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>it's retarded on purpose
That's not event the worst part. EVERYBODY that shot him shot him in the back of the suit instead of his hands or head even when they had a free shot. Where is the cinematic immersion?
Those exist though.
Looks cool as fuck
>plebtards complaining about it not being "real" enough
Is this real?
>Looks cool as fuck
>bloodied man twitching about pulls out a gun and fires multiple times over
>no one of hundreds people around notices anything
when will the
>dude lets make everything white with glass and steel
meme end in architecture?
i mean its painful to the eyes and so fucking cheap
>dude minimalism lmao
i say they re fucking lazy and uninspired
Silencer means silence. Why would anyone even notice you literal fucking retard?
>a gun with a silencer is 100% silent
You couldn't be more of an idiot if you tried. Kill yourself, dumbfuck
>that movie about a professional assassin being hunted by a bazillon of other assassins and killing them all wasn't realistic enough
Grinning from ear to ear during this whole sequence
And for tho complaining, theyre movie silencers no irl ones
Found OP.
you don't know how "suppressors" work.
>Silencer means silence. Why would anyone even notice you literal fucking retard?
It is established in the movie that every person somehow works for this organization and when they see two people fighting like this they do not intervene.
You are not allowed to make uplifting architecture goyim, besides it costs too much
Have you ever been in a public place with a shitload of people like that? You wouldnt be able to hear the silencers over the crowd of people all talking.
I live in detroit and we hear suppressed gunshots over big crowds all the time
it doesnt have to be realistic but it should be within plausible boundary. you cant just make them, lets say fly and then claim that it doesnt have to be realistic.
This seems highly unlikely
Eventhough a silencer doesnt make a gunshot sound, you could still see the flash or smell the smoke or even hear the bullet housing falling (if it falls on a hard surface)
but it was pretty light so they couldnt see the flash and the bullet housings falling on the floor probably wasnt louder than the sound of 100 footsteps, so thats probbaly why nobody noticed
first off bullshit
second, even if that were true, why are they not at least trying to get the fuck outta the way so they dont get fucking shot
THINK, OF-ME I'll neeeever break-your-heart.
It's cheesy, but it's all in good fun, my man.
You all have autism. This is supposed to be funny. Not saying it is, but the fact no one can tell this is trying to be comedic is stunning.
>Eventhough a silencer doesnt make a gunshot sound
>you could still see the flash
Main point of supressors is eliminating the muzzle flash first and foremost. you got it backwards.
when it comes to sound you need BIG one, bigger then the gun to truely make it silent and EVEN THEN its not completely silent.
really it depends on what kind of ammo their using. if it's subsonic, probably not. if it's supersonic, maybe depending on how loud the crowd actually is. if it's +p, the crowd would definitely notice it. at any rate they'd notice the the sound of the casings hitting the floor due to them being a different pitch.
also shooting indoors creates a lot of echoes.
Next you'll try to tell me tailored suits don't stop bullets.
Not like this they don't
This is John Wick right?
si senior
If this was a Korean film it would be considered 100% kino
even if material was bulletproof. the blunt force would put you down.
Literally why bother trying to hide it then
A silencer makes the gun silent
well maybe you can hear the click or the wooz but nowhere near as a real gunshot
thats the fucking point
and the flash isnt something you see easily when its light
John Fucking Wick
It would put (you) down
Not John Wick
>A silencer makes the gun silent
go to youtube and watch hundreds of videos about the subject along with presentations.
taking a normal gun with normal round and slapping tiny supressor does basically jack shit.
you want silent gun. get custom made gun with special rounds and MASSIVE supressor four times the size of the barrel and then it will be more or less silent. but there will still be loud, audiable and easily recognizable clicks.
a room that busy would be so noisy, have you ever been in an airport or large station?
what kind of demand for assassins is there in new york? it seems like they're everywhere. How are they all making enough to make a living?
common doesn't even have a silencer in that. that's ridiculous
holy muthafugga
actually.... this guy is on to something
>Ugh, a pencil would normally break under these circumstances what a shitty turn your brain off movie reeeeeee
Go eat your chicken nuggets autists
>The autists in this thread saying a silencer doesnt make a gun silent.
Yeah that explains like.. The very name and existance of the thing
Fun fact: In real life they are called supressors.
