Why do American movies or TV shows always make jokes about or reference toilet seats being left up/down? What's the significance to it?
Why do American movies or TV shows always make jokes about or reference toilet seats being left up/down...
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Women are dumb and lazy so instead of just putting the seat down themselves they would rather plop their brappers on the bare toilet and then REEEE about misogyny.
It's basically just women bitching to bitch even though anyone who has ever lived with a woman (who is not in a relationship with you) knows that their bathroom habits are fucking disgusting.
why do american toilets have so much water in them?
I don't understand this either. I always close the toilet seat AND lid when I'm done. Why would anyone leave either of them up?
We do it just to make fun of California and Africans.
this. went to vegas once and taking a shit resulted in so much backsplash i had to shower afterwards
They're like that here too, I always throw down a big wad of toilet paper so that my shit can have a soft landing and a place to pile up so it doesnt hit the water and splash all over my buttcheeks
Down. I pee in the bathroom sink.
Is it true that british toilets have a little ledge the poo sits on before it gets flushed?
I thought that was German and Dutch?
Well, look at Mister Fancy Pants. Can't just pee in the corner like the rest of us?
In the old Wild West, immigrants who later become "Americans""" shat in running water or pristine lakes as is their wont. Nowadays, their degenerated descendents honour their barbaric ancestors by shitting in bowls of water while browsing Reddit.
I always put the seat and the cover down. That way they can't complain and they also are required lift the cover up and do something
this, anyone who doesn't is a degenerate who likes eating their own shit
just more dipshit fem nonsense
Dutchfag here, can confirm we have a little poopy shelf
>The three basic types of toilet-design in the West form a kind of excremental counterpoint to the Levi-Straussian triangle of cooking. In a traditional German toilet, the hole in which shit disappears after we flush water is way up front, so that the shit is first laid out for us to sniff at and inspect for traces of illness; in the typical French toilet the hole is far to the back, so that shit may disappear as soon as possible; finally, the American toilet presents a kind of synthesis, a mediation between these two opposed poles - the toilet basin is full of water, so that the shit floats in it, visible, but not to be inspected. No wonder that, in the famous discussion of different European toilets at the beginning of her half-forgotten "Fear of Flying", Erica Jong mockingly claims that 'German toilets are really the key to the horrors of the Third Reich. People who can build toilets like this are capable of anything.'
>Hegel was among the first to interpret the geographic triad of Germany-France-England as expressing three different existential attitudes: German reflective thoroughness, French revolutionary hastiness, English moderate liberalism; in terms of the predominance of one of the spheres of social life, it is German metaphysics and poetry versus French politics and English economics. The reference to toilets enables us to discern the same triad in the most intimate domain of performing the excremental function: ambiguous contemplative fascination; the hasty attempt to get rid of the unpleasant excess as fast as possible; the pragmatic approach to treat the excess as an ordinary object to be disposed of in an appropriate way. It is easy for an academic to claim at a round table that we live in a post-ideological universe - the moment he visits the restroom after the heated discussion, he is again knee-deep in ideology.
so this is the power of marxism
German here, my grandparents still have those.
jesus christ
i feel like that just increases the severity of the skidmarks
Americans don't hae bkdets, you're supposed to shit, then reach in and use the excess water to reach in and wash your asshole
Do Americans actually do this?
Both hotels I stayed at in America had so much water in them. I thought they were defective and was worried they would overflow
So this is common all over America??
>euros chop down all their trees and are amazed that americans build houses out of wood
>euros fuck up all their rivers and are amazed at the amount of water american toilets have
American's have shitty diets and need to wipe well over a dozen times to clean. More water means more flushing power so a toilet full of water has a lower chance of clogging.
I actually do this quite often, and not just in toilet stalls. If the bathroom is empty, I will stand in the middle and just spin in circles, pissing everywhere, and then run the water in the sink but not wash my hands and rip paper towels from the holder so that if anyone is within earshot of the bathroom, it will sound like I washed my hands after peeing
im three posts in and the eurofags are already retarded
dumb filthy nigger
The reason for not closing the lib is because the inside of the bowl can mildew if left closed for too long - like if you're leaving for a vacation or something.
I always pee on the floor in public toilets, sometimes shit on the toilet seat.
Sometimes smear my shit on the walls as well.
Once I shat, spit, pissed and vomited into a public toilet in a burger king because they forgot my fries.
I hated having to sit down for a shit when I visited America. More than once I sat down and got toilet water on the end of my dick, had to shower to feel clean again.
women are literally too stupid to look and see if the seat is down before falling in the toilet. so men have to cater to their mental handicap.
I'm in an American house that has a pooshelf. It's not common, and in fact I've never seen another one in the states. Even more weirdly, the other two toilets in the house don't have the pooshelf.
As far as seat up/down - whole toilet should be closed every time. Especially is you have pets or kids.
