French script translator back for you ! AMA.
French script translator back for you ! AMA
>mfw people have to argue about which Star Wars movies are the best instead of just enjoying all the awesomeness
hello / bonjour,
What yoda says to rey in cave ?
que dit yoda à rey dans la grotte ?
Précisément ?
Merci ;-)
dumb frogposter
Hey ! I've answered it in the other thread. He has a monologue, very similar to the one from ESB after Luke fails to lift his X-Wing. We just hear is voice.
In the first act we have :
attack the q'dar's base
kylo and snoke
rey and luke
nothing else ?
Based raylan poster
Does anyone important die in episode 8?
Yep, but a lot of things happens.
maz is on canto bight ?
As-tu réussi à retenir quelques répliques aujourd'hui ? Ou de décrire en détails une scène ?
est ce qu'on verre ezra bridger? est ce lui le personnage de dj?
>instead of just enjoying all the awesomeness
Hasn't existed since RotS.
>mfw the obnoxious frenchfags communicate in their moonspeak as soon as they realize OP is French
They're such petty little shits, no wonder they always lose wars
(si je réponds en anglais ça va ?)
The first scene between Rey and Luke. He asks "Who are you", and she says she is with the Resistance. Luke don't want to do anything with them, and says she can keep the saber. Rey tries to convince him, but fails.
nope !
AOTC is the only meh one, but the magic is still here.
what is the first training of rey with luke ?
Who is snoke?
does Finn infiltrate the empire? oops the first order
Why does Rey run in the night with his lightsaber? (like in the teaser)
Rey have to meditate, and to lift some small rocks with the force.
We don't know yet, but he is really old and powerful. We know nothing more than in TFA.
Some persons from last thread already talked to me about that, but I didn't heard of it. Like I said, we miss a big part of Act 2.
She's running to Kylo Ren.
Concrètement, qu'est-ce que tu peux nous apporter de plus que les rumeurs là ? :D ...
tell me about the force sloth, why does he haunt the sea?
(en anglais, pour les autres)
Luke doesen't want to train Rey at first. He wants to end the Jedi, like he said in the trailer. He makes up his mind after some time, when he feels that the Resistance is being attacked on D'Qar. By the end, both of them feels when the Resistants & friends are in danger.
He's a big sloth (outside memes, there's no big info on it btw)
T'avais promis de nous apporter des répliques pour prouver la véracité de tes propos... Là, t'es au stade 3 de la maladie d'alzheimer... :D
Which part of the script did you translate today?
je sais, j'ai quand même quelques lignes qui m'ont marqué comme ça.
"Don't you turn you back on us !" Rey to Luke.
"Here we go again" Kylo to Rey.
Poe is the one who says "I have a bad feeling about this".
Luke says "May the force be with you".
you need to go back
We didn't start the translation actually, we started the "process".
To start, we read the script and talk about it at work only, about how we're going to translate some things.
Pas de "bonne" réplique dans le film ? Finn fait encore des blagues nulle ?
"all of the awesomeness" has been very sporadic though. with ep 5 and 6 being great. then a gap, followed by battlefront/kotor and the animated (cartoon not 3d) clone wars series. then ep. 3. and im still waiting.
why is she running to kylo. what can you tell us about his character ark in this movie, given what you know?
plus ou moins, comme dans le 7.
To translate, there's very few memorable lines that stays with you, like in TFA and RO.
thanks for the laugh
because when Kylo and the KoR arrives on the planet, she is on the other side of the island. She starts running after she sees the ships. When she sees Kylo in the distance, she lights up her saber.
Est-ce qu'on voit Snoke en chair et en os ?
Et du coup il y a 2 duels ? Comment se termine le premier sur Ach-To ?
Est ce que l'on voit la planète mère du premier ordre ou bien seulement le vaisseau de Snoke ?
Oui. On le voit pendant le premier acte principalement, et on le revoit à la fin. Il pourrait être au milieu mais j'ai pas tout.
Ouep, deux duels. Le premier se termine après que Kylo arrive presque à bout de Rey, qui est suspendue au bord d'une falaise, et que Luke arrive lentement. Kylo fuit, mais il a gagné son duel contre Rey.
Le vaisseau de Snoke.
I'm sorry I don't have much time today, I already have to go, I'll come back tomorrow at the same time !
Dans les leaks publié sur le net, il y a forcément des faux. Toi qui a eu accès aux vrai infos, tu sais nous éclairer la dessus ?
MSW et SWNN ont pas mal de trucs bons même si parfois c'est pas toujours juste, Mike Zeroh c'est du fake sur toute la ligne.
Thanks ;-)
You said Kylo was more conflicted than ever in this movie. How do they show it?
op is gone
is political situation ever explained? what happened to the republic, why empire still exists and how they had resources to build starkiller base, why only weak resistance was fighting against first order and republic was just sitting on their asses, which faction is stronger? is anything explained? also why Luke doesnt want to have anything to do with resistance? why he just gave up and let empire regain their strenght, its very much against the character
how the fuck did they not make you sign an NDA
She should wait to ignite the saber, that's gonna drain the battery
Also I don't believe you
got any proof or absolutely nothing at all, as usual?
I'm back ! AMA. I was trolling the whole time.
How does guy die