Is coding like in the movies?
Is coding like in the movies?
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yeah dude i just push them numbers and shit and awesome stuff happen
/r/ing that NCIS hacking webm
it's just like Hackers
>start coding a business solution, like a fucking calculator
>suddenly the room gets all colorful and pounding techno music starts playing out of nowhere
>look to my left, the cute girl over there is decked out in cyberpunk regalia while punching in that spreadsheet data
>boss rolls into the office on a skateboard: "You guys finished with them TPS reports?"
Just another day at Wells Fargo
inlines would be even more appropriate
hackers is unironically the most realistic depiction of coding in kino history
i especially like the acid flashbacks i always get while hacking the cyber
>the best hacker in the world can break into this system in 3 minutes
>I need you to do it in 3 seconds
Sequel when?
It has two already.
You see no coding at H4x0rz. They only edit a file in hex.
>you're fired blastz0ne! hand me over your graphical GUI interface.
>and your OTHER graphical GUI interface
Prequel to Steins;Gate?
No, but a lot of time they are "coding" they are really networking.
Someone post a webm of that stupid movie where hacking is presented as a game and there are warnings like "you are breaking the law" are floating across the screen.
Also someone who really knows what they are doing can fuck you up if they get into your network.
>i know html
What makes you say that?
>character breaking into a system
>has a gui loading percentile
>Character trying to guess someone's password
>Computer reads "Access denied" and "Access granted"
What's the movie where some guy has to hack into something before he blows his load while getting a blowjob?
>anime characters hacks into the mainframe
>smilie faces, explosions, and fireworks all over the screen
this is how most programmers see the world, that is if you're worth your salt that is
It's a tad bit more boring than in movies.
>Password is mother's name
Why would someone program an XML interpreter?
I assume there must be thousands of free libraries for that.
It's not just *an* xml interpreter, it has a specific purpose and it's so easy to write that there's no point in using libraries.
>math equations
also battle royale had a pretty realistic hacking scene
>pic somewhat unrelated
>Visual Studio
>edgy colour scheme
you have to be straight up autistic to code
Name 3 things wrong with it or go home. It's a really good language for large-scale projects.
>Visual Studio
If you're gonna use C# I don't really see any other viable solution
>edgy colour scheme
Dark background is easier on the eyes
Sup Forums '''''''coder''''''' detected.
What makes you think otherwise?
>Name 3 things wrong with it or go home. It's a really good language for large-scale projects.
Hello Pajeet.
I can almost smell the shit that comes from your window, Danesh.
I'm a software developer and yes I'm autistic
Not an argument. I didn't expect you to be able to go more in-depth than meme-spouting though.
Run along now, back to Sup Forums you go.
Sup Forums has really gone downhill and it had nothing to do with Sup Forums. I think people from Sup Forums wanted to find a new hobby after realizing that video games are garbage and all they can really talk about without cracking open a textbook is graphics cards, browsers, wallpapers, and thinkpads and even then they are such sheep that they listen to the groupthink and parrot memes to the point where everyone uses the same programs for anything.
>trying to argue with someone that unironically codes in C#
I bet you like C++ too.
muh pure functions fag detected
>I bet you like C++ too.
Same test. Name three things wrong with it, otherwise just stop pretending you have any knowledge whatsoever and go back to writing fizzbuzz in Haskell or some other meme.
Rustnigger alert.
Or you could answer the original question and I can understand what you mean?
I could write an entire thesis about it you third-world shitskin, but luckily plenty of people have done it in my place already.
But what does the language matter? Surely the finished product is the only thing that is important? If the language/program you are using to code makes your job easier that's a good thing.
As expected, your only response is to post a meme from Sup Forums.
Please lad, just get an actual diploma and start working before you form such firm opinions on programming languages.
Not an argument.
>using the ramblings of a senile technocommunist Sup Forums meme as justification for disregarding an entire language
You weren't even able to name one reason yourself.
It does list only one thing that is wrong with CPP and it's an opinion anyway lel.
Refer to
Yes it is, you fucking luddite.
