Game company behind the official tie in for the ghosbusters (((remake))) goes bust just 3 days after the game is released. It's almost as if abandoning your core demographic has consequences :^(
It's not going well for patriarchy busters
Gone are the days that a parent would go to the store and grab their kid a random shitty video game. If it's not good it won't sell. Don't know who thought this was a good idea. Probably went way over budget just like the movie.
I'd bust one in her ghost
I don't think you guys understand just how hard it bombed
>All-time: 16 players
They made the game in 8 months, of course it was going to be shit
I hope they choke on the $12 million
Boze dragi...
theres a ghostbusters video game?
>tfw they just cry patriarchy
>tfw it always works
"Ghostbusters is a deplorable, cynical bit of licensed drivel that wouldn't be worth the $50 asking price if the instruction manual were printed on a $50 bill."
they laundered a lot of money through this game and movie
The game actually features new characters, not shitty sjw pandering. It's shitty in all the other ways. You'd be horrified to know that they mention the main gang (the reboot gang) is going to the whitehouse possibly for the next movie.
>16 devs tested it
I saw this game on steam, straight up ignored it.
Here's the thing, gamers a pretty red-pilled. Gamers are socially withdrawn because they used to be bottom-of-the-barrel type guys.
They saw all women at their worst, treated with nothing but hostility.
Alot of gamers hate SJWs and shit, particularly as women are now trying to get in a censor games.
What on earth made them think trying to sell SJW "the game" to gamers would be a good idea?
Even if, as says, it's not just the SJW characters, it's still in support of the SJW movie that will earn royalties.
Gamers know this, they aren't going to do anything that funds the SJWs takeover of the gaming industry.
also, I think is definitely a shill trying to get people to buy the game.
Well it's also a terrible games. There are plenty of AAA Western games that are SJW, (almost everyone at this point except GTA and most military shooters), but people still buy them because they're good, (or at least good to their standards). You couldn't get any more "redpilled" than Hatred, but I doubt that game lit up the sales charts, and that's because it was terrible.
I can't contain my sides
Suffer and then kill yourselves, SJW scum!
I almost feel sorry for the devs. Yet, they knew this was coming.
>3 days
Thank god
>goes bust just 3 days after the game is released
the sales are so bad, fuck it if we gona start paying for the credits
It doesn't even matter that the movie sucks ass, the game is shit, is something you'd expect for 20 bucks sold for 60, is buggy and is boring. Plus that company has $12 million in debt before launching this crap.
This has nothing to do with the Jews, you dumbass. It's a shitty, moneygrabbing port of a shitty moneygrabbing remake movie.
And Sony is Japanese. They don't like the Jews much over there. They aren't an indigenous species to Japan so the only contact they had was what Germany told them during WWII.
Only one who even talked about it was Angry Joe and he fucking hated it.
Shit man, my room mates and I literally streamed playing that game as a release night promo.
It really has fuck all to do with old or new Ghostbusters in terms of characters. Just a couple OC donuts, 2 guys, 2 girls, so at least they got that better than the new movie.
It's honestly just a somewhat competent Gauntlet clone, the kind you'd expect to see back in the days where you had to beat them off with a stick. Nothing atrocious, had a good time couch co-opping it.
After we finished the stream though is when I was told what it cost. Fuck man, like another user said here, that is not a $60+ title. $20 is pushing it. I'd say "$20 title that I'd get on christmas sale"
They deserve too. It's fucking trash.
It was $50, (at least American), and as the Polygon reviewer said who couldn't even shill this garbage, "Ghostbusters is a deplorable, cynical bit of licensed drivel that wouldn't be worth the $50 asking price if the instruction manual were printed on a $50 bill."
I have a friend who bets against media company's that promote diversity it made him quite some money
Any examples?
You can do that?
>It was $50, (at least American)
Look at my flag. It was a small fortune here.
We follow Poly-is the cheque in the mail?-gon reviews now?