>wasted quints
suppression is not really used to mask your location but moreso to assist it's user. anything above a 120 db noise will impair a person's hearing. a suppressor brings a firearm's noise down so it's user can still hear without his ears ringing.
know how archer is always bitching about tinnitus? yeah, suppressors.
the original patent by maxim filed it under the name "the maxim silencer." either way it's right.
t. i'm a /k/ommando
What silencer should I get for my glock-18?
it makes guns which are SUPERLOUD indoors and makes then just loud so you dont lose your hearing when you dont have protectors
it also make it harder for someone to pinpoint the location of the shooter
there is also a subsonic ammunition which removes the crack the normal ammunition does when it breaks the sound barrier
sorry to break it to you but supressors were not designed with crouded space assassin shootouts
nothing a silencer doesnt make the gun silent XD
again, it's based on the ammo they use. if you suppress a firearm, the noise created from the explosion is canceled out. but if the ammo is supersonic, a "bang" is still heard from the bullet breaking the sound barrier.
>inb4 they use supersonic ammo
no one really uses supersonic ammo because it doesn't have enough force to inflict a killing blow.
wat de fuk?
>Nobody sees the guy that is limping and covered in blood keeps pulling a gun out and shooting it.
>Nobody notices the bullet impact and ricochet around them.
>Nobody notices the black guy that is shooting a fucking gun in their direction.
>Their aim fucking sucks but they manage not to kill a random bystander.
Oh and silencers only muffle gun shots they don't make them completely muted.
This so so fucking bad.
i tried to silence muh glock for-tey, damn thang gots too much fireah powa do... you cans still hear it sum.
its because they use silencers you retard
>hmmm maybe I should shoot this guy in the head
>nahhh ima go for the bulletproof suit haha
I might even be able to suspend my disbelief enough to believe suppressors make no sounds if the bullets weren't chugging into the fucking wall within metres of all those people.
It's just dumb.
dude they are super assassains tho, they can afford super quiet ammo. btfo haters
a trained killer would know that you should incapacitate a person before delivering a killing blow. plus we all know from leon to never mess up the face (the body can't be identified and you won't get paid).
lol 9mm.
still better than .45 aarp.
Most people don't know that silencers don't actually silence shit like that
Baba Yaga
>this thread
Man, i remember seen this scene, I remember it was a great fucking movie...but i remember no more, sauce?
>movie spends almost four hours establishing it takes place in a fictional universe with nontraditional, unrealistic rules
Everybody knows that people can't fly but only a minority of nerds and gunfags will be butthurt about silencers in movies... most people never fired a gun with a silencer and they don't care.
>four hours
what movie were you watching?
>nontraditional, unrealistic rules
Humans can't hear bullets hitting walls in this world?
a knife
Not enough slow motion, sunglasses and leather jackets in it for them to understand
yeah they wouldn't hear the bullets hitting solid concrete
no matter how you cut it the scene is kind of stupid. it's stupider in a silent webm. a building like that is probably loud as shit with a crowd talking in it.
original movie has a shootout in a club with loud as fuck house music feet from their head and they freak out. sequel has 2 dudes shooting at each other in a crowded subway hub and go about their merry little lives.
>original movie has a shootout in a club with loud as fuck house music feet from their head and they freak out
Because they could clearly see dudes with guns getting blasted left and right and just fell victim to mass hysteria. If you watch the scene again, when he shoots the dudes on the dancefloor no one really seems to notice. If you've ever been in a club like that you'd know there's no fucking way you could hear a gunshot unless it was literally right next to you. They're loud as shit.
John Wick 2 has what might be the worst green screens in recent times
Surprisingly nobody made any webm of it
Glad I never watched this tripe.
The bullet ricochet wouldn't be silent, you retard.
>every dude from hobos to the guys cleaning the subway are assassins
what a load of fucking shit
The bait quality to (You) ratio on this post is incredible.
You're stupid
not as stupid as that shit movie John Wick 2.
Does anyone have a webm of when they fall down the stairs?
this is the discussion of the ages
John Wick 2 sucks, deal with it.
>stupid everyone is an assassin
>stupid assassin agency bullshit
>overall stupid plot
movie was like 4/10
>enough power to kill you and go through
>not enough to make a sound when hiting the surface
agree, they probably paid a lots of shill to shillpost all day long about how this movie was brilliant and people started believing this like a shipple crowd
>john wick gets shot in the face 20 minutes into the movie
>bad guys mill around his corpse awkwardly
>nobody knows what to do
>russian mobster cracks open some vodka and impromptu party begins
>russian gangsters talking to each other of past exploits and evil deeds
>much vodka, many good times
I actually like this scene now that I know it triggers autists so much.
Of all the unbelievable shit that happened in BOTH movies, the idea of two men shooting at each other in crowded area with silencers is where autistic people draw the line.
Yeah, after watching hundreds of ISIS videos over the years i can say that even sand niggers are smart enough to unload from 4 to 10 bullets in the heads of their wounded or knocked out enemies untill a mashed soup in the shreds of the skull remains.
if this was a movie that tried to have even a hint of realism i'd see where you're coming from, but we're talking about a movie where they can buy suits lined with armor that's nearly paper thin
you can get over silent silencers
Dead Heat.