What cultural impact will Black Panther 2018 have on modern society?

I swear I've never seen the black community so invigorated before in my life.

I'm not even implying it's a bad thing, it's just bizarre as all fuck. I've never seen anything even remotely like it. There's this sudden swelling, like a massive surge in racial pride among African-Americans about how this movie presents their heritage and lifestyle, even though I was almost sure most would find it offensive since it's like this goofy clash between primitive tribal shit and fucking Star Trek. Like if Africans got their hands on futurist technology, they would make it look this gaudy and Dr. Seussy. I don't know, it just looks like a parody to me.

I mean fuck's sake, LOOK at this reaction:

Other urls found in this thread:


Blacks gets even more WE WUZ, while the rest of the world goes meh.

Can't wait to see how the foreign market receives this diverse movie.

if they were gods how did ol' stupid whitey manage to create superior civilisations and enslave them?

People will demand their nations to adopt the wise Wakandan model and mind their own business, never trying to help or intervene in any fashion in devastating humanitary crises surrounding them.

black guilt

Jump-start the race war and begin the inevitable process of the enslavement of whitey

There's gonna be a secret Uncle Tom cult that's responsible for letting whitey have access to vibranium.

This. Do the Chinese know what a black person is?

I'm south east Asian. If all it takes is a capeshit movie to "invigorate" an entire failure of a race, then truly Blacks are worst than Indian pariahs.

We are getting our countries fucked up by negroes and muslims despite ruling the world 100 years ago.
We can asume the jews were behind the fall of the Negro Empire

They know this isn't a documentary, right?

HAHAHAHAH, thats a fucking grass hut on top of a skyscraper. It's the most modern piece of African architecture available.

im fairly sure they dont care as long as it validates their ego

that first pic isnt even from black panther tho, its coruscant from the prequels

Southeast asian women are made for white dick.

why did you white out their twitters you fucking baiting faggot

>Do the Chinese know what a black person is?

They might have some idea...

irl or in black panther?

black panther isn't real, wakanda and vibranium isn't real, in the comics they're an isolationist civilization that doesn't give a fuck about other black people in africa, so they have tech and wealth and everyone around them lives like shit.


How long until they beg for the benevolent White Overlords to come back?

Following this logic the uncontacted tribes of the amazon rainforest should be super advanced in all ways imaginable, yet they are hunter gatherers.

blacks think they are superior to metzos

Tjhey literally asking EU and US for more gibs because "muh chinesse colonization"

If blacks were so smart and invented science and space ships and all that, how come whitey was able to take over and oppress them and destroy it all? Is letting huge amounts of incompatible people into your utopia a bad thing? Will they eventually take over and ruin everything? What these black people are implying really makes you think.

You only conquered their lowest rung, the farmers and rejects. Wakanda is the real deal and you'll never conquer that.

>There's this sudden swelling, like a massive surge in racial pride among African-Americans about how this movie presents their heritage and lifestyle
Black people have always been extremely racially, tribalistic, I wish white people felt the same way. It's no wonder they would feel tribalistic about a black super-hero
One of those twitter posts is probably b8 from a Sup Forums-troll.

>There's this sudden swelling, like a massive surge in racial pride among African-Americans about how this movie presents their heritage and lifestyle

You're not wrong and it's fucking staggering.

How long before BLM protests and SJW student riots demand professors teach the truth about the lost civilization Wakanda that white textbooks refuse to talk about? They saw the documentary, the evidence is there.

Wakandan technology built the pyramids while white people were amoebas you know.

> even though I was almost sure most would find it offensive since it's like this goofy clash between primitive tribal shit and fucking Star Trek

The straw roofed skyscrapers is literally a racist caricature of a black civilization. But then these people unironically call for segregation to be brought back too.

how did the space negros get btfod by cave whiteys?

>those gums

>How long before BLM protests and SJW student riots demand professors teach the truth about the lost civilization Wakanda that white textbooks refuse to talk about?

That's fine. History is full of assholes who got famous off other people's work and achievements anyway (looking at you, Thomas Edison and Steve Jobs). We should just say fuck it and declare all fictional works factual. The empire in Star Was existed and so did the Federation in Star Trek and the Imperium of Man and Middle Earth and the Seven Kingdoms and Goku and Vegeta.

Hell that's what Atlantis was and even now most people think it was real.

So a few of them are retarded and think Africa would be a paradise without white intervention...

Not like it's any more retarded than Mormons thinking Jesus walked to America and gave Joseph Smith some gold discs or whatever.

>inb4 WIDF tears

what if Wakanda runs out of Vibranium?

Is this movie an elaborate ploy to make black people finally leave the USA in search of Wakanda in Africa; while USA finally gets rid of the cancer holding it back?

>these people unironically call for segregation to be brought back too
are you implying this is a bad thing?

Fuck that's beautiful writing.

Who do you think is going to flip the bill?

African americans seem to be fucking retarded.
Maybe other black people are that dumb, or other races as well, but I guess I just get exposed to so much of dumb tweets like that.

