Lol it's dan

lol it's dan

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>even john oliver shits all over the britcucks
they're an embarrassment to all of europe. nuke the eternal anglo

>Lord Buckethead
what the fuck


fuck off hans al-abdullah


Lord Buckethead is a fucking based lad


gotta admit, I laughed my ass off.

His style of "comedy" is unbearable holy shit

being a non fedora tipping liberal is misery

As an European, there's nothing that brings me jolly like seeing the anglos getting destroyed.


>lord buckethead
Wait is this fucking serious?

I'm not German though.
Germany should get fucked too for forcing us the European Union.
t. Spaniard


>An embarrassment to a continent that contains Germany and Sweden

Truly the kings of bant.

hahahahaha Gibraltar is ours forever!

I can't wait til nigel is stuck on his smelly little island with the 3billion rapefugees

what's his endgame?

>1713 best year of my life
btw, does anyone know what the CURRENT YEAR is?

To become a multi-millionare by selling faulty laser weapons to global super powers to fund his desires to establish a space station in the shape of a bucket.

funny tbqh

Gotta admit this episode was funny.

So John Oliver was wrong about Trump and Brexit, but he still insists on going on TV to claim every minute victory he can.

It's almost like the whole purpose of his show is to do comedy and not predictions.

If it was Hilary as president and Brexit didnt happen he would still be doing his show. When Obama was in office I dont seem to remember all liberal comedians hanging up their hats and calling it a day, you tard

Go home, Turkroach.

>It's almost like the whole purpose of his show is to do comedy and not predictions.

Do you even watch it? Comedy yes, but he gets all smug (especially when he thought Trump and Brexit would be defeated) but he still acts like his beliefs are winning the world over.

When Jon Stewart did the Daily Show in the mid 2000's, he would rip and Bush and Republicans all the time, but he would usually have a snide remark/expression on his face that Democrats were getting their asses kicked and that he was on the losing side.

Spain is a British colony. You belong to our pissed up tourists and OAPs.

>If it was Hilary as president and Brexit didnt happen he would still be doing his show. When Obama was in office I dont seem to remember all liberal comedians hanging up their hats and calling it a day, you tard

Yeah, remember all those Obama jokes? Me neither.

"""Democracy""" is a huge mistake.

Because that's what political humour is, you just make fun of people on the other end of the political spectrum and your audience, that share your political beliefs, will laugh at it.
But pretending that they should can his show just because he didn't get predictions right as if that changes anything is idiotic.

It's not even the first time he ran for office

put some respek on his name

>Jon Stewart
I really miss his daily show he was the only one I actually found funny.

Is Lord Buckethead part of the Monster Raving Loonies or was he running as an independent?

Independent. There was a Monster Raving Looney running against him.

>The UK will have a Marxist as PM within the next 3 years

What went wrong?

its almost as if he blurs the lines between comedy and political commentary because he wants to be taken seriously as a political voice while still being able to dodge any serious criticism of his retarded arguments by saying "lol im just a comedian XDDDD"

hmm, who does this remind me of? oh right, jon stewart, and every other late night show host


>But pretending that they should can his show just because he didn't get predictions right as if that changes anything is idiotic.

When did I ever say that, moron. What I'm saying is that he's still doing his comedy as if Hillary won and Brexit failed. It looks/sounds retarded. As I said, Jon Stewart did the same thing, but he would throw in a "yeah, because all this stuff helped us so much in our last election, and now onto Nancy Walls..." And this made it FUNNIER. Stewart adapted to the times and made better comedy.

Oliver is living in a different timeline.


I can't stand this annoying cunt but has he ever commented on the fact he's an ex-patriot himself? Or is he pretending to be a good British boy temporarily removed?

They made plenty of Obama jokes, but they were in good spirits because Obama has a sense of humor and was actually a decent president.

When the leader of the opposition is a worthless political corpse who refuses to resign, I guess it helps

you mean
>what went right

>They made plenty of Obama jokes, but they were in good spirits because Obama has a sense of humor and was actually a decent president.

