who fancies starting an island state here once venezuela collapses?
11.8452° N, 64.6096° W
who fancies starting a democracy here once assad collapses?
drugs tho
No internet access saged
Great idea, America should bring more democracy to these countries so Europe can get flooded by even more shitskins for the 20th time
Wifi island?
looks like wifi signal island
Islands suck ass. Everything corrodes- EVERYTHING. And shipping costs are high
DONALD: Hello Ted.
TED: Donald! Donald, it's been too long.
TED: I know, I know. You're just overwhelmed with emotion.
TED: Fifteen years - seems like only yesterday.
DONALD: I guess that's a perspective thing.
TED: Hey, doing time for the family is no piece of cake,
TED: but the family looks after its own, ok?
TED: So, how'd the deal go down - you sitting on some Delegates?
DONALD: Look Ted, we were set up. The deal was an ambush.
DONALD: Jeb and Carson are dead.
TED: You better be kidding me DONHALD. Tell me you still got the delegates!
DONALD: ...no Ted...I don't have the Delegates.
TED: Those were my Delegates, Donhald, MY DELEGATES!
TED: You better not be screwing me Donhald.
TED: because you know I'm not a man to be screwed with!
DONALD: Wait Ted.
DONALD: You have my personal assurance that I'm going to get your Delegates back
DONALD: and the Voters.
DONALD: And I'm gonna mail you the dicks of those responsible.
TED: Hey, I already know that. You're not a fool Donald,
TED: but I warn you, neither am I.
TED: If it was anybody else you'd be DEAD already.
TED: But because it's you, because we got history,
TED: I'm gonna let you handle this.
DONALD: Look, Ted, you got my word.
DONALD: I'll be in touch.
The WiFi signal symbol is actually based off this island because satellites use it to project internet around the globe. If we could decrypt the signal we could have access to decently low ping high bandwidth internet on the island.
doesnt seem that viable
most of the land is unable to grow crops
any natural resources?
apparently divers like it and it has nice beaches so tourism could be a thing
Looks like an Iroquois !
Looks like a clam.
no faggot people go diving there all the time
>what is a sattelite
i dont know but goats and donkeys get around just fine there
[Audible kek]
yeah and they feed off sparse grass.
I doubt it is good enough to grow crops
what are some other states that have islands and are gonna collapse?
We could go for Curacao in venezuela but im assuming that will not be good as it already has population
What are you talking about? The island has 3 bars of sevice
The thing is what? like 25 square kilometers, if that? Most of it seems to be rocky as fuck, too.
You wouldn't be able to make it self-sustainable and one major storm is all that it would take to wipe you out.
I guess you could use it as an anchoring point for a flotilla, but that's about it.
the island look like a shit
rule out anything with a local poulation
I'm planning something you see, check out the line islands, was my last idea.
yeah, it is prone to hurricanes too... but floridas doing okay isn't it?
buildings exist there, as well as an airstrip
>Geodesic dome on the highest point made of waterproof concrete and submarine grade glass
Fuck storms
Looks like a fucking mound of sand.
Good luck growing anything
I do love me anything geodesic...
Looks like internet is fine here and getting good reception.
>Shitpost island
A paradise for euphoric men
Can't we actually just all move to Venezuela, populate a nice spot, start an independence movement and then separate from Venezuela and thereby create a right wing country?
senpai the lake michigan isles seem pretty nice
good enough for growing crops
each island is at least 50 km2
tourism is possible
camping site existing on north manitou island, land is already cleared there so good for starting our capital there
most are uninhabited
If you're doing that, why not just move to NH like all the other libertarians?
What movie is this from?
Wasn't their talk of buying up some land in detroit for dirt cheap and making some kind of autist fortress?
Im in
how else are we going to stop the rising threat of a unified europe?
i really hate people who look at one photo and feel like they have to share their immidiate judgement with everybody
fuck off you child
Moving to the US can be very difficult if you are not a brown third worlder
>who fancies starting an island state here once venezuela collapses?
Why? You will be facing horrible tropical diseases like malaria, dengue, zika, chikunguya fever...
Why would you willingly move to such a shitty location?
That island is rightful Dominican clay
Assad will not fall.
i don't like retards who suggest impossible shit
What about that Island where Tom Hanks got lost in Cast Away?
It's not impossible, you just have to be rich.
The US bought Alaska, maybe they will sell an Island.
here is another plan
move enmass into a greek island right before greece has collapsed.
should be easy for euros due to schengen and stuff
once it collapses we form our own country
i doubt there will be any considerable population, so we should have more autists there than the original population
also i feel like we need to make this a general or make a discord
yeah the whole USA thing kinda makes it impossible
looks barren
You guys are stuck inside the box.
When Europe was full of faggots what did they do?
They expanded. But where can humanity expand now?
Virtually every place except the arctic is claimed by a country, so we should just expand up, into space.
Sup Forums crowdfunding space condos when?
Who fancies going here to meet the remnants of the Third Reich?
looks small
This would be actually very easy.
You don't have to wait until Venezuela collapses. Just gather 100 white Venezuelans, move them to the island and say they are escaping political persecution. Make them declare themselves independent from the mainland (something like Taiwan) and start a new state.
You know it's in a Communist, failed state? You literally want to move to a banana republic.
underrated post
>nobody responded to my idea
Why? It doesnt seem too impossible
Greece isn't going to collapse.
Dunno, m8. Let me just do a radar sweep of the Island with my radar goggles...
Yep, it's definitely radar shaped!
there are no uninhabited greek islands that are big enough
read the thead you spastic nigger
why don't you look up how big it is then?
there is no economy there, nobody lives there... use your damn head
Can anything grow here?
