Himmler diaries reveal daily Nazi horrors!


"Chilling details have emerged about the daily life of Heinrich Himmler, the Nazi SS chief who sent millions of Jews to their deaths in the Holocaust.

The German tabloid Bild is serialising excerpts from Himmler's wartime diaries, recently discovered in Russia.

One day, Himmler wrote, he had a massage before ordering the execution of 10 Poles. And he says he enjoyed a snack at Buchenwald concentration camp.

He also told the SS to train dogs that could "rip people apart" at Auschwitz.

Historians will publish the diaries in a book next year, with background notes. "

I think Himmler was even more evil than Hitler.

Other urls found in this thread:




Everybody knows that Himmler was the craziest one.

Was he the one who believed Germans were actually from Atlantis and created by Aliens or some shit?

whatever fits the narrative - suddenly (((disappeared))) diaries appear what a coincidence. The national political development in Germany urgently needed a shame remembrance. Shame germans - shame.

But dont forget Sup Forums is satire NSA and BND and you other shills and satanists.


>recently discovered in Russia.

At this point is it necessary to provide conclusive evidence, that historic information on the Nazi party is factual?

I mean just take a look at the image I have posted. These stories are used as factual interpretations of events.

Anything (((found))) now, seems to be used solely to push the liberal rhetoric even further.

do u think they will still find diaries 100 years from now?

>Historians will publish the diaries in a book next year, with background notes. "
Oh wow... just as the far-right is rising in Germany because of the rapefugees, Himmler's diary suddenly appears and needs to be published with ((background notes)) so that the reader will make the ((proper)) connections.

>recently discovered in Russia

ye sure

>germans starting to realize that if they don't take back Germany it will be lost forever
>Jews immediately digging up holocaust


I bet it's in ballpoint pen too.

Uh huh.

are you thinking of alfred rosenberg?

>He also told the SS to train dogs that could "rip people apart" at Auschwitz.

"oy vey he also told the SS to train dogs that could gas people right on the spot"

Most of the nazis believed that stuff. himmler was also a neo pagan LARPer

Won't make a difference. Lefties are too retarded to read anything more meaningful than a huffpost headline.

>(((Recently Discovered)))

I think they mean recently forged

The diaries suddenly appear in time for BBC's daily Shoa piece

Since this is the only Nazi related thread I could find, has anyone ever seen a picture of Hitler with his arms exposed? I've only ever seen him wear long sleeves.

well, we occupied a lot of Germany and maybe those diaries with other documents were captured and held in archives. The system of archives is very old in Russia, things like that can happen.

In case the conseravative right leaning part of the society gets stronger and wins spin ofcourse they will find whatever diary they want with whatever message fit their narrative the best. Recent history study is the most biased shit you can imagine. A true historician want severl hundred years of distance between him and his field of study due to political inference with recent history. History is always written by the winner.

>The German tabloid Bild is serialising excerpts from Himmler's wartime diaries, recently discovered in Russia.
(((recently discovered)))

Funny... this didn't come from a college or government website.

Really makes you think.

>in nkvd archives

>execution of 10 Poles

literally know one cares about this

Do you think they'll release pictures of the actual pages in the diaries so people can analyze the handwriting?

I'm sure it's genuine. I mean it says "Himmler's Diary" on the cover so it must be real.

>recently discovered in Russia

yeah, sure

Psycho exploits revolution!
> common guys lets have a revolution like that there Arab spring which most assuredly improved life for women, as the jeans-wearing liberal females who joined in thought it would.

Also Himmler waz a good boi, he didn't do nuthin he just got pent up emotions that justify sadistic violence is all.

>One day, Himmler wrote, he had a massage before ordering the execution of 10 Poles
So, he should never be allowed to relax from time to time? He didn't even execute them himself, what's the problem here?

>And he says he enjoyed a snack at Buchenwald concentration camp.
Should he have starved himself while being there?

>He also told the SS to train dogs that could "rip people apart" at Auschwitz
I take a wild guess and say those were dogs used in war. Of course they should severely damage their enemies.

I don't even like Himmler.

So where's the fucking journal?

Who believes this shit?

>recently discovered in Russia

So, where was the diary for the last 70 years? Pretty convenient that they found it now of all times.

I wonder if Himmler ever watched the games of soccer held right outside Krematorium III

>recently discovered in Russia

>and then we forgave all the german scientists in exchange for their discoveries in the field of medicine, human anatomy and nuclear tech

>recently discovered in Russia.
stopped reading there

No but he was a giant nut for the occult.
Google the "Ahnenerbe"-division.
founded by himmler to collect all kinds of occult, religious and any other kind of spiritual artifact which could posess powers.
Your people, even more than the yanks, were crazy after the caches of the Ahnenerbe.
Thankfully the nazis shipped them off to god knows where after the lost. possibly the arctic with a stop in argentinia.

