>muh 6 million
Muh 6 million
Other urls found in this thread:
what are you a Nazi?
>muh Sup Forums
got lost on your way to Sup Forums, reddit?
>it's a holocoaster scene
>muh incredibly poorly evidenced conspiracy theory made up of strawmen and non sequiturs
I remember watching this shit senior year. All the bitches were crying and I sat there laughing my ass off. Fucking roaches.
They even had the nerve to call me out on it and get angry but those weak pansies were no match for me as I laughed harder.
"What's that? I can't hear you. You're talking too quietly. Wipe your tears and try again. Did you know Jews are responsible for all the greed and corruption in the world? Every one of those kikes deserved it. Even the Jewboys and girls. They would grow up to be even more corrupt having been raised with the mindset and allowed the time for greed and corruption to build even more. Every Jew dead is one step toward a just society you stupid sluts so shut the fuck up."
The teacher didn't know what to do. She just left the room. At last I had what I have always sought. To stand for truth and justice and have the world tremble before me. This was true power I remember thinking. This is what men die just to dream of.
The weak should fear the strong.
>poorly evidenced conspiracy theory
You got that right
>some jews lied about masturbating machines and rollercoaster executions therefore the entire thing never happened
>i once lied about my life therefore i dont exist
>implying reddit is antisemitic
shoo shoo r/neoliberalism, your posts always give this shill shit away
also fucking antisemite OP, it was atleast 7 billion and that's only counting the ones they gassed
i mean thats not the logic thats being displayed.
but in actual legal proceedings if some of the evidence from a source (witness testimony) is proven or deemed unreliable, the entire conclusion can be called into question.
Oh christ it's real
>some jews lied about six million being gassed and burned therefore six million actually weren't gassed and burned
Yes this is exactly how it works.
good thing there is an absolute ocean of evidence from countless sources that the holocaust happened
noone ever claimed that six million were gassed and burned you cretinous fool, at least try and learn what the holocaust is prior to denying it ever happened
>one witness is unreliable
>therefore all the other witnesses were unreliable too
>some jews lied about masturbating machines
and the humans lamp shades
and the soap made out of people
and getting gassed 10 times
>good thing there is an absolute ocean of evidence from countless sources that the holocaust happened
To what extent it happened is what's questioned -- and they are valid questions, goy.
Oh sorry, 11 million.
>good thing there is an absolute ocean of evidence from countless sources that the holocaust happened
Funny how JIDF always says that and then when you ask for evidence they have nothing.
Then they come back the next day going "mountains of evidence goy" and when you ask them for the evidence they go away. And then they repeat it the next day.
Really makes you think.
Did you know "Night" by Elie Wiesel was largely fictional? I remember being told in school it was 100% accurate.
How much bullshit can you swallow before you realize you're being fed mostly nonsense?
>Actually trying to argue this in Sup Forums
Can you provide me any evidence that gravity exists?
Would I be correct to say that you believe it exists despite your inability to prove it?
you stupid fucking moron
"what are einsatzgruppen"
how is it that holocaust deniers, despite claiming that they want to get to "the truth" of the holocaust, actually know significantly less about the holocaust than say, a reasonably intelligent sixteen year old? could this be a result of getting all of your historical knowledge from conspiracy websites, youtube and poorly formatted infographics posted on the internet?
this is such a common strawman, "HURR BUT HOW DID THEY GAS AND BURN SO MANY PPL THATS IMPOSSIBLE XD" yeah no shit which is why noone ever claims that they did, other than holocaust deniers who make this incredibly stupid claim just to immediately shoot it down and show everyone how smart they are
try your local library genius
So now there isn't evidence but it definitely happened trust me.
>jidf argument tactics
>the holocaust is as undeniable as gravity
I thought they gassed and burned four million in Auschwitz alone, that's what the placate said.
But apparently no one could ever claim that...
The OP of that thread completely misses the point but there is an image posted in the comments that debunks the chart pretty well
why dont you focus on what the fucking historians say you mongoloid, as opposed to an obvious piece of propaganda concocted by the soviet union
>n-no that part was obvious propaganda by the jews
>w-why don't you listen what the jews have to say
Sorry sweeties, but the Holocaust happened :)
Referencing disproven reports (muh leuchter muh ballpoint) or dodgy witness accounts (hmm not like this happens in every event's witness testimony especially a large one spanning a continent and many years hmm?) that no historian takes seriously into their considerations of the Holocaust as it happened
Poor widdle guys... thinking you're advocating some grand hidden truth based on shittily compressed jpegs and groupthink... ;( have to admire your resolve and commitment, however inept, to "truth", but you're embarrassing yourselves
anyway, toodles~...
It was at least 10 gorillion
If the nazis wanted to exterminate entire camps full of people they would have had giant blast furnaces that could have incinerated people in seconds not a few regular crematorium ovens. They were fucking nazis after all and were engineering masters.