>implying this larping isn't retarded
probably, need more info on that
Dude, Communist countries are authoritarian as fuck. They could send soldiers/ navy or whatever for some dumb beauacratic reason and everyone would be killed.
28km2 is tiny
I'm not larping you faggot, I'm just throwing ideas around
that's why we need them to be weaker
it's more than enough for 50,000 people
Depends do we believe in global warming?
So was I tard
elevation is 30m autisman
no it isnt. Not when you factor in farming and land erosion
anyway we could settle the islands to the west of skyros and maybe even itself as it has a pop of 3000
yes it is, 100,000 people live on aruba
fuck off with your populated garbage island
I don't think you can do much agriculture there, the island looks dry as fuck.
We should start a community in Canada, near Alert. There's a lot of unused space there.
it's from GTA, can't remember which one though
The blue mark is the town from Space.
Its barren tundra you stupid burger. There are reasons why people dont live there
That is rightful Curacao clay! No normies allowed on our future tendie farms.
>i saw one picture of the island from space and therefore I know everything about it
fuck off idiot, you think we haven't discussed this already?
fuck you are right
anyway now that blanquilla island is settled, we have more issues
1-Were should we start our settlement? Should we start as a town or spread out and farm the land that we get?
2-Economy: Subsistence Farming, Tourism, Trade, Industry?
3-Government: What is our government form going to be? Fascist? Democracy? Libertarian?
4-After that, we need to start writing a constitution and figure out how to create an administration
5-Also settlement. No pollack, no matter how dedicated, would want to move here to farm all day. We would need tons of money to get basic infrastructure, water, power, roads. Im thinking we could start off with solar, wind and water until we get set up and start making proper power plants
Hey, is that wifi island?
The main element your island must have to even consider doing this is fresh water, otherwise the process for obtaining such resource would imply an excessive waste of money, time, energy and would create a potential dependence on foreign aid
I must colonize it.
Can we name it the Wi-Fi Isle on account of its shape?
11°49'11.9"N 64°36'27.0"W
this looks like a nice place to start settlement
there is already a system of paths, and if we settled there it wouldnt be far from the path so easily accessible from land - tick
now for water. The sea kinda juts inland, which was why i thought it would be a natural place to start settlement but i am worried that boats wont be able to access cos it would get stuck, cos the sea does seem kinda shallow from what i can see on google maps
Actually a picture says a lot about a land.
It looks dry and since it is an island, it can't have much underground water.
Nigger, just because trees grow there doesn't mean it is good agricultural land. Those are cacti and acacia trees. Plants that require very little moisture to survive. The fact they cover the island should tell you something about the water levels there.
I live on an island with the exact same climate. Getting a good supply of fresh water is hard as balls. We do it with a desalination plant. Which is very expensive. If you wanted to pump water up from the ground to use in agriculture, you will find yourself quickly running out after a few years and then you are fucked.
You are going to need to trade to survive there. But to trade you need to make something other people want. But you really cant there. So you are shit out of luck.
Unless you want to turn it into a colony of only like 10 households and turn into a joke about incest and inbreeding.
Do you really want to start this argument with us, because Europe hasn't exactly been a paragon of enforcing immigration restrictions.
You can start this debate if you want but we both lose.
Islands are worthless when compared to a continent in terms of civilization, why do you think there has no civilization in the West Indies.
Doesn't that captcha expire after some time? so if you do it right but wait too long to post it will require a new one
growing weed is one idea I had, people will have to pay for their their expenses of course.
government would be a republic but with a military president
I'm not saying it's perfect, it's going to be fucking hard, hard but doable
incest is yum btw my mummy is nice to me :3
beat me to it
we're not building a superpower here
it was one of those "select as many as you can see" ones
fucking bullshit
Resources are too limited and its too dependent on fishing for food as well.
fishing is a business, add that to the weed farms and we're good to go
We could build greenhouses. Bring in rich dirt from other areas.
You could create a self-sustaining fortress with expensive technology if someone had the money. Also it's secluded far away from society and bestiality is legal in Canada.
Yes but other countries also trade fish so how are we gonna get some of the good economy man, might as well send in some people to crash some countries to maximize those profits know what Im saying, and eventually we will have to invade a piece of a continent to better our trading abilities user.
we don't need to trade that much, but people will still buy our fish and we will be very self sustainable
also richfag donations but never count on that
Remember: Fish may or may not be edible in the near future.
How much arable land do we need per person for food?
>Remember: Fish may or may not be edible in the near future.
Yeah but you'd probably get pregnant from drinking Michigan water
Well, not to say that it's physically impossible to eat them, but it would be a good way of getting heavy metal poisoning.
But we need money to buy nice metals from other countries and fishing cant just cover that user we need to make our fishing the best in our region.
how are we even going to trade?
we would need to be recognised by governments for that
and we would need laws regarding trade.
If we are going to trade to survive, first thing we would need to do is build a port and an airport.
also need railroads, for shipping all the kush and shit over
another economic idea is basically being a haven for businesses by having an extremely low business tax.
Minimum of 1 acre per person.
The island literally looks like a WiFi logo, trust me, it has internet.
>grow weed
Faggot. Do you know how many islands and neighbouring countries allow the importation, sale and distribution of that shit? ZERO!
Growing drugs of any sort is not going to make you money. It's going to cause the DEA or local armies to come down on your ass hard.
Your only means of earning money are fishing, limited agriculture, mainly based around goats and chickens, and potentially later tourism. That is it.
Remember these islands only got colonized by big investment groups back in the day. Who willingly maintained them despite the loss leading nature of them. So unless you got millions of dollars to spend on such an endeavor, with no hope of ever making a profit, it simply can't be done.