It's honestly not all that bad. It's just not good. Maybe I've played some real shit games in my time, but it's really not a game even worth getting mad about. It's worst offense is just "gets boring" which is of course the exact opposite of what ENTERTAINMENT should be doing, but nothing worse drawing blood over. Games like Sword of the Stars for instance. There's a game that should have resulted in hangings.
>, but it's really not a game even worth getting mad about.
This applies to the movie as well, which was just a bland, unfunny comedy, but not Adam Sandler-tier.
It's shitting on an old loved franchise.
If it was a new IP there wouldn't have been such a problem.
Short them (if they're publicly traded)
>old loved franchise
Okay, but the IP was pretty dead. I mean the movie aside from the supposed sacrilege wasn't horrible, just stupid and unfunny.
And you obviously can't to that for a pipsqueak game developer. I ask again, can you give any examples?
>Okay, but the IP was pretty dead.
Wasn't an excuse to trash down Robocop either. People barely remember a reboot exists.
But not nearly as many people got upset at that.
What the fuck were they thinking, honestly?
the redhead big guy is literally just the TF2 heavy
even his animations are stolen
In the beginning it was about the same. It's only when the "dass secksis" backlash came out that it really started ramping up. There was no Robocop Internet Defense Force telling people they were shitlords for not wanting to see a shitty remake.
Why didn't "gamer gurls" and SJW's purchase the game en masse?
Please respond.
Didnt paul fieg make fun of trump right before movie and game was released? If so add to the list then
>Please respond
Because this game was just mediocre and hardly unique.
Unicorns don't have pockets to carry wallets in.
Right, but that doesn't really relate to the merits of the movie, just how it was marketed.
>gamur gurls
>having any type of money that isnt for drugs and crafts for protesting
Pick one
The media didn't lay into any ancient e-celebs for simply stating "i am not seeing this" when it came to robocop
They did make a REALLY FUCKING GOOD Ghostbusters game a few years back
It was written by the original writers and had all the original voice talent. It waw literally Ghostbusters 3. The game was also pretty fun. It was weird because it kinda came out of nowhere, and licensed games are almost always shitty. Not this one though
We need to get feminists to buy it.
Again, I'm not surprised people reacted like this, but it's not really justified when it comes to the final product, which is just a stupid comedy.
I would buy this game because I'm a fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag
There's no way this can be accurate. I simply can't believe a game based on a movie can bomb this hard.
>game cost 1m$ per player to make on opening day
>game costing $12m is played by 2 people, at a cost of $6m per player
>game cost $50
Ghostbusters isn't the reason why they're going bankrupt though. Apparently they're also currently getting sued by some other company alleging that they used funds for X game to develop game Y for some other company.
If the feminist and niggers commited to buying this crap it would be funny.
Speak for yourself friend.
Possibly more people bought it on consoles.
>no refunds
This. Even Harold Ramis is in it. You play as a nameless voiceless rookie and it's truly the third movie. Gameplay is decent, not golden, but it was directed by Ramis and Akroyd and they even managed to drag Murray away from Garfield 3 or whatever he was doing at the time. Worth playing.
Its not worth playing even if it was free. Nor are the movies worth going to see or even pirating.
Fucking glorious
Total bullshit.
I became a gamer, because I went to a all guys school and there was nothing to do, but play games and sports.
Eventually after my epic WoW career I stopped gaming, especially since Xbox360 ruined gaming.
I occasionally dabble with the milestones like Minecraft/Ark/Dota2/Overwatch, but thats about it.
I personally detest pandering to minorities.
If the main consumer are 12-18 year old boys, then so be it. Dumb the game down.
What I cannot abide is "SEXIST LANGUAGE IN CHAT" and I get banned for calling a female streamer in game (DOTA) "a glorified fuckhole" because she fucked up.
Im sick and tired of every single social environment being made "girl-friendly".
If women want to produce their games, let them.
If women want to change gaming culture to be less "toxic" them thats where I draw the line.
Fuck any game with chat monitoring or censoring.
If I want to say "fuck niggers" in game chat, I should be able to.
Arabs WISH they could bomb this hard.
