Huh... how do we refute this solid reasoning?
Huh... how do we refute this solid reasoning?
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the losers of war don't get to decide anything. it's always been that way for inferior people
fuck em, swear we took the idea from you anyway.
Wtf i hate indians now
Just as soon as you do chink.
As soon as all those brownskins leave Europe. As soon as every last somali leaves sweden.
Then I'll happily go back, and I'm taking my empire with me.
memes > history of the american frontier
"""his"""-story is written by white, male victors
fucking stormweenies
They must thank the white people for not killing all of them.
>muh land, white invasor
the indigenous did the same with weaker indigenous people
We better did like Argentina, they killed their indigenous and the problem was solved.
>Buyers remorse: the shiny beads story
b-b-but im native american..
just look at my cheekbones
The best part about winning a war is that you don't have to listen to the loser.
12 years old edgelord detected.
Europe is not yours.
Europeans hate you.
You have no home in Europe.
America is rightfully ours because we build it.
The native americans are just rare zoo animals who generously preserve in our homeland america.
It wasn't immigration, it was colonisation. The injuns tried their damnedest to stop it happening, modern America is doing the exact same, they're just better at it.
bruh I came here 2 years ago, me mum still lives there.
I can go back whenever, and would sure do it provided the browns left.
Then don't talk on behalf of americans the settlers.
Just as soon as your people conquer this country.
Good luck.
Anyone have a picture where a native says "go back to where you came from" and the old dude says "where, north York?"
It's sorta like pic related.
Americans build up the US from the ground up, there was no fucking country and the native american population is massively exaggerated. They picked a war with the settlers which they lost (the war casualties is also highly exaggerated) and then they got their reservations where they could live in the way they preferred. Pretty considerate when you think about it.. Others might have done far worse..
You can't compare it with immigration with an actual nation established with laws borders and infrastructure etc.
This meme is bullshit. If anything it should teach us that we need to curtail immigration as much as possible. Stay in your own countries, make them better.
>using a people destroyed by ethnic displacement as an an example of why we should tolerate ethnic displacement
Why do liberals think this is an argument that works in their favour?
btw. i've seen this stupid leftist meme getting BTFO by actual facts atleast 50+ times on pol but you retards keep stepping up to the plate again and again because you just ignore it whenever it occurs and when pol/acks don't want to do it yet again you count it as if "oh they don't refute it that must mean i'm right" dumbass leftists and their war of attrition with spamming the same stupid arguments 500 times till people get tired of refuting them and then declaring it as victory..
>be against immigration
>Some Listerine chugging paki tells me that that means I should immigrate away from this country
So I called him what he was, a Petrol sniffer.
I hate Indians so much
>Injuns kill other Injuns and take their land
>white people kill Injuns and take their land
>somehow white people are worse because their skin color is different
If that's not racist I don't know what is
>indians move from one area to another and settle there
>Euros move from one area to another and settle there
>racist indians attack whites
mm, I don't hate the indians for fighting for their people.
>be native
>really want mexicans and muslims to come fuck up my reservations for some reason
Native Americans obviously didn't and couldn't have owned every piece of land in America so fuck them.
So when Trump loses you'll shut the fuck up about immigration? Glad to know that.
Kek he won't you stupid cunt
>mfw when jews rig for shillary
stupid goy
O I am laffin
You keep telling yourself that.
WTF I hate typing this sentence n
What are you edomites going to do when it all falls apart?
I know you like to attack us when we're in this state but you're going to die because of nuclear warfare. Just release all that hate and enjoy your kingdom. Time is running out for you.
We got next.
Lol do people not know that native Americans migrated to the Americas from Siberia? They're immigrants too familia. No country naturally had humans in it except for like west africa. Humans migrated everywhere else, so you could make this retarded argument about antone using native fauna. But even that migrated in some way from australia. I mean how can our eyes be real when mirrors aren't real?
You say "When you give the land back to the Europeans you slaughtered and fuck off back to Siberia."
I will and hope you cut yourself when he wins
>emigrating from Asia before recorded history makes you a native
Cool story bro
>thinks he is native to the UK
England doesn't belong to you
The Europeans essentially conquered North America. Sorry Indian, go back to smoking weed or whatever you do.
He controls it, therefore it's his.
England was conquered by Anglo-Saxons and now it belongs to them.
Wtf I hate white people now.
>we did it therefore we must now let others do it to us
We did this kind of moralfaggotry became a legit political argument?
At the end of the day, land has always passed from political regime to other political regimes. It's not necessarily fair, just the way it is. Americas claim to North America is as valid as the Indians from a quasi moral standpoint. It's our word against theirs.
