These two countries seem to be the most disliked countries in Europe (the most relevant too [France on suicide watch]), but which country is disliked more?
These two countries seem to be the most disliked countries in Europe (the most relevant too [France on suicide watch])...
In light of current events, germany
Sure, call it "muh british bias" but germany has fucked up big time in the recent events
I like Germany, Uk is full of bigots though.
they are both horrible, desu. but britain doesn't force others to import pakis
Nobody likes filthy brits.
Funny isn't it?
Plus germany has more fellow furfags :3
Outside of europe i guess:
you like us only as long as we pay your bills, Costa
Everybody loves Britain Watcha talking about m8
No ones hate UK you dumbfuck (maybe you mean England).
But yes in France, I can confirm, no ones like Germany, disgusting country.
Letting "refugee's" invade your country and increase crime by a magnitude
Everybody hates brits ! When was the last time you left your house or were on the internet besides on /pol mate ?
>He thinks greece has welfare or gives money to people
>They hate us because they anus.
This is not the future that was promised to me.
All of Europe (and the Mid East) needs to be glassed imho.
All of the best Euros already left that continent and Akbarland was never good
People only hate Britain out of Jealously for their continued historical kick assing.
People hate Germany because:
>they have an inferiority complex
>they started 2 huge wars in europe that killed millions
>they ruined nationalism
>they boss other europeans around with the eu
>they're ruining europe again
Germany needs to be divided into Bavaria, Prussia and Saxony. Prove me wrong.
Y-You too
Prussia is part of Poland. Just like it should be.
Saxony, Bavaria, Hanover, Swabia, and Franconia. Just give Schleswig back to Denmark.
1. Germany
2. UK
Germany will always come first.
Except in World War 1, 2 and 1966.
Are you mad because this picture pretty much shows the UK in 2016. I mean ive been in the UK. Have to tell you even if we took 1 million refugees there is still more browns living in your shit country. Sry to tell you that. Oh and what did i hear about thoose sharia police guys patroling and controlling parts of your citys ? Must suck hard dude when you realize that they arent there because they are refugees. They are there because they have a british passport. We can still kick them out. You cant. Life must suck in the UK
Jealous for what ? For you ugly faces ? For you beeing cucked by the countrys you were cucking before ? For what mate ? Your higher muslim population ? You never beeing able to win a war alone ? Your shit food ? Your womans beautifull teeth ? Your shit economy ? Your imaginary leader role in world politics ? What mate tell me more
U.K has civilised hindus (Indians) while Gerministan is stuck with Nice try though Eurocuck
>being this mad
chill out kraut
Germany sucks lol
Why do Germans always go full butthurt like this?
>Your higher muslim population ?
Hindus----> Keep telling that to your self
The UK isn't causing us any problems. Germany and Belgium want to destroy us all. France is just sad.
They are a nation of autists, with no concept of banter or humour.
How precisely? The EU HQ is just located in Belgium, but that's it. They chose Brussels for the same reason NATO did: because we are a non country
wtf is this?
we dont give a fuck what you cucks think
I'd say we're pretty well liked. There are literally people camping out to get in.
The queue is longer than any I've seen for yeezy boost.
Nobodies queuing to get into Germany.
All Belgians I know IRL are EU/Merkel-worshipping cucks. Even more so than the Germans.
>You never beeing able to win a war alone
Better than never being able to win a war at all
>Your higher muslim population
u wot m8
Funny because right wing parties are winning the elections here for over 20 years now. Well at least in Flanders they are, Wallonia is a whole other story...
I love you my European brothers. Soon the trap will be shut on the shitksins and we will exert a bloody revenge.
Divide and conquer: the post
Well no one likes Germans and everyone likes English, but Germany is a lot nicer than England.
Germany, uncuck yourself or burn in hell.
How many times has Britain destroyed Europe, once?
How many uncountable times has Germany destroyed Europe, and they're still trying to right now, at least we're just minding our own business
The UK created the modern world.
Germany is importing the barbaric world.