Holy shit. Good. They try to sell their games brutally like that attacking some random youtuber and mass shilling their shit all over the internet trying to piss people of and get publicity. And see what happens.
I'm happy and I told all the shills that this will never work. And it didn't.
For fucks sake they even put guys in it just because their movie was a huge failure.
I got a beta invite for Heroes of the storm and played a week or so back in 2015.
I started flaming some noobs and they all reported me. I got a communication ban of 2 weeks.
I immediately deinstalled. I miss the days of uncesored internet. It makes you tougher getting insulted alot.
>12 million
I could probably make that shitty game myself in a year.
>All time high
>16 players
This surprises no one.
This is what happens when content is created to appease people who don't buy said content.
It happened to the movie, to the video game, it will happen to action figures and everything related to ghostbusters.
The ghostbusters ip is literally toxic.
Nailed it.
Game is shit
>2 guys
Nice digits
Have ever been on fucking Sup Forums they're all swj anime loving faggots and the only time someone says something normal they tell him to gtfo back to Sup Forums
What the fuck was wrong with SotS?
I got about 6 comm bans in DotA and now I pretty much only get matches with teams who will call me a nigger when I call them a nigger.
I can hardly do justice to the clusterfuck that was its release.
They launched with a buggy essentially unplayable fucking mess of a game. They then said it was a goof and they "accidentally" launched a beta build of the game, and they'd be patching it right away. Then it turned out they were full of shit and that was all they had.
It took ages for them to finally make that game playable, and I'm sure that you can find people now that'll say it's okay, but the shit they pulled on launch is just unforgivable.
Play counterstrike. 90% of the fun of that game is watching people flip out when you call them all niggers
oh, and my apologies, to be specific I mean Sword of the Stars 2.
Sup Forums spends the entirety of their existence complaining about SJWs, what are you even talking about?
That's literally the only thing that board does.
Hahahah kek
>another player joins the lobby
>200% player increase this month
This game has only one positive review on steam and it's by a nu-male.
>All-time: 16 players
You can short any company that has some liquidity. He's basically shorting the management though, which is kind of genius. I've never considered looking for just bad managers and betting against them, most would just stay away from retarded companies.
>I get banned for calling a female streamer in game (DOTA) "a glorified fuckhole" because she fucked up.
you can't get banned in dota for saying anything in game, only muted for 24 hours at worst
i call everyone niggers almost every game and i was never even muted anyway
The schadenfreude is real but it makes me think that quality entertainment is dead, they're just going to keep pushing shit like this until everyone is bankrupt over this crap.
I don't even need "redpilled" shit, just quality shit
Spot on.
>SJW pandering movie and game flopped
>now the companies will release more SJW pandering movies and games
that's not how it works
>they're just going to keep pushing shit like this until everyone is bankrupt over this crap.
Why would that be bad? Big companies are the worst. A crash is what the games market needs the most.
It's been Jewish from the start.
Really though? Because there are a lot of sjw games, movies, shows and comics that have failed before this movie/game combo, but they keep getting made. They just try again.
>SJW pandering movie and game flopped
>were destined to flop from beginning
>funded anyway
>(((investors))) will fund more pander projects until there's no alternative just like social media
It's still going to blow up in their faces l but you can bet big money on them making more of the same, just like those crappy sequels to successful movies.
>Police Academy 20: Plight of the Baboon
I've been anticipating a crash for some years now. Especially this year there have been a lot of AAA titles that were released in the same month, as well as AAA games that are shit like The Division the least realistic realism simulator, and Star Wars No Content Front.
I haven't gamed in a long fucking time
I picked up Metal Gear Phantom Pain
And it is absolutely the highest quality game I've played in a decade
People can shit on it if they want - I actually play games instead of watch other people play them or watch people post about the games on a faggy forum
Pirate it first if you want to see if you like it before dropping cash on it
I am fucking addicted to it. The PC port is amazing. Responsive controls and the smoothest, most optimized 3D engine I think I've ever seen. Runs amazing on weak hardware (I don't have weak hardware, but still)