I bet he wrote about his admiration for the Trump family.

>Accidentally kick the ball into the gas chamber
>Send all the jews in to get it

That clever devil.

You're welcome.

Didnt wear them, because he got frequent injections with nazi grade amphetamines and copious amounts of various painkiller because of all his aches after ww1, especially with his stomach. thanks mustard gas.

>I think Himmler was even more evil than Hitler.
Himmler was a mad dog, a real sadistic fuck
Of course he was worse than the man who, when it comes down to it, only really wanted what was best for his people

Probably a daily inspiration to Trump

"Fred Trump was a great man, we killed many Jews together" - Heinrich Himmler

>One day, Himmler wrote, he had a massage before ordering the execution of 10 Poles. And he says he enjoyed a snack at Buchenwald concentration camp.

>He also told the SS to train dogs that could "rip people apart" at Auschwitz.

seriously asking, whats so evil about this?
did i miss something here?

Do you expect him to wear jeans and t-shirts?
>if at all he'd be wearing Nietenhosen and kurzärmlige Leibchen

Nothing, they are just out of ideas.

No, I just realized that I've never seen his exposed arms and wondered if pictures of his arms exist.


During that game, one of the players kicked the ball so high that it flew over the gas chamber roof and hit an SS guard who was busy pouring the Zyklon B pellets down the vent into the chamber. Unfortunately, it hit the unfortunate man so hard that he lost his balance and fell through the vent and disappeared head-first into the wire-mesh cage below.
Well, they couldn’t haul him out at that stage because the gassing process was now underway. But luckily he was wearing a gas-mask, and so he had to stay upside down.




Himmler was Satanic fucking scum

They dont exist.

Left some work for the Russians.



i mean seriously WHAT

Wouldn't fit the time at all. A head of state has to be dressed formally. Also men either wore Leibchen below which had long sleeves or Unterhemden with no sleeves at all, but then again a head of state wouldn't be photographed in his Unterhemd.

What did he do when it got hot during the summer?

this lol

this is the first thing i thought


>>recently discovered in Russia
>ye sure
amazing how they still discover shit.
like the Hitler diaries they found in the 80's

Oh, you haven't heard? Football games were a thing in Auschwitz. Along with most of the stuff listed in pic related. I am sorry they never taught you these things during mandatory holocaust education at your german school. None of these are lies invented by holocaust deniers.

"Somewhat later a football ground was arranged in an empty lot of sector BIIf, adjoining the railway ramp and the area of crematorium III. Prisoners from the service staffs of hospital blocks, directed by Lagercapo [Jozef "Tato"] Bernacik [prisoner number 15517], did the levelling of the ground. Several football matches were played there, the teams consisting of prisoners from the service staffs of hospital blocks, representants of prisoners from the gypsy camp (BIIe) and representants of prisoners from men's camp (BIId)."

- Smolen, Kazimierz. From the History of KL Auschwitz. Auschwitz State Museum. 1976. p.65.

FKK without being photographed.
invade a cold country
wear Lederhosen for nekkid legs.

>recently discovered in Russia
sounds legit, I wonder how many times Himmler mentioned to kill 6 gorillion juice in his diary.

>Soccer team
Interesting photo you've got there. The men standing beside and behind the team are wearing British tunics and trousers.

>Inb4 JIDF

Isn't it funny how "hidden diaries" have been popping up all over the place about key Nazi figures.

One of the few historians who has actually seen genuine diaries by Nazi figures was David Irving who took the time to befriend the relatives of high ranking Nazi members.

>A head of state has to be dressed formally

correct. the photo is a similar one to the one shown in the daily mail link here

and they are British POWs who were held in one of the Auschwitz sub camps near Monowitz

Let me guess, the "historians" will edit Himmler's notes in the book to make it look more "smooth".

Trachten are considered formal clothing. You southern Bavarians should know that.

Reminder that the world has actually yet to see the actual "Mein Kampf" - As it's currently located in a vault.



I have to ask has anyone done the math.

Like this is feasibly how they killed 6 million of them.

People per day. Amount of gas used. Oven burning times. All that sort of shit?

I'm just curious i don't have a dog in the fight.

>recently discovered in Russia.

Into the trash it goes.

Im sure they will be finding new diaries and and texts describing how all nazis secretly were gay and loved scat porn a hundred years from now.

Its litterally a bad joke.

Perfect knees 10/10

If handwirting could not be faked like anything else aswell. Just look at this guy en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wolfgang_Beltracchi

Even the best expert cant figure out a good fake.

Why is the anal gas pump highlighted?

but is it true?