You're living in a fantasy land. Obama was literally the first President in my lifetime (33) that didn't have a semi-regular impressionist appearance on SNL.

EVERY late night comedian went real soft on him (and Michelle Obama). Bill Clinton was a very good president, had a great sense of humor, but they went after him (and this was long before Monica Lewinsky). The Obama's were a protected species.

Obamas were boring from a comedic POV.

What made him decent?

because hes black

He's a legit candidate

The Monster Raving Loony Party did better than him though, love those guys

Literally the same position Corbyn was in after the EU referendum.

>they went after him (and this was long before Monica Lewinsky)
Not really, other than making fun of his accent and mannerisms.

>Obamas were boring from a comedic POV.

No they weren't. EVERY President has been the source of comedy. But not him? They could have made jokes about how he was only a community organizer. They could have done jokes about his deep voice. He had a few minor scandals. Michelle was kinda wacky (pushing healthy school lunches, but eating heavily when she would go on trips), etc.

Howard Stern had a great Obama impersonator on during the 2012 election and the guy was fucking funny. He was ripping on Mitt Romney and talking about fried chicken.

That didn't stop everyone from going after OJ.

Obama was their hero, and it ruined late night comedy.

Baron Von Thunderclap was my local MRLP candidate

>They could have done jokes about his deep voice.

>Not really, other than making fun of his accent and mannerisms.

You weren't there, I was.

They went after him for his numerous financial scandals. His fluctuating weight. His womanizing, etc.

And yeah, they also went after his accent and mannerisms. So why not go after Obama's accent and mannerisms. Obama sounded so perfect and polished that they could have done skits where Obama goes to a barbecue with mostly hood black people and is like a fish out of water because he is so sophisticated.

Uuuh, folks, I don't, uuuh, think that would be ,uhhh, very accurate, uuhhh, folks.

>The uploader has not made this video available in your country.
Scared of getting BTFO by based British users.


Uh, do you know how comedy works? They could have done a sketch where Obama quits the White House to take over Barry White's Las Vegas gigs. Or where James Earl Jones is threatened because he thinks Obama is gonna take his "This is CNN" recording job.

It's fucking sad what you're saying right now. EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING has some comedy in it. But to you it's "herr derr Obama was too nice and funny, so you can't make fun of him ever".

>tfw no one ever made fun of the chip on his shoulder obama had over brits
Seriously. The fucker could not let go what happened to his grandpappy.

I think he's really funny as fuck even if I dont agree with him

you guys need to fish out that stick from up your ass


You studied in 'murica?

That's because his granpappy wuz a gud boi who dindu nuffin.

huh yea how bizarre they made fun of a president embroiled in scandal for half his presidency

>They could have done a sketch where Obama quits the White House to take over Barry White's Las Vegas gigs. Or where James Earl Jones is threatened because he thinks Obama is gonna take his "This is CNN" recording job.

You're never allowed to suggest comedic ideas again.

Terrible... just terrible.

>Michelle was kinda wacky (pushing healthy school lunches, but eating heavily when she would go on trips),

They made an Obama hoagie skit in SNL. Wasn't particularly funny,

>thatcher in the rye

come on you have to have at least a little chuckle at that

"The uploader has not made this video available in your country."

Never have i been happier to be australian.

>"donald trump being president is like a squirrel drinking vodka"
>makes a dumb face and points at a poorly photoshopped picture of a squirrel
>"now mr.squirrel, I know you're really cute, but you shouldn't be drinking!"
>audience laughs

Russel Brand did a good joke about Obama. I can't remember where it was or what it was but the gist of it was

>Hey thanks for that peace prize, i'll accept it once I've finished bombing the shit out of these muslim weddings. Take that you peace hating fucks!

>huh yea how bizarre they made fun of a president embroiled in scandal for half his presidency

Monica was the big scandal, the rest were minor. They went after Clinton's day to day shit.

They went after Bush and he was relatively scandal free (he was shit, but he was scandal free).

