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why give a fuck. We're irrelevant and safe, they're relevant and unsafe. I'm fine with that even if they think calling others Eastern means bashing somebody
You're Eastern Europeans. Living on German clay makes you as much 'Central European' as Mehmet and his 15 children in Berlin
K Polan, I'll stop. Now calm down, you're gonna have a stroke.
You have to be a first world country to be considered Central Europe.
Sorry, Jacek.
>Living on German clay
No such thing as Germany.
Artificial state created by Jewry in charge of US, UK and the Soviet Union.
>Central Europe
Anything soviet is eastern.
Then again I've heard people say austria is eastern europe too.
>"""ger "man" """ clay
Doesn't exist
If you're east of Germany-
Then you're a Slav.
Who cares either way OP?
It's not like you're a noggy nog.
T. Cucknadian
You have to be white to be considered first world, Mohammad.
Romania is also central Europe. But I'm pretty sure Eastern is just a meme term for our meme countries.
>You have to be white to be considered first world
Agreed, and this spells bad news for you.
What German clay?
Why so many retards today?
haplogroup map in 3, 2, 1 ...
>a fucking leaf
Really makes you think....
So, That's why Hitler tried to take Poland and Austria to make central Germany.
You are Eastern Europeans who were sent to ex-German territory when the Soviet Union annexed Eastern Poland.
Britain is the centre of Europe.
You are so much eastern europe it aint even funny.
You couldve just happily become germany and be part of central europe.
but nooo you rather scrub UK toilets and live in extreme poverty at home.
You make good vidya and good women tho.
>Putting us together with Germany
We liberated you you ingrateful fucks.
We should have just left you. Obviously if you just give your country away to niggers you never had any right to it.
Just surrender to Germany already
>Britain is the centre of Europe.
Britain is the colostomy bag of Europe.
Much like Romania.
>Slavshits thinking they are better than other slavshits
You are Eastern. You are poor. You are untermensch. Get over it.
I was just memeing bro, I am eternally grateful for removing the "German" memelords. Xxx leafbro
>Nether regions tries to banter
>gets their shit pushed in
Just like in real life
>you are poor
You know what's really funny?
After Germany allowed Poland to join the EU, Germany insisted on a moratorium on free movement for Poles because they wanted to reduce the strain on social security at the hands of Polish welfare leeches.
But when hundreds of thousands of shitskins amassed at Europe's borders, we let them in no questions asked.
In the eyes of the EU, a shitskin has considerable more value than a Pole
*looks at wages and living standards*
Nope, you are certainly Eastern Europe.
>Central European
The origins of this term is literal Polish propaganda, fueled by eternal "slavs aren't dindus" butthurt.
It's a term that's respected by 0 academics or anyone with even the slightest knowledge regarding geography.
Although I will admit it's very adorable seeing every slavic nation east of Russia claim "central" status.
it all looks the same to me
Polacks and Romanians can at least be exploited as cheap labour force.
tnx bb
Polacks? Some of them.
Romanians? Literally no.
fuck off slav
Did you even saw Warsaw?
>Did you even saw Warsaw?
No, but I have seen pictures of Dresden back in the day and of Detroit now, and I can draw the necessary conclusions.
Is it a "Germans throw stones from their glass house" thread?
Everyone knows eastern Europeans are 2nd rate Europeans.
>Is it a "Germans throw stones from their glass house" thread?
It's "in", not "from a glass house", so no, it's more of a "A German schools a mono-toothed Britbong on the correct use of English" thread.
No, we are center. You are left. Period.
Just because your borders migrated in WW2 doesn't make you central european.
No you stupid fucking tit. You're throwing stones at other people, not are your own glass house. The expression is meant to convey that they might throw something back but, because you live in a glass house or "meme country", the entire structure is in danger.
Literally just google Warsaw
It doesn't look anything similar to what you posted
>north america
shitpost in full force today, huh moite?
>it's a Germans actually do have a sense of humor thread
>he's as good at speaking his mother tongue as he is at brushing his teeth
And Ireland, Greenland and Spain
absolutely correct
pick one
You are east of the center of mass though.
The expression is "If you live in a glass house, don't throw stones."
i.e. don't insult other people if you've more to be insulted on.
I will much rather be eastern Europe than central with germoors
PL?? iten pls kurwa XDD
I hate poles online, but then again Swedes are the same online.
Slavs = Eastern Europe
Deal with it
Turkey is not Europe
Yeah, keep brushing that tooth.
>If you are not NW/N/W/C you're not a true white country
Wrocław a.d. 2016
Nah, Swedes are bro-tier both online and offline, never met one I didn't like.
I also have a soft spot for Danes.
>40 years with communists
You conveniently forgot that part
Sure thing, Indonesia.
Welcome to the 1970s.
I'm impressed. Now clean my bathroom.
A slav is a slav, is a slav, is a slav.
you're all shit.
It's not about geographical divide, Polan.
It's about divide into loo users and loo cleaners
EU funded gibs lover
Fuck off. Your capital is made from UK, Germany and French money.
You would be NOTHING without free money
That's a fail m8, update your maps.
i think a little more slavic blood is the main reason for austrian girls being a lot cuter than (north)german girls.
and i strongly suspect that it helps with german angst&faggotry as well.
how about a nice cup of slavic DNA, axel?
Why are Poles so full of inferiority complex?
Still depressing as fuck.
Ours are much better
Anything east of east Germany is Eastern Europe
still shit
Why is everyone in the UK so mean to polish people? Do then not like clean bathrooms and cheap kurwas or something? Or is it just because they're the only ethnic group you're allowed to not like?
>tfw Western Europeans go extinct, whites go extinct
>inb4 islands
eh, I guess.
>tfw Austria is actually Easter European too
Because they're fucking degenerate
Seriously. Poles are the fucking worst. They're the niggers of europe.
Germany and Sweden bro-tier. Wew lad, it is known that cucks converge together.
Because they're basically white aboriginals :^))))
Do you have a pic for pre 1914?
Yeah irrelevant because despite being white its poor, no job opportunity and horrible depressing climate. Nobody WANTS to move there. Your people flock to the UK just to clean toilets its so bad. Not something to be proud of.
all slavs are counted as eastern european..
>"slavs aren't dindus"
More "fuck you, Russia!"
They're also left-voting feminists - at least when they come here. Just another subversive third column.