I did not. They told me it was a story about vampires but I seen none of them during the whole time.
I feel cheated.

This. I absolutely loved the rainforest setting.

>cuddling to prevent death is cheating
how pleb can you be?

Also she was a virgin until edward in the last book.

I liked the first one though the antagonist was destroyed way too easily.

The only one of these movies I've ever seen was Breaking Dawn pt. 2, in a livestream full of anons from Sup Forums dropping mad bantz in the chat.

The movie was shit but I had a hell of a time watching and shitting on it.

My gf at the moment forced me to read the books and watch the movies...the setting is pretty interesting, is just that the main story and main chars are garbage.

Get out of this thread, please, you absolute hollow personality.

Did she also force you to watch her being fucked or did you do that out of your own volition

>100 year old guy fucks a 17 year old girl but that's ok because he looks young
>They have a 3 year old daughter, and their best friend fucks her, but that's cool too

I don't even...

He looks 17.

Their daughter is mentally develooped and is like, 12. And I don't think she's having sex with (or even kissing) Jacob, she had like 7 years left to mature.

>ywn be a vampire

You can always become a cum vampire


>you will never be this contrarian

>What other people think matters


The word "contrarian" is in itself un-contrarian.

Trueness lies in completely ignoring the crowd and anyone else other than yourself.


>"I'm not a girl, Oskar."

what did ''''she'''' mean by this?

I'm sure you'd like to watch your girlfriend cuddle up and make out with some chad. After all cheating is only penetration right, cuck?

itt: women

Didn't Edward push her away or something? Something about not wanting to vamp her or something shitty.

Is Jacob /our guy/?

The implications of the series are probably worse than had there been straight up cheating and cuckolding. Is it possible this was created by feminists to make men understand how bitches feel when they see a full blown sexist film.

She was cuddling with him because they were on top of a mountain or something in the middle of a blizzard and Edward didn't bring enough to keep her warm. his skin is cold because he's a vampire, and he had nothing else to warm her up, and it was cold enough to harm her.

Jacob is a werewolf and his body temp is way above normal, so he cuddled with her to save her life.


What did he mean by this?

This film isn't feminist at all.

I mean maybe a feminist wrote it as reverse sexism to make a point?

The levels of rationalization you're going to to hate this is astounding.

protip : not everything is political just because [current year]


It's a dialogless short film. I can post the entire thing.

next part is then this.



As someone who read the book, MattReeves version is better than the sweedish one.


very comfy (yet not rly amazing) movie

This guy is literally the biggest cuck.

What is the twilight version of DULLEST?

Also, vampires don't sparkle. This shit franchise is 50 shades tier.

>This shit franchise is 50 shades tier.
this is how I know you're a redditor and a newfag

good film, thanks for posting, user!

This was back before everyone knew K-Stew was a gold star lesbian

She was so pretty back then too

Well it's implied some of them eat babies in book 4, if that's any consolation.
Edward's also an unrepentant murderer, and his family end up placing bets on how many people Bella will murder when she gets turned, so they're not exactly nice people either.

The weak should fear the strong

>There's no malice, wrongdoing, cheating or deceit.
Until the third movie when she kisses the other guy

Who cares anyways Alice was the best girl

>it's implied some of them eat babies in book 4
not the cullens.

>unrepentant murderer
literally fucking wrong, he feels guilty as sin about it even though he only drank shitty peoplelike thieves or mobsters.

>end up placing bets on how many people Bella will murder when she gets turned, so they're not exactly nice people either.
That's a fucking joke, autist. And they couldn't completely discount the possibility of her killing someone when she was really thirsty, beczause hse was new.

>Until the third movie when she kisses the other guy
That's not cheating, though.

>That's not cheating, though.
well when you get a wife you can let her french kiss as many dicks as she wants

not a single naked girl.
naked boys everywhere.

>Cullen's didn't do it
Carlisle still defends the Denali Matriarch, who most certainly did

Edwrard feeling bad was one of the better film additions, it's true. In the books he doesn't give two shits about it.

>it was a joke
>joking about preventable deaths than any non sociopath would feel mortified by
Not helping your case, lad

>Carlisle still defends the Denali Matriarch, who most certainly did
NIgga you high or something? She didn't eat children, she made one into a vampire, and she was executed for it. And they don't kill humans in the entire book, let alone children/

You're desperately clutchiiiign at straws,

>Not helping your case, lad
They're literally vampires, what do you expect?

and, people joke about killing people on Sup Forums ALL THE GODDAMNED TIME and gassing blacks and this isn't even new.

people say things like that in jest, just because you're an autist doesn't mean they're psychopaths.

>second movie
>Bella cries and freaks out for six months after they broke up
>thinks she sees Edward when she's in danger
>tries to get herself in danger just to see him more
>eventually ends up trying to commit suicide
The baby bonding is weird but this shit is seriously fucked up. The worst part is is that it worked becausecdoing that caused Edward to come back
Also she calls her dad by his first name, who the fuck under 18 does that

I want to smell K Stews pusy !!

based pusy poster!

based pusyposter

>who the fuck under 18 does that
secluded, abused child who is eternally afraid of his parents detected

>he feels gay when he witnesses a naked male

>dick vs mouth with a friend who was clearly choice #22 for her and was clearly in distress and had already expressed feelings
nice comparison, cuck


ft myself

Ignoring the fact that freezing the mental state of an infant is fucking evil, Rewatch the first film to find out why she almost certainly killed one of them in the process of turning

>they're vampires
That hold themselves to a supposedly higher standard. I highly doubt Carlisle would find that shit funny.
>b-b-but Sup Forums
Nigger, are you really using Sup Forums as a standard of morality?
If any normal person killed someone in an accident, some chucklefuck joking about it to their face would not be taken well.
And yes, despite you claiming it was only a possible scenario, the fact that Jasper nearly had a stroke when Bella didn't exsanguinate that hiker shows that they were fully expecting it.

true, twilight might be bad but its no where near as bad as 50 shades

Way to miss the entire argument and using ad hom

I don't think you know what a rainforest is.

even if you were other vampire qts would still find you disgusting
can't win my friend

>even if you were other vampire qts would still find you disgusting
how do you know that??

have you ever heard about a neckbeard vampire? check mate atheists

>neckbeard vampire
Air came out of my nose

Sup Forums makes fun of civil war and yet unironically discusses the THREE films of twilight? what has the board come to?

Four, faggot.