IDGAF, I just want less niggers in my city. If enough whites get mad about it, hopefully we can work towards some break-away civilization, since america has become irredeemably pozzed

Based on the retardation in the comments I would say most of this board doesn't have any black friends. If they believe a couple idiots on twitter(who could very well just be sock puppets) speak for an entire race.

im pretty sure some of them are false flags, pretty good one though.

Darwin never said this, r*cist

If it was Will Smith as a lead it might've did good in foreign markets. Don't know how this nigger who they don't care about is gonna do


ok kid

Blacks have a crippling complex of inferiority. They know what their ancestors did in Africa: remain 100% bronze-age primitive until Western civilization reached them.

This is fantasy, yes, and that's exactly why it's so cathartic for them. The metaphorical rewriting of their history, the futuristic African super-science that Wakanda represents, is an archetypal meme designed to give them the pride they couldn't find in their true primitive roots.

Yes he did.
Darwin was devoted towards observation.
Whatever he observed, it was set in stone by the hands of nature as he observed it and made conclusions.
If you observe all the human races on the planet in their present states for example, you will find no race which hasn't suffered untold destruction and deaths coursing through the bloody river of history. All races were once enslaved; whites by Romans; Slavs by Mongols and Turks; Chinese and Japanese among themselves or by Mongols; the ancestors of Latinos by Arabs in Southern Europe or the natives by the Latin and white people; the Arabs by Ottomans and Romans; the blacks by themselves, whites, Jews, Muslims, and now even the Chinese.
Yet every race has evolved and built a great nation representing themselves, building even under the clutches of foreign rule and adopting the power and technology of the superior rulers.

Only the negroe remains, the failed stain upon the human species, its history, its evolution.

>whites by Romans
is this implying romans weren't white?


Meds were always mixed. The true Caucasians, true to the composition of the region known as Caucasus; a mix of Slavic, Greek, Roman, Persian, Turkish, and other cultures and people.
Don't mix your Snownigger genes with the master race which invented civilization.

God no, but they will go against anything we approve so it's best to pretend otherwise.

Depends what you mean by Roman.

>Don't mix your Snownigger genes with the master race which invented civilization.
I'm Phoenician and Anglo ;)

Tainted heathen, begone and suffocate yourself in mud.

The average black person won't give two fucks about some Marvel schlock featuring a character that comes from an age where black characters had to have Black in their names.

What is it with China and way too long opening titles?

Also, Mandarin is way too percussive and palatal to be used in pop songs, it sounds so awkward.

>mudhut skyscrapers
Are structurally sound buildings too white?
>how will we make it clear these buildings were made by black people?
oh boy

Olive skinned most likely.

Wasn't Augustus described as being light skinned though?

Roman citizen?

There is geography and population to consider however. If a great idea like agriculture or metalwork was found in China, it would eventually find its way to the middle east, Europe and such. If Someone in Europe had a great idea, it would soon spread too, all over Eurasia geography allowed it and we see civilisations like the Greeks, Persians, Chinese emerge and they didnt do so in isolation, they borrowed bits and pieces from eachother.

But then there is the sahara desert which is a basically a super giant firewall that blocks trade, communication and resources. I mean sure there will be exceptions but for the longest time they were just left out of the developing north.

The same effect can be seen with the people of the Americas. Its like a kid working alone vs a whole group of normies working as a team to present a project.

The population of sub saharan Africa was also very spare compared to Europe and Asia.

None of those buildings look like they're made out of mud you stupid fuck.

There were panels of Black Panther letting starving niggers die at the Wakandan border wall, I can't find it

You should stop posting.

most people on this board barely have friends, let alone black friends

Nothing because they will look at that clip with the guy and the disc in his mouth and NOPE the fuck out.

My Phoenician family members consider themselves white. They live in Lebanon

The problem is that, as you said, all those races and cultures borrowed and adopted.
Yet in the history of the past 600 years that wall ceased to exist.
Chinese, as well as ALL other races, adopted high technology of the West left during colonial rule, maintained it, copied it, and built it.

Africans on the other hand don't adopt shit, don't maintain shit, don't build anything, don't even care to learn to read and write to harness all the knowledge laying in the dust of libraries left to them by all the other races on this planet including whites.

There is no fruit to be gained from arguing natural or unnatural barriers that impede the flow of knowledge.

The real question is why blacks are so uniquely defiant towards adoption and education with few and rare exceptions.

They should switch to calling themselves Caucasian or Med, and differentiate between these and "white".
Don't desecrate your history and bloodline by associating with snownigger thieves.
Snowniggers have achieved nothing in history by themselves. Everything they have is traced back to the Meds or east of them. They only know how to steal and take credit.
Ask the snowniggers to name a single great mind or inventor from their race and they'll only be able to falsely name Alfred Nobel who was a dark haired and dark eyed master race in his youth and not a snownigger.
Such is the state of snowniggers.


