I mean why are they ugly is there any evidence or is it just made up by the jewish controlled hollywood. I mean i seen some self loathing "brits" putting down their womeb saying how much bettter other country women are especially slavic. Seems to be these "brits" are actually poles.
I have been all over the uk and for brits look even better than the average swede here in my city. The reason why people believe that swedes are good looking is because they arr pretty cosmetic compared to brits or anh other western euros.
British girls are ugly?
Fuck you cuck brits are ugly. And I love slavic women especially polish girls
You can clearly see the effects of class divide on British women more then any other country, working class women are disgusting fat mongoloids, middle class women are sophisticated and classy.
>polish girls
Are you kidding me, polish girls here in Sweden are usually liberals and below average
This. the peasant blood couldnt be more obvious
Your working class women could become more cosmetic like us
It's the inbreeding
A lot of British women would look a lot better if they took proper care of themselves.
Not solid 10/10s, but definitely an improvement.
on avg u r better
but their hot ones are like 2x better than ur hot ones
(mb bias all i have been pulling is blondes lately)
>middle class women are sophisticated and classy.
Just admit it Nigel, Nordic and polish girls are godesses compared to your women.
Bongies should feel ashamed of themselves for having such ugly people.
I am saying this as a proud swedish-pole
Wasn't one Polish girl bullied to death by inbred Brits for being too attractive?
>but their hot ones are like 2x better than ur hot ones
Are you fucking retarded our hot ones are godesses compared to "hot" brits.
Swedes are like 100% germanic master race
Brits are a mix of the anglo saxon germanic invaders and the native britons that were already there. Only the rich ones with more anglo saxon blood are attractive
>I mean i seen some self loathing "brits" putting down their womeb saying how much bettter other country women are especially slavic. Seems to be these "brits" are actually poles.
Yea, Sup Forums is overrun with Polish chicks. They post here all the time.
>Wasn't one Polish girl bullied to death by inbred Brits for being too attractive?
Yes, attractiveness breeds jealous brits
No, pol is overrun with britcucks
i bet u dont even know where to find hot british girls
what are you basing your shit off?
cam whores and bar slags?
And you show the effects of never having been outside for any length of time. Working class girls, when allowed to be natural and well brought up, are lovely. There are loads of them at my local stables, none whatsoever look like the people unlucky enough to know you.
It's just a meme and the cruel things I see written here about British lasses don't seem to come from anyone but immigrants and the self hating twats every nation suffers from.
This is a 10/10 in Britain. Very sad!
Too bad about all those rapefugees...
Swedish women all look and act the exact same. Sweden is like Stepford Wives, except instead of good, loyal and loving wives, they're progressive, abortion loving cunts.
>every other country has progressive women ruining their country
Yep, I totally agree with this
Your social class is usually obvious in the UK just by physical appearance
Probably because working class people smoke and drink a lot
This was one of the first pics i saw on the internet when i started browsing it somewhere in year 2000. Time to update Sweden?
>It's just a meme and the cruel things I see written here about British lasses don't seem to come from anyone but immigrants and the self hating twats every nation suffers from
It's the truth fucktard i am saying this as a polish-swede.
I honestly wonder if it's a lasting legacy of the Great Wars. That the best of Britain's were butchered and we were left with the surviving dregs.
Polish pride
>I have been all over the uk and for brits look even better than the average swede here in my city.
I wouldn't go that far but we're just like any other country where you get ugly people and beautiful people. Also this
why does it matter to you? all of your women want BBC they don't want to shack up with feminine towheaded swedish boys
Is that Arya Stark?
I've lived in the US and the UK, and I haven't noticed any significant difference in attractiveness, but Americans tend to be distributed to the extremes i.e. lots of obese, but also lots of fit girls, whereas in the UK there are fewer supermodels, but also fewer pigs (generally)
Also, this is really true, but I didn't realise other people saw it too.
>native britons
Brits are not ugly, but most girls have a weird fashion style.
>Probably because working class people smoke and drink a lot
the rich drink more
anyway all women are cunts so who cares
Wasn't it because all the Nordic Vikings went around raiding towns and villages, stealing all the hot women so the uggo's were left over?
Not sure if that's a meme but it makes sense to me
All these divide and conquer threads, Jesus
I'm half Swedish and half British so idk what side to take here
>posting polish women
top kek, they're coalburners, infamously so
>"Mixed black- African and white children are particularly common in working-class suburbs and commuter towns such as Croydon and Southend-on-Sea, possibly because black Africans are rarely tied to city centres through social-housing tenancies. They are also mixing with new immigrants from continental Europe. Most of the 21,000 children born to Polish mothers in 2012 had Polish fathers; but of the rest, 23% had African or Asian fathers."
Shut up mehmet your womeb are like 50% coalburners
>23% had African or Asian fathers
Jesus Christ.
well and 100% mutt.
This is true actually.
Why are British girls either disgustingly ugly or supermodel tier, while American girls are more plain and average
>Most of the 21,000 children born to Polish mothers in 2012 had Polish fathers; but of the rest, 23% had African or Asian fathers.
This is an awful statistic and I can't believe no one else has brought it up.
