What other films have been turned from Masterpiece into Literal Shit because of a rerelease?
Apocalypse Now Redux is one of the biggest crimes in humanity.
What other films have been turned from Masterpiece into Literal Shit because of a rerelease?
Apocalypse Now Redux is one of the biggest crimes in humanity.
Almost all of the redux additions are perfectly fine, except the french plantation.
I understand its historical story, it is just so against the grain of the films own story and pacing. You can keep all other additions, but cut that back out and it's fine.
Blade Runner has had a number of cuts: Theatrical, workprint, international, director's cut and the final cut
>You can keep all other additions, but cut that back out and it's fine
Nah they still make it worse.
Also, LoTR trilogy is pretty bad with those extended cuts.
Fellowship extended > Theatrical
The rest < Theatrical
>watch redux
>40 mins of french bitching about the American and 2mins of french tittys
>some guy trying to catch waves during the middle of an assault on a village
No way there were jokers like that in the Vietnam War.
Charlie don't surf
>Not appreciating the French colonists sequence
Apocalypse now is an adaption of heart of darkness which was about colonialism. It's not a 'war film'. The redux additions only shift it to be more in line with the themes of its source material
what was wrong with french plantations? imo it was very moving, like a fairy talish yet flawed rivendell before main heros venture into mordor
>you can cut Saruman's scene in Return of the King, literally the only memorable scene in the entire film that's not either in a vulcan or Deus Ex Machina
The fuck is wrong with you?
Jackson was right to cut it. It's anticlimactic, the acting of everyone but Christopher Lee is awkward, and it interrupts the pace of the film. It could have been done right but it wasn't.
I wouldn't have a problem if it didnt take so fucking long. It fucked up the pace of the movie
>that puppy scene
Never seen, which version should I download?
theatrical, better pacing and is a greater film in general
French scene. Once you see the fog press skip. Explain to your friend in 4 words "its just french bullshit". Movie goes on without harm. Beauty of remotes eh
the french plantation segment is a masterpiece you dirty plebs
VERY bad taste
>fucks the pacing
>muh pacing
Take your Ritalin child
not my fault if you have ADHD
Not an argument, tards.
could have done without the plantation but the abandoned camp was a very good addition
>muh pacing
literally the only argument a bunch of capeshit watching manchildren continuously meme on here to pretend like they have any taste or worthwhile opinion on film at all
these are the same people who complain about the first act of deer hunter because it's 'boring'
Don't kid yourself you liked it because tiddies.
Redux is the only version that matters you filthy pleb
It really added to the boat crew definitely and the playboys made me stroke a few.
Redux. The scenes are in the correct order, and the narrative is better
doesn't matter because ending doesn't make sense.
Yes it does
Look, son, it's a pleb
>bought the complete dossier
>expected to be disc 1: apocalypse now original + extras and disc 2: apocalypse now redux + extras
>it's really just disc 1: AN part one original and redux + extras and disc 2: AN part two original and redux + extras
who the fuck did this and why?
>on a mission to kill deranged psycho
>get to him
>he lets willard act freely
>willard himself doesn't know what to do anymore
>kurtz tries to get willard to kill him
This is after he already killed the chief for trying to send an airstike
literally what
>willard is clearly not a sane person
>kurtz, an insane fellow wanted to go like a warrior, not by disease or by an air strike
there are more layers of motives, but the essence is really simple
How do you go from this
to this?
Both are kino. Whats your point?
>Apocalypse Now meets Good Morning Vietnam
>fucktard jumpy crew slaughters a boat full of people over nothing
>everyone freaks out when willard kills the wounded woman
Really grinds your gears when you hear how stupid and costy the Vietnam War was and in the end they're still a Communist Country
Flawed morality is the worst. They literally felt nothing about killing her family yet changed their opinion on Sheen completely when he did the same.
>fuck up. slaughter a bunch of innocent gooks
>feel like shit about it
>hey wait one of them's alive!
>captain we can get her to meds
>captain shoots her
>feel like shit about it
Did you watch the movie?
not that guy, but I felt regret from chief and clean, and shock from chef
>Surfer Guy and Protag are only survivors of trip
>Surfer Guy became mentally scarred towards end
>Protag got even more mentally fucked than he already was
Now I know why people call Vietnam vets crazy.
>captain we can get her to meds
then what? Make another VC/NVA sympathizer?
I thought surfer was high on acid the second half of the movie.
Any sense of justice is enough to keep them sane. The film already did a good job on showing how dysfunctional the entire operation became.
Everyone knows how awful everything piled up to be in the war so I ain't going to bother mentioning.
Blade Runner
>shitty color correction
>implying implications that Deckard is a replicant
>ptds crew go ptsd
>snap out of ptsd for a brief moment after killing them
That how i seen it