The Kikes are YEARS ahead of us

Gather round, children...let me tell you of the latest news of Jewish faggotry.

Chem Trails are poisonous white clouds left behind by jets when they are in the atmosphere. Jets are painted with a paint called Desothane CA8000, which is produced by a Jewish ran company.

The Jews put certain chemicals into the paint, which turn men into feminine faggots

Planes get hot due to their jets, and melt the paint on the exterior near the exhaust of the jets, melting the paint and flinging it behing, leaving (((VAPOR TRAILS)))

This said (((vapor))) falls to Earth and coats to our skin and binds to our DNA, leaving our DNA bound with a "gay gene", explaining why the millennials are the first generations to be openly gay..they are also the first generation past the bomers to be fully exposed to the gay DNA.

Now, the reasoning:
The Jewish want to turn all of the men gay, so we cannot breed. They want us to die off so it's easier to enslave us as their thralls.

They will force us to work, build pyramids, and listen to their greatest musical achievement, Adam Sandler.

They've already infected our DNA, it's game over fellas. Only thing we can do is to enjoy pork while we can, and prepare for the future by learning every word of that sloppy-joe song

Other urls found in this thread:

But there is nothing wrong with being gay user~

I really think its porn and fapping that is emasculating men of today. Of course that is also pushed by Jews.

Transpersonal psychology is able to cure sexual deviants.

It's a more experimental field but it works pretty much all the time.

And the fact that it cures sexual deviants just shows that it's a disease in their mind.

Pilot here. Can confirm, all planes are equipped to produce these. Even the prop-planes, we have a special chemical dispensing system you have the check before takeoff, then engage at 3500 ft. It's not as big as the jets so it doesn't leave a visible contrail.

The wonderful thing about being a private pilot though is that they give you the pills to counteract this shit. The vapor can be unbound at any time, so as long as you ultimately become a pilot, any earlier damage can be reversed. That's why we do it, and that's why pilots are usually so successful with the ladies.

Because our DNA is pure.

Voi vitun hurrit saatana

Is this an everyday thread now?

Hormones in drinking water because of contraceptive pills and hormones in processed food turn males into semi-females.

>wanting a hairy, dirty asshole around your cock
>wanting a cock inside your dirty and hairy asshole
>not wanting a clean, shaven, fresh, tigh girl pussy
>not wanting to see a delicious qt moan in satisfaction
>not wanting a qt to moan how hard she wants it
>not wanting a qt to look you straight into your eyes as she sucks your cock
>not wanting a qt who begs you to dominate her tight little ass
>not wanting a qt to lick your cum off the floor
>not wanting a qt to ride while she kisses you and caresses your chest
>not wanting that good feel when dominating a qt and you feel as manly as it ever gets

why are faggots so...fucking....i dunno...i have no words why pic related is a turn-off to some """"""men"""""

I´d say you are mentally ill

The FAA must be slow to adapt. CASA gives us the vaccine.

You don't say.

Do "da joos" paint subatomic particles too?

Sup Forums has been under massive shilling efforts since the DNC started. All these pointless one-line threads...

>greatest musical achievement, Adam Sandler.
greatest musical achievement, Adam Sandler.
>greatest musical achievement, Adam Sandler.
greatest musical achievement, Adam Sandler.
>greatest musical achievement, Adam Sandler.
greatest musical achievement, Adam Sandler.
>greatest musical achievement, Adam Sandler.
greatest musical achievement, Adam Sandler.
>greatest musical achievement, Adam Sandler.
greatest musical achievement, Adam Sandler.
>greatest musical achievement, Adam Sandler.
greatest musical achievement, Adam Sandler.

I really wonder what's in chemtrails. And I'm always amazed by the fact that nobody seems to notice them. Here sometimes planes draw a perfect grid in the sky in less than 10 minutes and yet nobody seems to wonder why so many planes are going in so many directions in so little time in an area that has no civilian flight path.

Ah, Sven, maybe you're right after all~

hold on OP im tweeting all of this to rush limbaugh can you please give me some more sources

really makes you think

There's a gas that makes men want to get their dick covered in shit?


You think all of us are completely dedicated to this thing? If you just started handing out the vaccine willy-nilly, you'd have pilots spilling the beans at every turn. No, here we reserve that for those who have proved their loyalty, generally by turning over anyone who even thinks about blowing the whistle.

Once you've thrown a former friend of yours headfirst into a jet-turbine as the mandatory punishment, there's no coming back from it anymore.

>And I'm always amazed by the fact that nobody seems to notice them.
Plenty of people notice them. People just either don't care, or are better educated about weather.

Millennials are certainly gay. I just began a new degree at university and the first person I made friends with was a tranny.

OP Here, new development!!!!


>The Jews put certain chemicals into the paint, which turn men into feminine faggots


What's the fucking pills then?

If you're a pilot, and you're not meming us, you gotta tell us man


>better educated about weather.
Educate me then, why did they suddenly appear in the mid 90s?

wtf I hate nazis now

You can shave an asshole too
you obviously dont know that

>Gather round, children...let me tell you of the latest news of Jewish faggotry.
>Chem Trails

stopped reading there

You really are dumb faggot, go charge tanks with horses.

OP here btw.
>Jews breath the same air we do
>Jews breath
Good goy, you my friend have ate the sliced bread.

The vaccine isn't willy-nilly. But we use "helicopter haircuts" as the test, because jets are pretty rare and way too expensive here.

>appear in the 90s
>pic related from WWII

This board is so shit


These are the threada which make me think pol is just like a huge monty python sketch

Jews dont breath
shouldnt you be on /x/ ?

no I got banned for posting an s/fur on /x/

You got banned because you exposed the lizard aliens who rule over us fäm. Its not the kikes its the ayyliens

How the fuck would I know that? I'm just a pilot, I'm not a chemist! They're white little pressed pills, not capsules, that's about all I know.

