Are there any movies that you are pretty sure they're good based on the consensus, but you just have zero desire to check out?
"Good" Movies That You Have No Desire to See
Anything with a nigger in it. Well if it has a nigger in it it's probably not "good" but white critic faggots will praise it anyways. But if I see a nigger in real life or in film I get visibly enraged.
Wonder Woman.
I've heard WB's finally made a good one, but Man of Steel was forgettable trash and Batman v Superman was just overly grimdark and stuffed full of baby's first symbolism. Then Sup Forums tricked me into thinking Suicide Squad was finally "the good one" and I just got Marvel-tier reddit pandering trash.
WW might actually be good, but fuck if I'm going to give my money to any capeshit at this point.
The drumming movie, with all the shouting
Just, I mean it's just about playing drums
Jurassic Park
Indiana Jones (I saw the last one)
Saving Private Ryan
Shawshank Redemption
never have, never will
>don't care
Get Out
>eh, saw "The Skeleton Key" already. Basically the same movie, but with voodoo. Also, at least the Skeleton Key had John Hurt.
The Dark Knight Rises. I've only seen the plane scene on youtube.
I've never had any desire to watch the Back to the Future or Indiana Jones films.
Nice try pedokike.
(((Schindler's List)))
Shawshank Redemption. The Family Guy parody was good enough
Pretty much dad movies like saving private ryan or the godfather
T. Failed male with no father figure
Am i the only one here who never watched star wars?
Rocky series. I'm sure they're great and I'm sure if I saw them I would love them but I can't be bothered to spend time watching them. Not sure why really
All harry potter films and new Star Wars films.
Also any liberal propaganda shit or BLACKED content on the movies.
>being a race realist is autism
You probably don't browse Sup Forums. There are a ton of us that see through zionist lies.
i was gonna see apocalypse now and saving private ryan but i cant bother sitting through 3 hours
>hating niggers is bad now
Since when did Sup Forums start sucking nigger cock. I post blacked threads to show you guys how jews are trying to trick us not so you guys can masturbate you fucking faggots.
Why do you say you never will?
Any of the Godfather films.
I get it, it will be a long and theatrical presentation of the Italian Mafia in the US.
I just can't be bothered, I saw Goodfellas, I liked it a lot, I'm moving on okay?
The Hurt Locker and Zero Dark Thirty.
don't fall for the bait guys
>sitting through 3 hours straight for a fucking reddit movie
no thank you
stfu you limp wrist faggot enjoy watching retarded niggers go "ooga booga" for two hours
The Shining.
slumdog millionaire
Mancheaster by the Sea
Girl with all the Gifts
I was going to say Inception, but it looks like a convoluted mess, and the dream sequences looks generic. Its a neat idea, but it looks like it didn't get it right. Looks very limited.
Theres also a lot of movies I feel like I need to see for the sake of seeing them rather than enjoying for what they are. Like when I find out a director I know little about, but I feel like I have to watch atleast 5 or so of their movies. Feels more like a check list than appreciating.
Inceptions is basically a generic bad shoot em up without even the simplest grasp of action filmatism and no memorable set design despite taking place in a dream world.
girl with all the gifts is good for just over half of the films length, gets progressively worse and has a shit ending.