You're a colony of the Anglo and you're getting owned by savages
We must defeat the eternal Kraut once and for all
Can't we just unite for the moment, kill the invaders and then go back to doing this whole hatefucking thing we (and france) do?
>poo in loos
Mate, I don't know what to tell you, not that our roaches are better.
Also tell me what mint jelly I should order online, can't get that stuff here.
Germany. UK aren't trying to dominate Europe.
I think the most hated country in Europe is The Netherlands because everyone is jealous of our world relevance.
The Netherlands is just the cool friend of Europe.
This, Netherlands is just that friendly, goofy guy who doesn't bother anyone.
What are you talking about? Nothing is hated more than france. And after them its probably Romania
The pendulum has swung, Germany is now more hated than the UK. Glorious.
You can take the germanic out of the forest but you can't take the forest out of the germanic
he is tall
The Dutch are the tallest people globally on average.
I'm 6ft10 and I had a great time there, I could buy big clothes easy.
Germany. They hate the top dog and since the UK left, that can't be them anymore.
Also the whole shitfest Merkel started.
Coming from the Cuckdom of Swedistan, I take it as a compliment.
Oh no you don't you filthy sausages. WE are the most hated in HISTORY. Go drown in your ale you pesky jerrys.
>Can't we just unite for the moment
We should. I have no problems with untanned Germans. The untanned ones don't have a problem with untanned Brits. Both nations are remarkably similar. We just need to see through our nations' Muslim and Turkish shills, and put a stop to their 'divide and conquer' tactics.
Netherland is probably one of the most liked countries in Europe
Wow, you guys have royalty too.
Nice learning about obscure things.
It's not about you being the top dog. People just think Germans are self important twats too which is the truth.
It's not about you being the top dog. People just think Germans are self important twats which is unfortunately the truth.
>implying albania is so relevant that people care to hate it
they only have a pretty gud flag, thats about it.
BREXIT > 1.1 million migrants just in 2015.
Germany can't even lick the UK's boots.
>the most relevant too [France on suicide watch]
[citation needed]
Why would you hate us, sandnigger ? We're not muslim enough ?
Flags of the New Caliphate
Whoah I almost expected a leaf there.
All of that success! Top kek. Read it and weep Hanz. This is how you ACTUALLY win.
>Your higher muslim population ?
>he doesn't know...
Well, its neighbors are (mostly) enemies to Albania. Only thing that bothers me is the fact that the USA would give up their country to save a bunch of sandniggers in such an irrelevant shithole.
I hate germany more, but only because england is a laughing stock
>There's several in my country as well
No, no god pls no
I hate none, this is retarded.
Divide and conquer shill post.
The German people are great but their politicians are scum of the earth.
Most hated countries:
1) Russia
2) Albania
3) Serbia, maybe.
Albanians rage when they're hated like morons and throw random insults. Russians and Serbs rage with actual reason.
who even cares anymore (((they))) do what they want in any country anyways
Germans seem to have a problem with getting behind terrible leaders. They are mindless robots it seems.
Brits are the most successful European country because they value individualism more. You Europoors are more prone to basket case dictators and keep making the same mistakes.
I loved watching Krauts cry when we left the Fourth Reich.
I just wish Northern Germany would disappear so Denmark could become like the British Isles, no need for a wall at our southern border.
The Fourth Reich would be a good thing.
The EU is a (((Fourth Kike)))
find them and kill them
>being a 'proud' kraut
scotland is 95% white. might be cucks in how they view politics but that's a fact.
northern ireland, still highly white as fuck. wales could be whiter.
us english have it the worst. leave my fucking mates alone you dirty rat cunt.
Well, I like Germany.
I like England too, but right now they can go fuck themselves, they've been sabotaging Europe for 40 years, so good riddance and see you knocking back on the door in 20 years from now once you've learned your lesson and grew up into the 21th century.
remove them***
Germany, France and Britain are all disliked for importing terrorism, sweden is just as bad if not worse though.