Atheists BTFO

If God isn't real what is the point of life? what is the point in existing to exist?

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to call people like you faggots. personally, i find it rewarding

There is no point. We're just kind of doing it anyway.

To have as much sex and do as much drugs as I want and not have to feel like I'm going to hell.

God is living, user. It is the atheist that doesn't exist.

What makes you think there is one?

One day humanity will advance to the point where we become gods. Until then we're all just filling in time.

This religious faggot is LITERALLY contradicting reality. An Athiest is typing up this fucking post, and YOU ALL CAN SEE IT FOR YOURSELVES, and he's claiming I don't exist.

CHECK FUCKING M8!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you religious insane looney pieces of shit.

carbon cycle

>If God isn't real what is the point of life? what is the point in existing to exist?
why does bacteria exist?

You are real.

You are the point.

Didn't you see the Walter Mitty movie?

There's obviously somebody behind the work that has been done, but the problem with you guys is that you are identifying the creator of all like a deity that has a limit of powers.

Stop claiming that the wall is blue while clearly nobody has seen the color of that wall.

>whats the point?
so go kill yourself so you can spare us from this cancer you sperm burping faggot

From the Apocryphon of John:

The One is without boundaries
Nothing exists outside of it to border it
The One cannot be investigated
Nothing exists apart from it to investigate it
The One cannot be measured
Nothing exists external to it to measure it

The One cannot be seen
For no one can envision it
The One is eternal
For it exists forever
The One is inconceivable
For no one can comprehend it
The One is indescribable
For no one can put any words to it.

i hope this hasnt become unironic

The One is incomprehensible
Perfectly free from corruption.
Not “perfect”
Not “blessed”
Not “divine”
But superior to such concepts.
Neither physical nor unphysical
Neither immense nor infinitesimal
It is impossible to specify in quantity or quality
For it is beyond knowledge.

The One is not a being among other beings
It is vastly superior
But it is not “superior.”

It is outside of realms of being and time
For whatever is within realms of being was created
And whatever is within time had time allotted to it
The One receives nothing from anything.
It simply apprehends itself in its own perfect light

life has no purpose or point. It just is.

Its like anything in nature. Its not cruel or kind, it is indifferent.

If you cant handle that simple redpill then you should really hang yourself.

Sorry don't mind me, I just stopped by to see if kek is in.

If numbers kek is here.

Meanwhile you all claim that the same god want's the faggots dead and killed millions on its trail.

Fucking hypocrite.

well hello kek!


>not being a deist

Enjoy being a cucktheist that won't breed anyway

i am an atheist, but this seems a good place to start from

77. Cattle die, | and kinsmen die,
And so one dies one's self;
But a noble name | will never die,
If good renown one gets.

78. Cattle die, | and kinsmen die,
And so one dies one's self;
One thing now | that never dies,
The fame of a dead man's deeds.

What A pathetic faggot, stop thinking about this because you will never have an answer. Stop lying to yourselves, you can't get afterlife, you have only one worthless life and nobody care about you. People with mental issues often create they imaginary friend, all of gods invented by human being were, are and will be only in our heads.

Stop moving me in the same position where the cucks and the SJW's are.

Iam just a redpilled Atheist.

>being a self refuting cuck worse than a theist

lmao how embarrassing

Nature abhors a vacuum and Man, being part of Nature, will inevitably build things to fill the vacuum of his knowledge and experience of the world.
Has it ever occurred to you that life may actually be pointless? From a metaphysical stand point



God certainly does not exist.


Well memed

I bet you are just a skinny italian fuckboy that smells worse than a horde of fat feminists.

You really expect me to refute every single one? If you aren't with God you are with the devil, and will thus be thrown into the lake of fire or be destroyed.

The master of the universe asks you to follow him and his sons example, but the devil has his hands on your shoulder saying none of it is real.

Why I don't see christfags deusvulting US mudslimes?

The point is to slaughter all the religious for the glory of Master Dawkins ( War Be Upon Him ).

Said the 11% muslim country

You mean the master that killed millions and then did a deal with the devil to kill 9 people and spare a old drunk guy?

According to the definition of redpill, is the insertion of people inside the realism around the world and to not stay in a stupid bubble that will only propagate you pure lies.

So you christians are literally bluepilled immature grown adults.

You are mad and i understand why

protect children

thats it

thats the point of biology, other than this we must make our own destiny

Not an argument.

Chechnyans are not that violent.

And let's not look on the south of Italy for our own good.

There is no fucking point. We're all here by accident, but it's in our human nature to find a reason. So mentally ill people would write books and tell stories of imaginary people in the sky that created the world we live in, so that fewer and fewer people would be left asking "Why are we here?".

>what is the point of life


Why does there have to be a point?

This is flawed logic

To make your own meaning
Stop being a coward

>if you don't believe in one imaginary being then you'll be punished by another

ooooh how scary. can you also check under my bed for the boogy man?

I don't follow that race apoligist banana fucker.

And just because you are losing this argument it doesn't mean that i'm mad kek.

Meaning is a spook

I believe in God, but if he isn't real, we are supposed to insure the continuation of our species, this is a valid biological purpose. I want to have lots of babies, so that my genes will live forever.

