I don't like minorities until I find out they agree with me politically

Anybody else have this problem? Like, I see black Trump supporters and when they talk among white people you can really sense that they know they'll be judged for being black so they make up for it with friendliness. Yes I know it's petty, but I really can't stand a non-white unless they agree with me.

>this doesn't mean I want to be amongst them, it simply means I could tolerate their company

Other urls found in this thread:


I don't like anyone unless they agree with me desu.

this pretty much

i hate sandnigger and nigger
(sand)nigger with sense aren't niggers, they are simply black.

It's just needing an echo chamber.

People with social disorders or with low emotional intelligence will seek this.

>I dont like ugly people unless they make up for it in other ways

You guys seriously don't like someone based on the colour of their skin as opposed to the content of their character?
t. Part nigger

>Needing validation this much

Welcome to right wing politics



this desu

I'm past the point where I can associate with liberals out of anything other than necessity

The red pill hit me too hard, I legitimately consider them traitors to the West now desu

it's similar for me
it's not about liking or not liking but when they agree with me I tottaly forget about their race, class and everything else

nah m8 this isnt a rightwing issue i see what ur doing liberal

>not liking sassy black women
They have single handedly written all gay anthems.

i don't like them no matter if they agree or disagree. This also entails that I DO NOT DISLIKE THEM no matter if they agree or disagree. It goes both ways. I think it is always the case that I am courteous and respectful to individuals in public until there is some reason to do otherwise. This is necessary because as a white guy I expect the same and do not mind doing it first, effortlessly, and graciously. In a manner of speaking we are educating others to follow the rules. The problem is that most niggers have no stake in society so find no reason to be civil. Rude, loud, low-IQ niggers are very toxic. Personally, from one bad experience after another, with few good experiences to counterbalance them, most people suffer from nigger-fatigue. BLM fails in great part because of this - it's not doing anything constructive AND increasing nigger-fatigue more than is good for them.

Of course not, right wing politics do not have a white supremacist theme, said the guy that has to read manifestos for the extermination of black people on Sup Forums.

Pretty cucked desu senpai

I do something similar - If someone with a non-US flag doesn't like Trump, I don't care what they say, because they can't vote anyway. But if a non-US says they like Trump, I think it's great.

I don't like non-whites generally, even if they like what I like

the cartoon of the (((sassy))) black woman is a tired out meme. it's a character created by the media for comic relief. Plays well with the finger wag, head shake, and remarks like "Oh no you didn't" or "das rite." I don't buy it.

tbqh the endless antiracemixing threads make it seem more and more like Sup Forums is full of angry cucks in general so maybe thats why i fine using it

Which is why you should adopt the politics of those calling for your death.

It makes perfect sense, when you don't think about it.

> I don't buy it

how many black women have you met?

about 9000

Nice to meet you, Warden