I think in the end the tie breaker is which of the people makes the best use of the land. The Indians spent thousands of years chasing buffalo and living in teepees. White man came, colonized and built a first world country with industry and commerce and law. Considering what we've done with the place, I think we've more than earned the right to squat here for a few centuries.
Lake Erie can no longer support organic life. How did you manage to fuck that one up?
when we became a society of "muh fee fees"
I didn't know the maintenance of Lake Eerie was criteria for controlling the continent.
Same as pic related, fuck all of the "original owners" they were never going to amount to shit and if they were they would have had more than fucking sticks when the superior race came along and stole their shit
Ignore it! there was no choice in the matter whites won suck it up. OR the Aboriginals can go back to where THEY came from!
Freedom Ain’t free. The tree of liberty and freedom gotta be litterd with the blood of Patriots. Barack HUSSEIN obama aka “B. O” is not my presidnet. he is Islamic gommunist and probbaly kenyan as well :DD. ADAM and eve not adam and STEVE ok. praise jesus.
what the fuck are you talking about? If it can't support organic life, how is it full of organic life?
t. someone who lives a 20 min drive from lake erie.
losing in war =/= losing in democracy
I think we've fucked this place up beyond repair.
The only possible way to defend ourselves is to advocate no borders and no private land.
Anything else and your a hypocrite.
sorry chief, are you like 10 thousand years old?
Salty injun detected.
Europeans didn't immigrate into America, they conquered it.
Right of conquest is a right that has been established since the dawn of time.
this is just proof why you shouldn't let immigration happen
it never turned out good for the country involved only for the immmigrants
Once you've been an inhabitant of a place so long that evolution does its thing and the generic name up of a peoples adaptes to their surroundings, id say they are no longer migrants.
Found the nigger
They didn't even have any borders.
Because native americans weren't an independent country.
They established their territories by rules of war, and by rules of war they lost them. It's that simple.
No refunds motherfucker!
Half of all democrats supported Bernie and Hillary literally stole over $200 million from them lol. You honestly think they're going to show up to the polls in Nov? Nah
I guess you spic niggers can come here but Im not fuckin paying for you. Thats why I cheat on my taxes
>because weren't an independent country
are a Latin Americans this retarded?
Jesus Christ.
>Not understanding why countries have independence.
>Defending the land rights of native people who defined territory through warfare.
Get our Pocahontas.
Just take out niggers, amerifats, latinos to ships ,and bomb them on the pacific,
you are all cancer
The hell? Why do people still reply to these 1 post bait threads? I'm starting to come here less and less and at this rate considering r3ddit a better website if this trash continues.
Why is that Indian not dead from some minor disease cured/innoculised in the rest of the world for hundreds of years yet?
When do you think natives would've invented any sort of technology without yuro's help?
>are a Latin Americans this retarded?
>are a Latin Americans
>are a
The Indians had no problem with Europeans (and even allied with them) when they were killing rival tribes, so you can fuck right off.
So you're saying that because the Native Americans tolerated immigration, they were taken over and forced onto reservations? Good to know.
And if nobody wants universities?
Manifest Destiny isn't immigration. It's conquest, and you lost.
The weak should fear the strong.
Going to America by white people wasn't and illegal thing to do. Since there were no laws to stop them.
right is that why the actual proponents of might is right actually sided with natives as opposed to your jewish entity?
Srry brah nope
>migrate from mongolia 10000 years ago
>ITS MAY LAND *huffs petrol*
That flag.
Also, agreed. That's what I meant by that.
>organic life
Is there synthetic life? You stupid fuck
How can you reason with brainless bluepilled manchildren?
These are kind of people that are also expecting to go to heaven after they die.
>native Americans were cool with mass uncontrolled immigration.
>how'd that turn out
>colonization was bad for the American Indians, therefore it is bad for any people that are being colonized
>colonization wasn't bad for the American Indians, but it'll be totally different when tens of millions of Mexicans flood illegally into the southern United States
Well yes, because unlike the Americans, *his* ancestors completely genocided the aboriginal population, killing them all.
That makes all the difference, it seems.
We don't hate Americans. It's just that we realize that we have too different cultures to get along living in the same society.
If only we could realize the same thing about certain other groups.
Maybe if those tree niggers had a big ass wall they wouldn't have had an immigration problem in the first place.
Hold up Weeping Meme, Pretty certain you sold the land for some shiny beads. How's that investment going for you?
By saying we will leave when everyone with brown skin leaves Europe and we can go back
being invaded by an advanced society isn't the same as being flooded by third world uneducated pieces of shit that contribute very little to the advancement of society