I asked very clearly: why your "redpilled" christfags are not exterminating muslim vermin?

>muh russia
You think I care, stupid kike-on-a-stick believer?


Life is just another state of matter
Whats the point of Liquids?
A point is a human construction, the universe and everything in it JUST IS, it doesnt require a point

God is real. I know this personally to be true. I don't care if you don't, but personally I would want nothing to do with an atheist and the atheist degeneracy which is spreading through society like cancer.

>trying this hard

Mostly just to exist for the sake of existing. Existential dread is fun though, if you're into that sort of thing. My main question is this: Does life really need a purpose or a point?

>You think I care, stupid kike-on-a-stick believer?
I am a deist (and a freemason), if you are too dumb to understand the difference is not my problem

John 15:18-25 “If the world hates you, know that it has hated me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you. Remember the word that I said to you: ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted me, they will also persecute you. If they kept my word, they will also keep yours. But all these things they will do to you on account of my name, because they do not know him who sent me. If I had not come and spoken to them, they would not have been guilty of sin, but now they have no excuse for their sin."

You need god to not kill yourself? What a pathetic cuck.

The fuck is that guy?

But originally humans came from Africa. Not saying that people at africa are more advanced, but just saying that it is a fact.

So deists in general are as bluepilled as atheists, alright.

What a fucking badass you are!

I feel sorry for you.

this post is worth less than the bytes used to store it.

There was a lady in Reno
Who lost all her dough playing Keno.
So, she lay on her back
Exposing her crack
And now she owns the casino!


Reproduce and die.

Greetings brother!

I too have had personal spiritual experiences that only solidify my iron faith in the Lord. John tells us that during the final days we will be persecuted in the world only to be richly rewarded in Heaven by continuing in our faith.

There's no point. Once you're dead it's like you were never born as far as you are concerned.

You are a gargantuan cuck and we both know it

There is no point, that's the point.

Why do you believe in a god that is almost statistically impossible?

How do you know that the Christian god is right but the Muslim one isn't?

Why can't you just accept that you aren't a special little snowflake and humans aren't special and there is no reason for you to life. If you can't find meaning in life that's your problem.

Romans 8:35-37 "
Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or danger, or sword? As it is written, “For your sake we are being killed all the day long; we are regarded as sheep to be slaughtered.” No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us."


Explain the life of the cow whose steak i love and the chicken whose i like fried as if i where a nigger.

What kind of god allows a life maded only for supply demand of foodstock?


Because you know in your heart that he is real. Jesus is knocking on the door and you only need to let him in.

>You are a gargantuan cuck and we both know it
How will I ever recover?

>there needs to be a point to your exsistance
lurk more, faggot


lol you don't even know me but I assure you my life is better than yours.

>he doesn't see any point to living

Yeah atheists totes btfo senpai hahaha

wrong board, retard

>be newfag
>not realising Sup Forums is a christian board

Yeah sure, the fucking cuck that lives in a country where prisons are hotels and immigrants are welcome is calling me a cuck.

You're suffering from delusions. Please seek help from a mental healthcare professional..

>if you can't find meaning in life that's your problem
That's exactly what's wrong with them. They deal with that problem by believing in a god because they're small minded and refuse to believe that their life, just like everyone's, is literally pointless.


>strong pagans
only meme worthy pagans are people like varg

I dunno man we're beings of logic and thought.

I mean imagine if you never heard of God and I came in telling you that I found a magic teapot that is it's own father and if that doesn't make sense it's because you're not beleiving enough.

And when you started giving me logic my reply was: "But you know he's in your heart, just let him in XD"..

You'd think I was absolutely apeshit.

How do you know that's jesus? What if it's just that you are not redpilled enough to realize that the only reason you believe in jesus is that you were indoctrinated into that religion as a child.

To pass on dna and keep the life cycle moving til it all stops one day.

I don't know man, I didn't do it.

Kek, atheist actually believe we all just appeared out of nowhere for no reason, just like everything else just appeared for no reason.

i wake up everyday face to face with a massive pointless void
surrounded by idiots
drugs soon (t)(t)
need to walk an hour tomorrow to get linen and pillow for dorm room and fix the broken lock on the door in prep for fuck session on thursday
its been so fucking cold lately
man life is so fucking pointless
the only thing that keeps me going is the memmory of drugs and pussy and the future promise of drugs and pussy
interacting with people is shallow, and mildly entertaining. i dont care if you all die

feels like i fell from grace sometime, landed in this place

but u know i feel like satan when the drugs are here and i plan to be high on stims for 6 months again ( last binge just ended a week ago )
soo who the fuck care!


>pope represents all Christians meme

Get real tired of your shit Greece

And that just proves to me how shallow, self centered and small minded you are. If you actually practiced what you preached, you'd stay way the fuck off this board.

So what is the reason?

Revelation 3:20 "Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me."

Tell me how God came to be

If we're such an advanced lifeform we couldn't possibly have evolved surely our creator must be even greater, so what created our creator?

No Mustafa, read my posts again

To shitpost.