Wtf i hate christians now

wtf i hate christians now

rotten tomatoes has all shows 100%

i watched the first episode and it was awful


In general I think exaggerated dystopias are terrible.

Hulu is going to get their offices blown the fuck up for their criticism of Islam.

>approving of sex outside of marriage
Pick one

why are millenials/liberals so easily excited/entertained? they act like everything they like is the best thing ever, hence all of the 100% scores and their love for entire shitty franchises even though they only consist of one movie.

Do you not understand how RT works?

one decent movie, my bad.

>it's millennials and not bots
Hi, Millennial. How many times have you said you were born in the wrong generation today?

i dont visit the site, i watch youtube critics to help me decide what to watch. i can imagine the critics at RT either are what i described in the post you replied to or paid shills.

The amount of cognitive dissonance feminists are experiencing over their treatment of Christianity over the past 200 years vs. the fact of their looming physical destruction at the hands of Islam that theyre forbidden from even thinking about is utterly hilarious.

So you don't understand how it works and just spout shit you are unqualified to even talk about

fuck off, retard

i dont think i was born in the wrong generation. i just think younger people are becoming increasingly more stupid. its an easy way to categorize/describe what im talking about. it put an image in your head didnt it?

>i watch youtube critics to help me decide what to watch.

Jesus Christ you are the ultimate idiot.

>literally every generation ever says this

i think you kind of missed the point of my post, it wasnt criticizing RT. it seems like youre looking for an excuse to be angry, who hurt you user?

yeah you are much smarter than me for reading what they have to say vs watching. i never said i decide entirely what i watch based on what they say. but it gives insight sometimes.

your original post is based on a wrong assumption about what 100% on RT actually means

I would rather trust an Arab Muslim over any White Christian or atheist any day.

Weak bait.

You're a fucking retard, that wasn't the point. Do you really imagine your Youtube reviewers don't have shills there? Or that every other reviews is?

Again, you're the ultimate idiot

The book is one of the worst "acclaimed" pieces of fiction I've ever had the misfortune of reading. A hackneyed, ill-though-out remixing of elements of Nineteen Eighty-Four and Brave New World by way of The Scarlet Letter, all glued together via what amounts to feminist torture porn.

I can't imagine the series being any better, despite what Rotten Shillmatos is claiming.

>i watch youtube critics to help me decide what to watch.
Why not just watch an episode yourself and decide if you like it?

I guess it's all about location; I live in Texas, and this all seems much more real. Religious Right is the rule here. Fantastic series. Elizabeth Moss kicks ass.

>Book made because Iranian's Islam revolution
>Christians are the ones to blame


this. it's an authoritan cult that picks and chooses some O.T. Mosaic laws to follow while ignoring most of the tenets of the N.T. #notallchristians

yeah, i know, but it was implausible for muslims to take over the west at the time. boy, we sure showed the author!

Fake news, she mentioned that in an off-hand comment along with a whole sleugh of other things

>as in she jerks her master off
>get it?

is it really necessary to write OBJECT right across the front like that? who needs this amount of help in understanding the themes?

Your average TV viewer? People are fucking dumb, user. Not just "disdain for plebs" talking, either.