The only complaint here is that C++ is bad because it's easier enough for beginners to pick up (beginners who tend to have generally bad habits), whereas C is hard enough to keep them away. This basically amounts to "if your work isn't fucking flawless as soon as you start programming then you might as well never try getting into it", which is obviously fucking stupid. Linus Torvalds probably hasn't written so much as a fizzbuzz program in over 20 years and is an elitist prick. Stop taking his word as gospel and actually study this shit so you can form informed opinions.
i would think that indians liking c# would actually hate c++, too much depth
Linus has a reason to not program in a language that he doesn't work in, you don't. You're not even parroting his opinion, you're too lazy to even do that, you just copy pasted a link. I don't believe for one second that you have the work ethic and discipline to actually learn code.
No, the only complaint here is that C++ is a massive clusterfuck of a language that stems for trying to introduce awful OOP abstractions into C, with the result being a juggernaut full of bullshit, redundant libraries and inefficient abstractions.
Kill yourself, or at least stop importing your substandard code to the first world.
not really.
programming is a pajeet tier job.
Makes a good hobby if you're lonely though.
>t. to dumb to learn programming
you're not doing yourself any favors. You will be an obsolete human.
You weren't even able to read the thing you posted and understand what it meant. You're a fucking idiot, but I'll help you.
What is literally stated is that C++ is bad because it has too much libraries that let people write programs that they don't fully understand, since they can just use said libraries to accomplish complicated tasks without having to code them by hand. This, in his opinion, encourages C++ devs to half-ass their work instead of fixing their bad habits.
The bit about OOP abstractions being bad is barely even covered at the end.
I'm serious man, you're just arguing for the sake of arguing because Sup Forums told you that only Lisp and Haskell are good programming languages.
Fuck off already, you're making an ass out of yourself.
It's becoming over saturated that's for sure, although it doesn't take much education to be able to beat most of the "competition"
And why the fuck do you think that retards making code with libraries they don't understand is bad in the first place?
Hint: it isn't because a sense of elitism, it is because those libraries are fucking awful and produce code that's impossible to mantain or scale, which is a large problem that stems from using C++ as a whole.
Libraries aren't the core language by definition, and devs overusing said libraries doesn't make the language bad. To bring me to my final point, you're a fucking idiot.
depends on what you are programming, but you are probably too ignorant to have any idea what's going on in the real world
It's an argument covered in it, but not the only. He wouldn't have a problem to make a kernel in C++ if there weren't other reasons. Codemonkeys' bad habits wouldn't bother him at working on his project.
I find the exception argument a lot better, but that's for kernels only.
Yeah, that's why indians with no school are swarming on h1bs to do it for literal pennies and google tries to school negroes in africa to do the same so they could bring them in 20 years to the US and cut the wages even further.
Because it takes intellect :))))))
There's a reason you're called a codemonkey by the rest of the IT industry. Your job takes no skill and very little knowledge, especially with modern IDEs that hold your hand through the process.
That's why I said it's a good hobby. If you treat it like a hobby - you get high quality outcome from it because you genuinely care about what you're doing. Not because of monetary return you get from it, but because of the mental challenge and helping pro publico bono
saying that every programmer is a code monkey is like saying every people cooking is a mcdonald kitchen guy, what do you do in the IT industry?
Except that cooking is a real art that does require skill.
Fugu-fish, cooking poisonous mushrooms, etc.
Plus is tied to your mom/dad/aunt/grandma cooking THAT meal that you know noone else could do JUST like that.
Wheres the emotional tie, the art and skill all tied in coding?
Programming is also an art that does require skill.
.t has never written a program in his life. Programming is solving problems with a defined set of rules. Creating something with code is not something that everyone can do. It not only requires skill but a talent and certain frame of mind, and a shit town of knowledge.
Thanks for skipping the emotional part out, codemonkeys.
Everytime I code something that works as intended I get a stiffy.
Yeah there is an adrenaline rush. Does that count as emotion?
Almost all hacking in tv and film is actually networking not programming.
Of course.
I get boners from watching porn, for waking up in the morning, for taking a hot bath.
I also get adrenaline rushes from seeing my dog after a couple months or poking out my head of a building's terrace from more than 4 stories.
It doesn't count.
nigga stop fuckiing your dog
dogs lick their dicks and gets stiffies and while actually licking your own dick is a skill, is certainly not an art
trapped animals also hit adrenaline spikes and being trapped is not a skill
>password is just "mom"
Coding is possibly the most soul crushing, spirit killing thing you can imagine. It's absolutely necessary in modern society, but I cannot fathom how IT studies became so popular.
almost guaranteed decent paying jobs, depending on where you live.
No, only hacking