Really America?!

Really America?!

Other urls found in this thread:

yes sir

Hey look, you tall guys wanted tall women with nice asses.

Boom there you go.

What would Barrack say if he learned that some white Pole plumber immigrant does his daughter's plumbing everyday?

Here you go.

What kind of creature is that? Wowsa, that thing is ugly!!!!

You misunderstand. Sup Forums wants a woman who will insult their tiny penis and have sex with black men while they watch. Malia would respect them too much. It would be too much of a boner killer.

Well at least she looks better than her mom

What's wrong (Besides her stoner facial expression)?

>ywn help Malia explore her sexuality

Americans try way too hard to bash the first lady or her children/family

Happened with Laura Bush too, and it was disrespectful then

Why American can be civilized and well dressed like European women ... look Francois Hollande' childrens ...

where's her hand?

good god, that's one ugly sheboon

niggers, never in your whole lives will you ever be able to compete

As long as you convert to Islam and have a black bill he'll be okay with it

They look like smug whores

>10/10 in USA

I'm getting really sick of these Malia Obama threads. Look, she's the daughter of a politician, and at the end of the day, I don't care what she does, nor what she thinks. She's not running for public office, she holds no public office, and is nothing more than a blood relative of a politician. What she does and says is completely irrelevant. Leave her alone.

hes had like 4 wives, different kids with different wives

true degenerate frenchman

The feels

you almost had me. I generally agree with your sentiment, but I would have ended it with, "who gives a fuck?"
"leave her alone" makes it sound like you're defending her. Remember, the opposite of hate isn't love, it's apathy.


She looks like a chimp with terrible posture

Fucking christ, she is ridiculously hot.

Wtf? The opposite of apathy is passion, which can be seperated into love and hate, which are polar opposites

I agree, she should just go into porn already and get facial abused, it might spare me the grief of having to see that retarded niggress' face.

the world needs to stop pretending to hate america. deep down, of course we all know that everyone wishes to be american.

goodness me


king nigger is really light skinned for a nigger,how did this sheboon turn out so dark

> we all know

Speak for yourself, you shitskinned subhuman

have one more lads

She has a god's genes so it makes sense.

He prepped his "wife" and she fucked some real nigger pussy straight from Somalia, most probably.


every white person that isn't american is on par with me.

Because wife is a purebred ape

What should we use for the concept of BLACKED but by Mexicans?


yfw you'll never get to drink the god emperor's daughter milk.

I read a headline that she flashed the crowd and twerked. Someone post vidya


>Barack 'My "Wife's" Daughter' Obama

That's a funny delusion you got there, my small-dicked, manlet-subhuman, friend.

ya rly

>Not even ATG

Why are you posting nudes of Xena the Warrior Princess?

that girl behind her and the guy with the green glasses is a slut. I can tell by her facial expression.

what about asians and pajeets?

DOGGIED(cause asians eat doggos)

That typical kike face on the dude.

Am I the only one who finds her ugly af?

Asians and pajeets don't actually get laid, so making porn with them is disingenuous and not profitable

>Michelle Obama
>Spot the dong

o, you like it big in yo ass ? sorry i got a small one.

only the most insecure needs to bring up about his 'gift' all the time.

That aint even Michelle "Man-arms" Obama

She's hot. But she's a bimbo.

The guy with the green glasses is also dumb as fuck

dam work it michael

>getting fucked by your own father

well... degeneracy at its finest


Malia > Ivanka

Yeah, fuck off Danish douchebag faggot

I want to eat that pussy and ass until I get throat cancer desu looks so fucking tasty.


apathy is the middle ground between love and hate, no?

Congrats on failing the small-dick bants and cuckpedaling to "b-but you're insecure"

Now everyone knows you have a small dick.

Bullying dumb little asians shouldn't be this easy.


>That posture

fuck she's nasty.

how can that negris hang out with white people dressed like some hippie. she needs to stop being a uncle tom and go do some BLM protesting with her "mom"

Get lost leafnigger


Nigga, she's better educated than you are. She'll be our first female president.

Malia is a quarter white. How does that make you feel?

she has 2 daddies and a mom in a glass jar stop misleading people

Id hit it, if only to cuck obama.

>im the nigger now chief

Proves that barack was adopted.

>Now everyone knows you have a small dick.
i wasn't hiding it, mr Sherlock.. who hides that stuff ?oh right, slaves to women do that.

reeee why do people get plastic surgery? She looked better before. Fat face > plastic face.

Michelle genes kicking in HARD

why doesn't she have a handsome white bf

You should post your small dick, since you aren't hiding it and are super cool about it. That would totally show everyone.

Are you a bad enough dude to fuck the president's daughter?

>Are you a bad enough dude to fuck the president's daughter?

Who wouldn't if only just for the powertrip?



>it's another Drumpf shills try to push their ugly plastic bimbo down everyone's throats thread

Unfortunally you become powerful only with The Trump SemenĀ® in your boipucci

who's your daddy say my name


Makeup aside, she looks the same to me, other than on the left she is younger and her nose is wider.

Yeah, really.
Now pick gingers and eat it, ginger.

What's wrong with that picture? Does OP think she should be in a niqab?

come visit us sometime

>first """""""""lady"""""""""""
>""""""""her""""""""" chillen

>mfw i was at lollapalooza all 4 days

get over it cunts, she's just having fun. why does it matter

>tfw your gf father will never be president
>tfw you will never hang out with cool secret service guys
>tfw you will never watch white house down in the white house

why even live?