Bank Holiday Monday edition
Bank Holiday Sunday -
/who/ - Doctor Who General
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First for Bok
So how will Missy regenerate for us to get Simmms back?
The finale's going to be about simm trying to bring missy back to being bad
He'll do a thing that puts the doctor in danger, and missy will kill simm to save the doctor, causing simm to regenerate into missy
if I were the other person I would run very far from this psycho
How will they handle the paradox?
Bootstrap paradoxes are standard doctor who fare, they don't need to handle anything
The episode's even about cybermen, which would lead very nicely into how missy had a cybermen army in S8.
Doctor Who? More like Doctor Poo.
dont say that
>It's a thrill a minute. The sort of bank holiday monday feel, jules verne, edgar rice burroughs story of derring-do which I've always quite liked
yfw he was right the whole time and /who/ doubted him
>which would lead very nicely into how missy had a cybermen army in S8.
didn't think about that
why are you pretending that gomez is an earlier incarnation than simm, user?
not him but
Time Travel is a tricky thing imho. Simms Master could easily ran him being in London at the beginning of he's regeneration and also time traveling into the future stumbling upon The Twelvths and Missy's timeline (interferring as the he would) and deciding to be a pain. but yeah pretty plain and sloppy but what else can you expect from new Who.
The 'how' doesn't really matter desu
what's more important is that their interactions are entertaining
It's obviously post-EoT Simm.
I don't understand how people thought differently even before we saw the trailer.
Kris Marshall is the new doctor
truly nothing is known until we see him. Can't go by looks because Simm irl is obviously older. Post Simm-Master makes absolutely no sense, that said it is Moffat in the most control.
>implying they can't dye his hair black
>Post Simm-Master makes absolutely no sense
Last time we saw the master, he was sucked into the time war. The time war is now resolved and the doctor's been on gallifrey since then. There's barely even a hole to be filled.
>davros had his eyes closed all the time
what the fuck
this doesn't contradict anything
Pre-production S11 starts August - that means some draft scripts are already in
A Time traveler can travel through time at any point of his existence.
Simm/Master is dead so if this is the Simm/Master from his first run he would have to fit this part of his time-line parallel, unless this one is a copy regeneration of Missy/Master.
There is only one master. It doesn't matter what incarnation it is.
Explain your comment more.
Are you dumb user
I'm saying Missiy is a later incarnation
What is there to explain?
The master is one person. The master can go back and meet their past self at any point. That's time travel. The Doctor's done it before too. What's the issue?
>Paul Whitelaw: "Episode 11 of Doctor Who. Oh my."
This guy also loved Extremis.
>reply from DWTV
Chris McIntyre @DWTVChris
Replying to @rtalalay
That ending...
A time traveller cannot travel to his own timeline this was explained so many times
>truly nothing is known until we see him
You mean like in the picture I posted in the post you're responding to? The one I'm posting again? Where he looks entirely different, including a beard?
Post-EoT is what makes the most sense by far, and his appearance only confirmed it.
>Post Simm-Master
What the fuck does that mean
>Simm/Master is dead
I didn't realise we could just blatantly make shit up when discussing things
Apparently The Eaters of Light is 1/3 of the finale. The portal is how they end up stranded on the spaceship near the blackhole.
and it was blatantly ignored every time they wanted to do a multi-Doctor story
Why was Series 3 so comfy bros
no rose
name one multi-doctor story where the Doctors meet just by sheer happenstance of travelling to the same place and time.
Time ripples created by omnipotent weapons that can break a time lock do not count
So, why are you discussing it, if Doctor Who has no canon? What's your excuse?
Contacting all the doctors so they helped save gallifrey
good shout. ignore me
(although I might wager Bad Wolf/The Moment helped out with that)
Going from the DWM previews this episode has a lot of body horror and something 'awful' happens to Bill. I think it's a safe bet that she gets turned into a cyber
oh god
turn on world enough and time right NOW
poor bill...