>i have never read any actual history in my life and i certainly dont intend to start now
how is it that you can deny the holocaust happened when you are so spectacularly uninformed about what it even is?
good to see you have already started accusing every single historian on earth of being a jew, that didnt take long did it? then again it never does
Satire or are you really just this pathetic?
That's what the historians said for over four decades you fucking mongoloid.
>The weak should fear the strong
>destroying potentially useful slave labour in the middle of total war
Indeed, this
Gravity is more evident than the Holocaust, but the fact that you can't even meet your own standards to prove the existence of gravity is what he's pointing out.
>for four decades
why are you talking about the 1980s, you fucking mongoloid? is it currently the 1980s, you fucking mongoloid? are we living in the 1980s, you fucking mongoloid? was history no longer written after the 1980s, you fucking mongoloid?
>good to see you have already started accusing every single historian on earth of being a jew,
No, just the ones going on about muh six million.
Funny how you were going so much about piles of proof but for some reason there doesn't seem to be any proof in this thread, just jews going on about "there definitely is proof why are nazis so stupid". Almost like I've seen this before....
dumb frog poster
If historians were saying obvious propaganda bullshit for four decades why shouldn't I believe that the same historians are spouting obvious propaganda bullshit now? Why the hell should I believe in holocaust because "historians say" when the same historians sere spouting obvious propaganda bulshit for decades ACCORDING TO YOU.
Was waiting a while for this.
Are you sure?
It seemed like Sup Forums's re-imagining of the Holocaust to me?
>trains bring people to Auschwitz
>they actually get showers before being sent on
>no one is gassed
When did the appeal to authority fallacy become a legitimate argument tactic?
And what about historians that are critical of the shoah?
If gravity didn't exist we'd all be floating out into space, genius
Retard, gravity isn't just "hur we stick floor insted of fly".
>if I shift the argument towards gravity and away from the holocaust then maybe I will win
>No, just the ones going on about muh six million.
so every historian who believes the holocaust happened and that six million jews died is themselves jewish?
the proof is the witness testimony, the hard evidence, the camps, the fact that troops went into the camps and saw what had been done, the confessions of the nazis, the endless historical research that has gone on since the end of the war, and so on, and so on
ffs eichmann freely confessed in exile to the holocaust, he said that history would be hard on the nazis for not finishing the job. they had it on fucking tape, they PLAYED the tape to him at his trial. he freely confessed during the trial too, his defence was that he was just a lackey
why would eichmann lie in his interview with willem sassen? what would he gain from doing so?
they is a fucking mountain of evidence, what would you like evidenced? tell me what you want evidenced, specifically and i will link you literature, articles, whatever
holocaust denying historians are completely blown the fuck out any time they try and peddle their bullshit, for example
>using useful slave labour for your war effort and destroying those physically unfit to use as slave labour
great thread op
>If gravity didn't exist we'd all be floating out into space, genius
Prove it
You ever played a game when there's a section with no gravity? Check and mate.
> English libel law puts the burden of proof on the defence
different user but man that's fucked up
Didn't the allies kill like 3 million germans AFTER the war?
yeh ikr
in fact we get american celebs coming to the uk just to sue people for libel kek
if you are referring to the book "Other Losses", then it is bullshit
They're not so much shit on for their views as they are for their poor methods. Lukacs, Trevor-Roper et al. applauded Irving's accrument of witness testimony but shat on his hasty, partisan generalisations and info presented as factual without evidence.
>the proof is the witness testimony
Oy vey totally gassed five times in masturbation machines.
>the hard evidence
Wow great evidence right there.
>the camps
Every country had concentration camps and they are allowed by the Geneve treaty. There is literally nothing special about camps.
>the fact that troops went into the camps and saw what had been done
Except no one but the soviets went into the claimed extermination camps, no one else saw anything which is why no one talked about systematical extermination of the jews or "holocaust" before soviet jews came up with the propaganda.
>the confessions of the nazis
Tortured nazis who said that they gassed 20 million.
> the endless historical research
Wow great evidence right there again.
>eichmann confessed
When captured by jews saying "sure the big guys did whatever you say, i didn't do it". Mengele said to this dead that there was nothing like said going on.
>they is a fucking mountain of evidence
And you didn't manage to show any.
Why don't inbred neo-nazis deny all the other genocides? Literally every single other genocide has far less evidence than the holocaust. Most historical events too.
>yfw you realize Sup Forums is filled with people who deny the holocaust and also think jesus existed because 2 guys wrote a vague sentence about him
>gravity isn't just "hur we stick floor insted of fly".
It's a major part of it
there are these things called "elliptical orbits" of the planets that tipped astronomers off to the fact that the planets are orbiting the sun and not the other way around.
Without gravity not only would the planets "not" be orbiting the sun, the solar system wouldn't even exist.
