what does Sup Forums think of Dinesh D'Souza?

He deserves a nice clean toilet.

literally who

His Anthony Cumia interview is the GOAT

>Dinesh D'Souza?
He's a fraud and degenerate bigamist. Stay well away from his stinky scandals.

I think he actually poos in the loo

>what does Sup Forums think of Dinesh D'Souza?
Despite agreeing with some of his position, as a historian I absolutely hate his guts. He's a massive liar and will bend the truth every which way to suit his agenda

He's done 100 times more for his beliefs, including serving time, than all of you basement dwellers put together.


I thought his America movie made some decent points.

Based as fuck. Part of the sentencing around him was to have him re-educated. He turned around and made a documentary about Hillary being an evil corrupt cunt.

Also, he proves it's better to live next to a hindu, than a dindu.

Are we being invaded? What is up with all those replies.

Strident conservative, but he panders to the worst of the Republican Party (big government "conservatives"). Ultimately he's never not been willing to defend his positions with some form of argument. Which is more to say for most people, even if you disagree with his positions or find serious fault with his argumentation. At the very least he's sticking to his guns.

This is also true.

He was good in harrold and kumar

I haven't watched his latest piece. I can't get over my visceral disgust after watching several of his 'debates' versus Hitchens. Can't respect him after watching him lie over and over.

>Also, he proves it's better to live next to a hindu, than a dindu.

LOL. Or a mudslime. I've always gotten on great with Hindus. Very mellow people, unless you're a Muslim.

That said though, D'Souza is a Christian. Even originally, I think. One of the rare ones from his part of the world.

He seems pretty plucky, to me. AKA based, but somehow plucky fits him better. I rather like him. I didn't agree with every single point in Hillary's America, obviously, as I can't stand black people (though slavery disgusts me, and I feel bad about that, but it was a long time ago, hello.) But still, the movie is a labor of conviction, and he makes a hell of an enemy for Hillary and the Democratic gang. The point about political parties and street gangs having a lot in common is well taken. "Never give up the con. Deny, deny, deny"--that IS Hillary, absolutely.

The basic historical stuff about how the Dems were pretty much the big baddies back in the day, and how ironic it is that now they've repositioned themselves as the party of the negro--I did know that, and the irony never fails to amuse me. Blacks can't into history, so maybe Dinesh will help them out with that. I kinda hope so. I'd love to see them all turn around and kick Hillary in the teeth. She IS legit a racist, so they wouldn't be wrong.


>LOL. Or a mudslime. I've always gotten on great with Hindus. Very mellow people, unless you're a Muslim.
>That said though, D'Souza is a Christian. Even originally, I think. One of the rare ones from his part of the world.
>He seems pretty plucky, to me. AKA based, but somehow plucky fits him better. I rather like him. I didn't agree with every single point in Hillary's America, obviously, as I can't stand black people (though slavery disgusts me, and I feel bad about that, but it was a long time ago, hello.) But still, the movie is a labor of conviction, and he makes a hell of an enemy for Hillary and the Democratic gang. The point about political parties and street gangs having a lot in common is well taken. "Never give up the con. Deny, deny, deny"--that IS Hillary, absolutely.
>The basic historical stuff about how the Dems were pretty much the big baddies back in the day, and how ironic it is that now they've repositioned themselves as the party of the negro--I did know that, and the irony never fails to amuse me. Blacks can't into history, so maybe Dinesh will help them out with that. I kinda hope so. I'd love to see them all turn around and kick Hillary in the teeth. She IS legit a racist, so they wouldn't be wrong.

Checked and couldn't have said it better myself. I saw the movie the other day ... went in thinking it might be a bit hokey, but really enjoyed it. Was getting big grins on my face as he named the Foundation and all. Knew some of the dem history, but learned a lot more in the process.

His movie looks pretty good

I think he just go banned from twitter.

going to give this dead thread a bump or two

Slide in effect, Dinesh's twitter is not working

these fucking names, wtf?

he just gives me hope that not every shitskin necessarily has to be a communist dick suck.

First encountered him on AOL more than ten years ago. He wrote an article denouncing atheism. Some commenter left a comment saying that Dinesh's article made him so mad that he wanted to slap his own mother. Dinesh responded by writing another article asking why atheists were so violent citing this comment as proof.



Our poo overlord. Worship him, and reckon the mud flood as karma for ebil whites past misdeeds.

fucking nufag, just call him a shitskin or a pooinloo