If the rumoured ending of episode 12 is true then I hope they don't give out any press copies or just completely edit out the final moments. I'd hate it to be officially spoiled
I think I'll go on a /who/ hiatus that week just to make sure it can't be spoiled
Mary's Story
What? I never said it has no canon. I just pointed out that it's very obviously post-EoT Simm. Why would they pick any other time?
I'm abstaining from everything on the internet thats Doctor Who related after next weeks episode.
I've got a feeling they're going to announce the new Doctor by the end of this month anyway
>tfw simmkino in less than 2 weeks
When was Doctor Who really exciting for you for the last time? Not ok, not alright, exciting. For me - Heaven Sent. Before that - dark water, before that mummy, before that 11th regen.
Empress of Mars was GOAT. Before that, probably the series 4 finale
Extremis was a good episode, it's just followed by two shit ones. On its own it's kino.
fellow rtdchad
*unsheathes katana* *teleports behind you* nothing personnel kid
doctor poo
I was never excited for Doctor Who.
Pandorica Opens, when the Doctor gets sealed in and all the stars explode, then the sound dies away. That was the last time Doctor Who made me go "holy fuck".
Reminder that the sausage roll bullies will be visited by police soon
Cats will be getting a knock on his door soon
Why are all these set reporters always fighting each other?
Sup /who/ Australian here.
What do you think of this crappy Australian talk show that airs after every Doctor Who episode down under?
Use AUS VPN to watch
Also, I can't wait until the Moffett era ends.
Did you like Empress of Mars?
Where would you put it in a list of Gatiss episodes in terms of quality?
I liked it. I thought it was really nothing special but by series 10 clunky storywriting standards it was series highlight.
I'm going to need to rewatch it but I don't want to. Feels kinda lame.
Better than Sleep No More though.
I liked Sleep No More
shut up miss happy die happy you buttmad autist
My reaction to the Alpha Centauri reveal was embarrassingly intense.
Hey boardie, another Australian here. /who/ actually seems to like Whovians, weirdly enough.
I liked it and it was easily his best.
Crimson Horror > Empress of Mars > everything else
>the 'crimson horror is good' meme still exists
>post-empress of mars
Unquiet Dead outclasses both of these.
>people enjoy things that you don't
>Finally get around to watching Empress of Mars
>mfw Alpha Centauri
Can't believe his VA is still alive. Goddamn.
Reminder that I stopped being excited about Doctor Who since the "Let's kill Hitler" episode.
Is it really crossing your own time stream if you tell someone to give your past self a message?
>Missy actually did die at the end of that episode
>It just wasn't our universe's Missy
Third usually referred to him as "My dear fellow." Fellow is not a feminine term.
Third was a bit of a prat.
Alpha is a hermaphrodite hexapod
Did anyone else think 12's power stance when the Ice Queen turns to him (when Alpha Centauri shows up on the screen) looked like 3?
'le wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff'
Nothing ever requires explanation in this show
Explanation for everything was obligatory when Russel was in charge.
It doesn't really matter desu. Fear Her wasn't any better for having explanations for things in it, while Impossible Planet was kino despite having few real explanations.
Whenever I feel sad about the world, all I have to do is remind myself that the Daily Heil now has a Labour MP and I piss myself laughing.
You just started discussing thing which was irrelevant to the conversation.
The question was - how will they explain that Simm is back?
When Russel was in charge they had reasons and continuinty, sometimes it was kind of stupid, but it tied things together anyway. Now all we get is "timey wimey ive escaped xD"
Why is /who/ full of RTDChads now?
It's going to be full of Chadnalls soon m8
Empress was the worst of the series.
Didn't Capaldi say he'd be willing to play him in the inevitable biopic?
>Worse than Lie of the Land
Lie of the land was good though.
Empress was okay but nothing special.
Not the same user you've been quarreling with, but it has never been explained how Missy escaped Gallifrey and regenerated. I'd assumed Moffat left that as a gap for BF to fill one day.
Maybe we'll find out now in the actual TV show .
fuck teresa may
>Lie of the land was good
Did you only watch the first 15 minutes?
Empress was still better than more plot holes than a lump of Swiss cheese Pyramid aEotW.
the only bad part was the 12 monks thing
rest was kino