If you want to quit being a fag, just head down to the airport and start taking pilot training. Once you get your VFR, someone will mention something about a CVD rating. ASK THEM ABOUT IT. That will start you down the path to operating the Chemical Vapor Deposition system.

If you don't, and you don't get inducted into the program, your plane will mysteriously experience total structural failure and your body will only be identifiable from dental records. What do you think causes small plane crashes to begin with? The things are ridiculously structurally sound, they don't just fall apart mid-flight for no reason.

Thank you brother Sweden, death to the ayylien kikes!

actually, they do breath, but their big noses filter out the harmful chemicals


>Thank you brother Sweden


You can see Chad's cum around her mouth, the will to divorce-rape you in her eyes, and you can smell her disgusting HPV infested roastie that will give you throat cancer if you even look at it for a second.

Contrails and chemtrails are different, user. Contrails look like that but stay for a few seconds in the sky. Chemtrails can stay and expand for 10-20 minutes, sometimes more. I'm 28, user, I looked at the sky since I was a kid, and I loved looking at planes.

At no point during my early childhood I've seen the sky look like pic related. Now it's like that all the fucking time.

As much as I hate faggots and kikes, this is pretty dumb. Unless you can explain how jews magically don't breathe it and become faggots, I'd say you should probably go to /x/

Chem trails retards are hilarious

>Planes get hot due to their jets, and melt the paint on the exterior near the exhaust of the jets

No... they don't.

anecdotal evidence

Differences in atmospheric pressure and temperature as well as the altitude of the plane cause contrails to take more or less time to disperse.

>Gather round, children


Lmao Sup Forums will believe this

Yes, they fucking do.

You try to redpill then, cunt.

You fuck right off you Commonwealth cunt, sad that POLAND was the best thing that ever happened to your country

you're obviously just trying to make all conspiracy theories seem absurd, specifically with regard to Jews.

but as to your extreme argument: those same planes fly over Israel.

Chem trails are mostly ice particles, but there should also be some trace jet fuel and decomposed jet fuel.

Cold outside?

>fapping was invented when Unix was first released

don't think so lad, it's not the fapping that does it.
it's chemicals.

>Contrails look like that but stay for a few seconds in the sky. Chemtrails can stay and expand for 10-20 minutes,
Yea? Why is that? In meteorological terms.
>I'm 28, user, I looked at the sky since I was a kid, and I loved looking at planes.
And i'm sure your memory is infallible, but you're assuming the laws of physics have changed since you were a wee bearn.


That was the worst thing to happen to us. They are the lowest forms of life in Europe.

>anecdotal evidence
You can observe it, user. 20 planes drawing parallel lines in 15 minutes and then, nothing. You can just stay there and watch, or film it. Those aren't commercial planes, as they're not using any regular flight path. I see it all the time, usually early in the morning. It makes no fucking sense.

Contrails and chemtrails are different things, whether you believe in the existence of chemtrails or not.

>Yea? Why is that? In meteorological terms.
Are you telling me that the nature of the atmosphere or jet engine technology have changed significantly since I was born?

>you're assuming the laws of physics have changed since you were a wee bearn.
I'm not. I'm noticing something new and I'm not convinced by the official explanations.

>Contrails and chemtrails are different, user.

No, they are the same thing. The reason some seem to stay longer than others is because of something called TEMPERATURE. the higher you go, the colder it gets. a plane's contrail at 10,000 ft isn't going to stay as long as a plane's contrail at 30,000 ft. Just like your breath at 40F isn't going to be visible for long as it will at 25F. It doesn't matter what time of year it is, it can be 90F at ground level, but at 30,000+ ft, it can be below zero.

Also, the reason they look like grids in the sky is because of something called AIR CURRENTS. You take a plane and fly it over, then another 5 minutes later right behind it traveling the exact same altitude and path, the wind will have pushed the original plane's contrail away from the point it originated in the direction the wind is blowing at altitude.

>Are you telling me that the nature of the atmosphere or jet engine technology have changed significantly since I was born?
I am absolutely not, you apparently are.
>I'm noticing something new
You're noticing something which has only recently been pointed out to you.

>listen to their greatest musical achievement, Adam Sandler

Sup Forums is majority jailhouse gay
ever wonder why heterorsexual furfags literally don't exist and everyone is either hardcore gay or "bisexual"? It's because the men who think like them are all they have left

there's plenty of right wingers who drown in pussy but not many go on Sup Forums


And while I'm dropping some knowledge, I'll tell you the reason people believe this chemtrail (or any other conspiracy) horseshit.

They pick this shit up because their lives are so fucking boring, that they have to spice it up by jumping on the outlandish bandwagon. Deep down no one believes this chemtrail shit, but it's the only excitement they have in their miserable lives and they get offensive when you point out how dumb it is/

Jews are space gods
Bow down to your gods :^) you fucking scum
>you will never be as cool as jews
I sure do wish I could have been born a hypergod space jew

user, you want real happenings? You must expose Central Banking and Money Printing.

That will send the Elite Class into a frenzy that is almost never seen by us normal folks and they will start World War III to cling to their grip on power.

Tell all working men of all colors about the Money Printing scam. Instruct them to keep making products and money but to spread the word on how unfair a Central Bank with the sole authority to print money is.

The Central Bankers will have no safe spaces once all their workers and house servants know the score.

hes memeing you fucking tard. Commercial Airline pilot here.

I know this thread is bait but there are people who legitimately believe in chemtrails. H2O is a by-product in combustion of jet fuel. If the atmospheric conditions are correct (temperature, moisture content and due point) then the water droplets begin to condense and form clouds.