What did nords do to you? Steal you gf?
>inb4 I am the on who cucks

Snowniggers pay me reparation, which I then use to buy their women, while they suffer my verbal abuse with fear of being called racist under threat of their own government if they talk back.
I'm living the life.

>I then use to buy their women
I already said
>inb4 "I am the one who cucks"

Yeah it looks nice but so does North Korea. Gotta think about what the politics would be. But niggers dont think they just go off facebook posts.

>so does North Korea

And in those past 600 years, new different problems came about. Colonial rule, the encouragement of tribal warfare by European powers who traded weapons on a large scale for new slaves. Drew up borders at random with a ruler and a map with no regard to the people in them.

If Mesopotamia hadnt led to Persia and Greece, there would be no Roman empire, without Romans then how could modern Europe even exist.

Africa is however developing but people dont realise it as when we think of Africa we think of desert plains and little kids starving with bloated bellies and flies on their face. Not that there isnt poverty and hardship like no other but there is also development.

youtube.com/watch?v=NJ5j6tWPNOg worth a watch

Anyone else find it really pathetic how much political discourse is coming from a fucking superhero movie? This board is fucking dead

it does have a lot of tourist attractions and fancy shit like that triangle they half built.

None because it's forgettable capeshit and everyone in this thread needs to be gassed

Does your hometown have a Covenant Dreadnought in it?

Because Pyongyang does

is that why the mex are running them out of ghettos?

Except that's bullshit.
Try reading a book, or if words are too boring, try looking at a documentary about what happens when a developing country in Africa gets uppity and a foreign power decides they need new leaders.

>what happens when a developing country in Africa gets uppity and a foreign power decides they need new leaders
this begs the question...

>Colonial rule
All other races suffered it equally, all advanced and adopted under it. Only niggers didn't.
>the encouragement of tribal warfare by European powers
All other races suffered it, Muslims especially and even the Opium wars in the East, all advanced and adopted under it. Only niggers didn't.
>Drew up borders at random with a ruler and a map with no regard to the people in them.
Same as with other races, South America especially, Middle East, India. All advanced and adopted under it. Only niggers didn't.
Japan even got nuked twice, niggers didn't.

All your arguments have no basis in reality.
Reality is that you haven't answered my core question, you merely sidestepped it and started making unrelated excuses.

A slave always finds a way to rise above the master. He seeks knowledge and strength eve under lashes. Jews for instances are the most known hoarders of forbidden books and writing when death was the sentence for doing such. All races sought elevation in despair, evolution in misery, advancement above their superiors. Except niggers.

My hometown has space rockets in it

mfw the CIA station chief who overthrew Ghana was named Howard T. Bane.

>try looking at a documentary about what happens when a developing country in Africa gets uppity and a foreign power decides they need new leaders.
You mean like every single fucking nation on this planet has experienced of every race in the past few hundred years?
But all those nations succeeded by magic and wizardry despite Western suppression, while niggers are the only special case bawwwwww.
You talk about reading books, take your own advice.

>What cultural impact will Black Panther 2018 have on modern society?
None directly, but it contributes to an increasing trend of people defining reality through fiction. In general, it is like people defining Trump's presidency through "Harry Potter" and "Star Wars". More specifically, this case is about representation - that by being represented in films, there are social ramifications. A black superhero - imagine that! As if "Hancock" and "Spawn" never existed. It is the same with "Wonder Woman" - there have been strong female protagonists throughout the history of film but for some reason people are placing so much emphasis on this one. In the end, everybody just desperately wants to be part of something "historic" and end up holding lowest common denominator shit in high regard which is the easiest and laziest marketing tool for production companies.

You know what the future will be like? Everybody will continue to bitch about "1984" to rid themselves of the guilt of sitting hooked to a VR headset and living in a fantasy land of their choosing which completely agrees with their political views and version of history.

>what happens when a developing country gets uppity and a foreign power decides they need new leaders

Anders Celcius.

Who invented cars, planes, electricity, internet and rockets/space flight. Funny guy.

>Vibranium running low
>start sovereign wealth fund for Wakanda
>Jews loot it

>living in a fantasy land of their choosing which completely agrees with their political views and version of history.

Sign me up

What makes me laugh is that niggers never actually bring up the civilizations that did thrive. It's always claiming Africa because 'muh nubians' whose dynasty lasted for 100/5000 years.

Never hear them bragging about the Songhai, or the Ethiopian Empire. It's almost like they're uneducated, uncultured subhumans or something.

You might want to pull up the picture of those people because all of them have dark hair and dark eyes baby, they ain't snowniggers.

We don't need answers like that on this board


Those twitter people have to be comics. No way any sane people could take that shit seriously.

>Drew up borders at random with a ruler and a map with no regard to the people in them.

If white people don't want people to find out the truth about WE WUZ then why do they make movies like this? The movie crew'd mostly be whites and Jews.

Really makes you think.

That image is actually from the black panther movie? I thought it was a fucking joke, the skyscrapers have mud huts on top of them ffs.

>Anders Celcius
I think the one on the left is a Sup Forums-troll