You're a fucking moron who doesn't want his precious black President to be insulted in any way shape or form.

>So why not go after Obama's accent and mannerisms

They did make jokes about that. They weren't very funny or memorable. Most stand up acts did a short imitation act about the way Ovama does speeches, again, not particularly hilarious.

You mean making fun of his speech like this?

or his mannerisms like this?

Guess those don't count for some reason.

Dude, I'm throwing ideas off the top of my head (nor am I a comedy writer).

You're the buttblasted Obama fagboy who says "herr derr you can't make fun of Obama because he's perfect!"

I think Obama's biggest problem (both as a president and a comedy target) was being too polished and clean cut. He felt like the front man for an army of PR people, he showed no personality.

His speeches were well written and delivered but lacking in any personality, he rarely flubbed his lines or even gave off the cuff remarks. every day he was involved in some photo-op.

There was nothing to mock.

Heck you ask people what they thought of Obama's presidency and they'll say it was good. Ask them to name three good things he acheived and they struggle. Obama-care was implemented in a shitty way and will get repealed anyway.

>was actually a decent president.

Why do you think that? Which of his policies did you like? What about the legislation he passed? What did you think of his executive orders?

Or did you just like that he was charismatic and a good speaker, and never looked past the general vibe of 'the good guys are winning'?

>You're a fucking moron who doesn't want his precious black President to be insulted in any way shape or form.
sounds more like you're projecting your race bullshit onto a pretty simple instance of obama jokes not being very funny

Yes, I love Obama so much. That's why I don't find that your terrible jokes funny. Yes, that must be it.

I rarely saw any Obama jokes on SNL, Letterman, Leno, or Conan.

The only one who would it was Howard Stern and it was FUNNY.

There's plenty of funny obama jokes.
Nips writing "uhh" over and over again during nico streams of obama speeches is hilarious.

>the rest were minor
The rape accusations? Or the fact Clinton signed away America's future to China?

not really, you're just juvenile

Never watched that show. We're talking about the MAJOR shows (late night talk shows, SNL).

Obviously someone did Obama jokes somewhere, but there was like 90% drop in presidential jokes during his presidency.


>Yes, I love Obama so much. That's why I don't find that your terrible jokes funny. Yes, that must be it.

Then why are you trying to deflect from the fact that there were practically zero Obama jokes/impressions for 8 YEARS.

Just accept the fact that the liberal fags like you went soft to protect your golden boy.

my favourite obama joke

was obama!


Key and Peele did a much of jokes on Obama, but other than that he was just not a very mock able dude. Like there was so little you could go after people started flippng out after we wore a tan suit (which was odd T B H)

>criticism is only valid if it happens on the shows I watch

>there were practically zero Obama jokes/impressions for 8 YEARS.

This is pure bs. People did impressions and joked about him. But none were particularly iconic like Will Ferrel's W.

That's just a straight impression and it's not funny.

Obama himself literally did a bit with the key and peele guys.

you trumptards are a special kind of stupid

>I think Obama's biggest problem (both as a president and a comedy target) was being too polished and clean cut.

They could have used that. Put him at some Urban Youth Event sketch and he would be the fish out of water uncle Tom.

>He felt like the front man for an army of PR people, he showed no personality.
They could have used that as well. Al Gore came off like a robot and they used that perfectly to make a caricature of him.

>His speeches were well written and delivered but lacking in any personality,
Again, this could have been comedy gold.

>There was nothing to mock.
Howard Stern was able to do okay with it.

>Ask them to name three good things he acheived and they struggle.
No major terror attacks
Ended bullshit ground wars
Economy stronger and jobs came back (mostly shit jobs, but better than under Bush).

>That's just a straight impression
Which is exactly what you were talking about no one ever doing

>it's not funny
Irrelevant. Nice strawman though you fucking retard

Nigga used dijon mustard. How was he not impeached?!

It is great news if you are like me and want to see all of these milenial socialist cocksuckers without jobs and starving.