>soft, not good for building shelter or weapons
>only has as much value as society gives it. ergo: worthless in a post-apo setting
>might as well stock up on shiny glass shards or pringles lids
When will this meme end?
Other urls found in this thread:
gold is for when hyperinflation happens
You know fats a store of energy right? The people with muscle will be the people who need to have their shit tight. No wiggle room with food
gold is useless in a fantasy apocalyptic scenario. It's pretty useful however during though economic times, especially gold ETFs
Not exactly. When the body goes into starvation mode, fat is the last thing that it will use up. The body will start eating it's own muscle before it really burns away the fat. That's why starvation diets don't work.
>The body will start eating it's own muscle before it really burns away the fat
American education system, everyone
>When will this meme end?
when the jews leave and we buy all their physical property for pennies on the sheckel with gold
during world war II when jews were leaving you could buy 6 city blocks in berlin with an ounce of gold
>you could buy 6 city blocks in berlin with an ounce of gold
I would have jewed them down to a half-ounce.
>being this fucking retarded
>>The body will start eating it's own muscle before it really burns away the fat
>American education system, everyone
But....You know he was correct, right?
>implying you can carry all your food, guns, ammo, water, etc in your pockets
>"ill give you these 30 gallons of water in my pocket for those 400 cans of food you're carrying."
>"ill give you this piece of a gold coin for the 400 cans of food so you can go buy water from the guy over there and ammo from that guy and a new gun from that other guy"
OP will starve and die while the rest of us are doing commerce
>sitting around trying to guard muh gold shekels with...shit, I should have bought guns and ammo instead.
I thought once you hit starvation mode it eats fat and muscle at like a 50/50 rate.
>end of the world fantasies
Even during the great depression society didn't break down. Nor in Weimar's Germany
But if you bought gold before the Weimar hyperinflation, maybe you did ok.
>pringles lids
Bullets, lighters, fuel, water, food. That's for the apocalypse.
Gold is because you don't believe they will honor your pension but that the world will be more or less normal.
Shut up you stupid American.
absolutely. My point is that gold or any form of alternative currency are far more valuable than having 10 AR 15s and 90k .223 rounds
Gold is only useful when there are humans who attach value to it.
In other words, as long as there is a society, gold will be useful. When things REALLY go to shit, ammo will easily replace gold as money. You will simply buy stuff with ammo, since ammo has inherent value where gold does not.
Gold will be useful again once society starts running again.
You only cannibalize muscle when you aren't getting certain amino acids. You can live off fat at an extreme caloric deficit as long as you get the appropriate nutrients. There was a fatty a while back who didn't eat or drink anything but water for a year as part of an experiment, instead the scientists just gave him a couple multivitamins every day and he was fine.
>When things REALLY go to shit
but they never will. Not in our lifetime for sure. Even if law and order would break down, others would sweeps in and restore peace. Others means either Russia or the US
It goes without saying that a fat person has more energy to burn through. Im not sure whats more efficient fuel for the body, though, muscle or fat.
First Buy Silver the increase gain by multiples if far larger
Second Obviously food and seeds and ammo are needed too
Third humans will rebuild after the economic crash starting this month, we won't tolerate no internet as a species for long at this point
If any one feels like take a chance on a good investment Hold onto a bitcoin for 5-10 years
The thing is that it will hold value LONGER than money will. Things don't generally get full blown TEOTWAWNI instantly. It takes a little time. Then you use your gold to trade to people for helpful resources before it loses its value.
Gold and dollars only have value because people trust that they have value, SHTF and then some fella decides to refuse gold payment not trusting that he can buy shit with it, wat do
Had to look this up for myself.
>Fun Fact: In 1965, a severely obese man starved himself and survived off his body fat for 1 year and 17 days. He was continually monitored by University of Dundee medical staff in Scotland who only fed him yeast, multi-vitamins and occasionally potassium for his heart. They kept their eye on his condition and took routine blood tests. After all was said and done, he had dropped from 456 pounds to 180 pounds. He was weighed again 5 years later and had only put on 15 pounds.