"Now what you have in the case of Sup Forums is a macabro [sic] expression of ideology similar to Yugoslavia in the 1980s. If you have not heard of the lasting fashion, like pepe the scatological toad in which past visions of uber and undermen are sublated in a surreal manner, you are told to go to ray-did or tumbler because you aren't part of the tribe and commune and so on and so on. *sniff* There is an old East German joke in which an engineer gets sent to Siberia and he tells his friend beforehand that in his letters all that is true will be written with blue ink and all that is not with red and so in the first letter what is written on red is that how great the Gulag is and how they get new clothes and women and so on - in red ink. Only thin that is missing is blue ink. If we see this in the case of Sup Forums *sniff*, this is precisely the case. We have all the red ink we want - mehmehs, endless jokes and freudian ironies which go a long way to show us a creative and modern men. But there are no memes to show true pain, the truth of Sup Forums which is that it does not hate the Other, but rather, itself to the point of it unable to consider crippling solitude without turning it to a joke of having "no gf" or drawing a comic of two fellows you have here in the illustration. These men eat up ideology, shit ideology and make nonsensical machines out of ideology so that they don't see ideology, but an entertaining process of alienation and so on."
If anyone sincerely came to me in real life angry with me that they had fallen into a toilet, I would laugh at them like the child who falls into toilets they are. Its like falling on your ass then blaming someone for not putting a chair there.
>Plop their brappers
For a vacation or something, maybe. But on a normal day-to-day, you should put the toilet lid down before you flush. When you flush a toilet, the bacteria in the bowl gets sprayed over the entire bathroom. Putting the lid down cuts down on this.
why do you keep posting this, phonefag
>using a toilet
some people dont put lids on things like peanut butter. you underestimate slobs.
You only need a single sheet of TP to mitigate splashback.
>old toilet gets no splashback.
>holds massive amount of water.
>law requires it to get it replaced with lower water version later.
>massive splashback.
cant create a cannonball if you're almost already in the water.
Anyone else play the game where you squeeze your poopie out hard and try to make it disappear instead of float back up?
I do this too, I am angry at the world and have no real purpose.
It's like sticking your dick in the water so that it doesn't create noise
That's only true if you have hydrodynamic poop
>toilet ordinance shills.
So there's a toilet in London made with one way mirrors for walls. Could you shit in it?
i would jack off in it
same, amigo
I want to build a one way mirror toilet but the mirrors are pointing the other way and there's no way for the person inside to see what they're getting themselves into
I can totally see there being some comedy movie where people are looking at themselves in the outside mirrors, then some flying object from the previous scene smashes the glass to reveal a guy pooping and reading a newspaper
I came here to post this
Women are stupid, even if all men would put the cover down, women would sit on it and piss all over the bathroom and blame men for it.
>so much water in them?
That's a perfectly normal amount of water.
t. non-Amerilard
For the record, you always put the seat and lid down, because then when your lazy cunt of a lady doesn't put the lid down, you can justifiably heap loads of shit on her for not doing what you do, at which point, you can establish why you never need to put the seat down because she couldn't put the lid down.
Just call her a lazy whiner who's so stupid they fall in toilets and cry about it. She'll thank you for your honesty.
why are american toilets so large?
that's a fast food chain toilet right
kek, they know their audience
probably had to replace several broken toilets before
Is this commonplace is England? Just random toilet stalls on the sidewalk? Seems convenient desu. Annoying having to go in a store just to take a shit, and some of them won't even let you unless you buy something.
They have urinals that pop out of the ground when night falls. Apparently it's because of drunks pissing everywhere at night.
t.stros shill
The things you find when looking up toilets from other countries. If she complains about the toilet seat being up, buy her one of these.
>holes to piss in pop out of the ground at night.
Do Europeans really spend this much time wondering how I take a shit?
Jesus no wonder you're entire continent is collapsing.
I just put the lid down on the toilet so everyone has to lift it up to pee
holy shit
It used to be common, now they've all been ran over by Muslims.
>woman sits on the lid and pee, all the peegoes bathrooms floor
You know this is what would happen if everyone do as you.
Why I don't clean the bathrooms at my job.
I don't care. Ruin it for yourself faggots
This. It's the only reasonable answer to the whole thing. You close the toilet seat AND the lid before flushing that way shit and piss particles aren't flying throughout the entire bathroom. On top of this obvious advantage it doesn't favor men or women by having 1 having to put a seat up or down.
It's objectively the best answer.
I just piss in the sink like any sane man should. You don't have to aim because it's at the perfect height and you clean up your crime when you wash your hands. Sometimes I leave the toilet seat up just so my girlfriend doesn't catch on.
Just when I think I've reached the ends of Zizek's inventiveness, you encounter something like this
tfw drunk in the early evening and have to wait for this slow fucker to rise out of the earth to piss out your beer
Anyone who doesn't close the toilet lid before flushing is uncivilized.
ugh why do women keep so much disgusting shit in their purses?