Julian Assange: WikiLeaks Emails Will Prove Hillary Armed ISIS In Syria

Speaking on Democracy Now, Assange said:

So, those Hillary Clinton emails, they connect together with the cables that we have published of Hillary Clinton, creating a rich picture of how Hillary Clinton performs in office, but, more broadly, how the U.S. Department of State operates. So, for example, the disastrous, absolutely disastrous intervention in Libya, the destruction of the Gaddafi government, which led to the occupation of ISIS of large segments of that country, weapons flows going over to Syria, being pushed by Hillary Clinton, into jihadists within Syria, including ISIS, that’s there in those emails. There’s more than 1,700 emails in Hillary Clinton’s collection, that we have released, just about Libya alone.

The new information, if true, would seemingly contradict statements Hillary Clinton made to Kentucky Senator Rand Paul in 2013, in which the Secretary of State denied, under oath, any knowledge of weapons being run into Syria.

>Here's a transcript of the exchange:

Sen. Rand Paul: My question is, is the US involved in any procuring of weapons, transfer of weapons, buying, selling anyhow transferring weapons to Turkey out of Libya?

>Hillary Clinton: To Turkey? I’ll have to take that question for the record. That’s, nobody’s ever raised that with me.

Sen. Rand Paul: It’s been in news reports that ships have been leaving from Libya and that they may have weapons. And what I’d like to know is, that annex that was close by, were they involved with procuring, buying, selling, obtaining weapons and were any of these weapons being transferred to other countries? Any countries, Turkey included?

>Hillary Clinton: Well, Senator you’ll have to direct that question to the agency that ran the annex. And, I will see what information was available.

Sen. Rand Paul: You’re saying you don’t know?

>Hillary Clinton: I do not know. I don’t have any information on that.

It's common knowledge we armed ISIS. Why is this being considered some kind of breaking news?

Will the emails provide compelling evidence both to voters and to prosecutors?

Trump should run with this

I honestly wonder how this will end up.
The DNC will not be able to change their choice, since Hillary was so tightly nit to be theirs in that if she goes down the rest will drop with her.
Bernie has been shown to be a backstabber and a commie so he can't replace her.


Compel prosecutors to do what? Nothing illegal took place.

As for the common voter, they don't care about this, they just vote based on identity politics.

I doubt anything legal will come of this. Hillary has too much shit on everyone in Washington to be prosecuted, even if Trump is elected.

However, this is the kind of shit that should cost her the election in a sane society. Maybe when the emails are dumped, some of this shit will finally stick to her in the eyes of the public.

People already seem to have forgotten about the corrupt DNC forcing Sanders out, though, so I guess we'll see.

But she has no intent, so she won't get arrested.

Because the news doesn't report on it. Because the media is in the DNC's pocket. This along with the clinton foundation bribes needs to be talked about non-stop so people can not ignore reality anymore.

ISIS? Not really, some rebels groups with shady connections? Yes.

A lot of this is in stuff that was already released.

What you're all forgetting is simply one thing.

US departments aren't run by machines they are run by people.

The message that is now being sent out by Hillary is like Bushs message with the Gulf War, you're with us or against us.
The difference is this message isn't being sent to foreign nations it's being sent and dictated to the American people themselves. Hillary blatantly is saying I own this country, I own its infrastructure I own its resources I own its reputation and I own its people. If you work for the government the message is clearly that she is corrupt and to move ahead you will have to be corrupt too.
Because if you're not, if you're against this direction, then you're a rat and a right wing reactionary.

You guys all Americans had best be wary, a lot of social changes to how government will internally function will come with her and I suspect none of it will be good for honest or patriotic employees.

She's a little Ceaser

But here's the thing

The story will be that she was running guns to rebel forces for the purpose of taking sides in another country's civil war.

If it was common knowledge, people wouldn't be voting for Clinton. Wishful thinking, assuming that Americans aren't retarded.

No, they're fine with it because Assad is a bad man.

She's gonna go to be either guillotine'd or emprisoned.


"pull" here just means to get a copy of the segment. Like "grabbing" a screenshot. That's why they ask for a full transcript too, once the segment is over.


Why isnt she in jail then?

above the law

Assassination when?

It's not about what we know. It's about what we can prove.

It is 100% obvious that Obama's policy has been to create and arm ISIS. But proving such a thing is not trivial.

I hope KEK is with Assange on this.

>they're fine with it because Assad is a bad man

Yeah, Americans are retarded.

>Pizza! Pizza!

Assange has nothing


Hopefully Trumps buddies in the KGB come through this time because the DNC hacks were a yawn fest,we get it Hildog is Schultz's BFF

Rand Paul asked about Turkey, not Syria

Turkey sends supplies to IS in return for oil, my overweight friend.


>People will still vote for her

Democracy was a mistake.

Shills gonna slide this way off

too bad trump's already fucked himself over with the vast majority of the electorate and he's literally focusing on 3 states because he doesn't have enough money to campaign elsewhere!!

your candidate is going to lose miserably and I can't fucking wait

How much are you getting paid to shill here?

>I hope the most corrupt person with the most money from lobbyists wins