>judge's are good historians
Youre allowed to question everything except the holocaust
That's pretty funny.
I did enjoy this bit:
>In 2006, Irving pleaded guilty to the charge of denying the Holocaust in Austria, where Holocaust denial is a crime and where an arrest warrant was issued based on speeches he made in 1989. Irving knew that the warrant had been issued and that he was banned from Austria, but chose to go to Austria anyway. After he was arrested, Irving claimed in his plea that he changed his opinions on the Holocaust, "I said that then based on my knowledge at the time, but by 1991 when I came across the Eichmann papers, I wasn't saying that anymore and I wouldn't say that now. The Nazis did murder millions of Jews." Upon hearing of Irving's sentence, Lipstadt said, "I am not happy when censorship wins, and I don't believe in winning battles via censorship… The way of fighting Holocaust deniers is with history and with truth."
Banning Holocaust Denier is really self-defeating. It's much richer to annihilate them in debate, court or other public forums. Censorship just panders to the neo-nazis.
Because the Armenian genocide didn't happen.
Individual witness testimony doesn't hold much stock, it's fitting all the pieces together from a wide range of accounts. The Sup Forums screenshots are amusing outliers and fraudsters, but that's to be expected. Not only do people make shit up to exploit tragedy they didn't participate in, people also exaggerate the things they actually went through. It's not like pathological liars don't get sent to concentration camps like the rest of us or something.
>It's much richer to annihilate them in debate, court or other public forums.
Almost like it's hard to do that because holocaust didn't happen.
>inbred neo-nazis
It's always ironic when Semites call anyone else inbred
there is no shred of evidence that the nazis were tortured and forced to make false confessions
>When captured by jews saying "sure the big guys did whatever you say, i didn't do it". Mengele said to this dead that there was nothing like said going on.
you didnt even read what i wrote you stupid piece of shit
so i'll ask you AGAIN, why would eichmann do that?
t. Turk
>trusting ((((((((scientists)))))))
And by the way scientists have been wrong in the past and/or lied so that means all science is a hoax and all scientists are lying
Funny how the pieces they picked to the school books were the ones about masturbation machines instead of the pieces where people said that Auschwitz was an ok place and the camp theatre was fun.
*The strong should fear the many
Eichmann is the key to all this!
Illegal to deny Armenian genocide in France and Cyprus, big guy. Some Ukrainians wanted to implement similar policy for denial of the Holodomor. Denying Nanking is majorly controversial in SEA and chinks throw a major bitchfit every time some Jap denies it.
What is this logic? I swear neo-nazis are the dumbest people in the entire history of human civilization. Do you claim Napoleon didn't exist because there's some misinformation about his height out there? Did all of history never happen because every single historical event has some lies and/or half-truths and/or mythology associated with it? Can you show me the list you've made of all the historical events that didn't occur because there's some disinformation associated with them? Surely you aren't so unintelligent and worthless that you only apply this "logic" to one event, and then claim you're an unbiased skeptic, you fucking fat failure.
>jesus existed because 2 guys wrote a vague sentence about him
Bit reductive lad.
>Almost like it's hard to do that because holocaust didn't happen.
It's been done though, since it did happen.
Great jew logic. Can't show ANY proof that anything close to the claimed holocaust happened so you start talking about everything else and claiming that everyone else is stupid.
>prior to his capture
probably because he knew he was going to be captured and the remnant gestapo warned him.
Are you criticising shitty American education or academic historians research? Schoolbooks about most historical events are trash.
>Banning Holocaust Denier is really self-defeating. It's much richer to annihilate them in debate, court or other public forums.
>Le sunshine is the best disinfectant meme
You underestimate the capacity of human beings to irrationally entertain baseless delusions.
See also: the fact that most people on the planet are religious
>Can you provide me any evidence that gravity exists?
Sure, jump off a cliff head first.
Guess who makes the American school books?
There's literally photos of the holocaust, people stopped showing you the proof a long time ago because they realized what you are, which is a 60-80 IQ typical neo-nazi who filters information to always arrive at the same conclusion. Probably everyone here has seen the neo-nazis shills respond to holocaust photos by saying all the bodies are from typhus. You are the absolute scum of the earth and one of the dumbest people currently alive -- not someone educated people care to present proof to. It's functionally equivalent to presenting evidence to a dog.
>it was real in my mind
Have a fedora.
YMMV. Publicly-shaming them has worked well in my experience, as well as in many large-scale cases such as with Irving. Suppressing the topic just feeds the "le conspiracy" types.
>noone ever claimed that six million were gassed and burned you cretinous fool
I'm not sure what to say in response to this.
He may have gone too far in a few places
>muh photos of mass graves
where are the mass graves
No one read about masturbation machines in school, the first time you ever heard about those stories were cropped .jpgs on stormfront. You're a mentally ill pathological liar.
Im open to the idea but can you provide some proof, since we're on the topic?