Fake and gay

Stopped reading right there. Ops a faggot for posting this shit.

well I once tried doing the math using only official sources for the death tolls of all concentration camps. See:

If 1.1 million people were killed in Auschwitz, 800k in Treblinka, 167k in Sobibor, 200k in Chelmno/Kulmhof, 80k in Majdanek, 500k in Belzec and 60k in Maly-Trostenets this amounts to only a total of 2.9 million people.

These were all the death/extermination camps in Poland, btw.

If you add in the victims of all other concentration camps where no large scale (50k and more) gassings took place, and people mostly died out of other causes like disease, attrition and firing squads for disobeying orders, I'd say you'd get another 900,000 or so.

Dachau (41,500),
Mauthausen-Gusen (100,000),
Janowska (100,000)
Buchenwald (56,000),
Theresienstadt (33,000),
Bergen-Belsen (52,000),
Sachsenhausen (30,000),
Stutthof (85,000),
Neuengamme (60,000),
Ravensbrück (30,000),
Flossenburg (30,000),
Natzweiler-Struthof (22,000),
Ebensee (20,000)
Grossrosen (40,000)
Jasenovac (80,000)
Jadovno (68,000)
Sajmiste (15,000)
Soldau (13,000)
Plaszow (8000)
Klooga (2000)
Vaivara (2500)
Lebrechtsdorf-Potulitz/Potulice (1,291)
Vught/Herzogensbusch (749)

So we're sitting at around 3.8 million.

Then you have Aktion T4, where mentally sick and disabled people were killed in nazi hospitals:

Hartheim (30,000)
Grafeneck (9,839)
Brandenburg (9,772)
Bernburg (8,601)
Sonnenstein (13,720)
Hadamar (10,072)

We're now at around 3.88 million

Remember the holocaust death toll is 11 million civilians, of which 6 million are jews. Are you telling me the remaining 7.1 million were all killed out in the field?

We will have to wait until seriou historians and experts have time to analyze the diaries.

Hitler diaries were already exposed as fake once, take it easy.

Everyone has every right to be highly skeptical of this

I know the Warsaw Ghetto uprising/clearing (13,000) and Babi Yar + Rumbula massacre + Ponary massacre + Transnistrian camps and related mass shootings
(33,000 + 27,500 + 100,000 + 250,000) are things we learn about, but no effort is taken to explain the remaining 6.6 million victims. On one hand, we have of
course the "nazi death marches" detainees were subjected to, which happened as a result of shifting fronts and the nazis losing control over territories and the camps therein,
in the east. And then we have 3 million Soviet prisoners of war, who are often also added to the holocaust. And the people who already died in the railcars due to cramped conditions
and so on, before arriving at the camps. We are told that around 1.5 million people were killed by the Einsatzgruppen operating out in the field. Still, 2 million are amiss.

>Nazi craze for 70 years
>I am supposed to believe that they JUST NOW found Himmler's diary
Yeah, likely story.

That one should have been the bigger clue

Aaah the Jewish-Anglo historians wrote another fantasy book about the holomyth

Yes it could be totally possible they had the capacity to kill and gas even more. This is truely nor ironic. They had this killing factory running and the allied knew perfectly well about it even the daily intake of poor souls but they decided not to bomb train rails and bridges necessary to feed the factory for whatever reason. Most likely they just didnt care they didnt give a single fuck about a live taken in Auschwitz and Co. Whether the 6 million is a coorect figure i dont know possible but probably unlikely but lets be honest it is almost equal worse to kill 3M as to 6M. Though 6M fits the narrative better but nothing in comparance to the 20+M russian soldiers who actually died and helped to end the war in contrast to the coward US soldieres who got in war as it was already over and won by and with german technology.

Nothing really. It's just that after you told people they made soap out of the Jews, it is fairly hard to come up with anything more retarded.

3.88 mill is still a lot of peeps though

This still happens to little kids in bangladesh today

Delete this!

Someone had but i dont have the document.

An american expert on the subject even said it was impossible in the fifties or something when he was hired to research it.

Also, the ovens were tiny and could at most fit two people at a time and the time it would take to burn so many people does not add up and there is no proof of where the remains went.

So nationalism is on the rise again in Europe, particularly the German population is starting to realize what a fucked up situation they have on their hands and conveniently we have a long lost diary of a major Nazi figure found in Russia that details horrible twisted shit. How fucking convenient.

In your pic if that's his Jewish grandmother and Jewish mother that'd make the kid a Jew as well.

Anyone interested in this period ought to be happy about the, alleged, find.

I'm still waiting for the Himmler book that Irving was supposed to be working on. I wonder whatever happened to that.


The masturbation machine one always makes me lol

I think it'd be more to influence the revote in Austria after the commies were caught rigging the election.

>recently found in Russia
No proof