It is not saying that 23% of Polish mothers give birth to children with nonwhite fathers. It is saying of those who are not born to Polish fathers, that is the figure.
Statistics are easily abused to promote a particular narrative.
The true number is, at the very most, half of that figure (read, less than half because "most" are born to Polish fathers"). So at the absolute most 12% - but that assumes Polish fathers only make up 50%+1, which is incredibly unlikely.
What a retarded figure.
Look sven, I've lived in Norway and Sweden, it is such a massive meme that your women are better looking on average. Of course I saw some beauties, but it wasn't constant like you make it out to be.
I can only assume this meme comes from the fact our media doesn't put a huge emphasis on beauty when it comes to TV shows and the like. For example, if someone is meant to be working class and poor, they will find someone who has that look to them, instead of the typical Hollywood shit where they find an attractive guy then make him look a bit rough, but somehow still has perfect teeth, skin and hair.
Also our tabloids love to put them in the limelight like a zoo, an example being the racehorse pictures that were plastered around here, which consisted of a bunch of inbred chavs trying to dress up for this event, other countries mostly just don't understand our culture when it comes to this, so they assume these women were our best.
That makes more sense.
Danes does it differently though.
We only cast ugly people. For example, if someone is meant to be rich and wealthy, they will find someone with bad teeth, skin and hair.
>pic related
British people basically look the same as southern Americans tbqh
They are ugly because we took all the good looking ones while raiding. Which is also why we look so fantastic.
>to this, so they assume these women were our best
I been to britain and plenty of people who live in britain says the same thing retard.
Even brits on pol say their women our ugly compared to continentals, and even on r/europe they think brits on average are uglier.
And their last PM skull fucked a dead pig.
Britannia rules the waves!
What parts of Britain are ugly? Is it just England? I've heard that the Scottish and Welsh are more attractive.
Considering that Scotland has one of the highest obesity rates in the UK I'd probably take it off the list.
I know what they say and they are self-hating fucktards who only assume such things through the media and the like. I was one of those people when I was younger, I am guilty of this mindset that you can easily fall into, especially if you come from a rough area where your perception is warped. You have to realize that most don't travel that much within our country and there is a massive divide through areas just in the same way that the accent can change just from driving an hour either way of where you currently live.
>I been to britain
Yeah, and where in Britain was this? because the area can make all the difference. If you say London I'm gonna kek, because it's not like Malmo or Stockholm is indicative.
That's really interesting Danebro, I never knew that. I feel sad that I never got to visit when I was in the area but I'm sure at some point I will in the future, I'll take a boat from Norway though, never want to go to Malmo again.
Scotland has lavren though
did you say swedish girls
One of the most beautiful girls in the world is English.
I am damm sure that Swedish Burqa can easily beat English one any day.
>Scottish women
proplem with polish girls is if you get childs you have a 50% chance that it is a boy and polish slav boys arent that handsome
What about Neil's sister? You bumder
>gingers can't be beautiful
found a virgin lads
I absolutely love red hair. It's such a simple trick that can make even a Norwegian gorgeous.
and you link an uggo'
I like ginger girls but god damn what the fuck user
What good is it having hotter girls if all they are used for is cum dumpsters from shitskins and sand wogs?
She's Scottish.
>mutant genes
come on now user
Norwegian women are legitimately very attractive on the average. Much more so than Swedish women. I've personally never considered Swedish women particularly attractive on the average, but Norwegians actually are.
this fake hair....im dissapointed atleast post a real redhead
Britain has possibly the most negative stereotypes.
For example - we're all ugly, we all have bad teeth, we're all cowardly ponces, we're all satanic black magic wielding child molesters, we're all gay, we're all villains, we're all living in delusions of our former glory, we're the heart of darkness, we're the sole reason for slavery and the killing of millions of indians, we're unable to cook etc.
Success breads jealousy, if the world was a game of CIV5 Britain would be winning it, It's only natural that the lesser nations would band together and make a whole bunch of bullshit up at our expense, its all they have available to them as success is no option.
I'd say the German lower class has the worst looking women, they aren't the busty blonde beer maidens Germans would have you believe but the fat angry angular gaunt "strawberry" blonde troglodytes that Ironically "anglos are ugly" pictures generally involve.
TL:DR Are Brits ugly? Some, the Germanic descending ones, but no more ugly on average than other nations.
>u wonna fite m8?
Not true tho is it
"Cheryl was born in Newcastle upon Tyne on 30 June 1983, and grew up on council estates in the neighbouring districts of Walker and Heaton..."
I've only been in the south of the UK, but yes most females are uglier in UK. The better looking girls in UK are low to mediocre in the rest of Europe.
Yeah, this is the truth.
My fuck buddy is a chav girl who has the worst accent I've ever heard, drinks pints, curses more than I do but her body is fucking amazing, even with the 8 tattoos she sort of ruined it with.
I'm going to pull a My Fair Lady on her one day.
Sue me.
other europeans will never have a short hobbit chav gf
>no more ugly on average than other nations.
fucking kek. Go to a big city in France and just look around.
Im so turned on by the human race.......
Killed herself.
Probably overwhelmed by how white and beautiful Cornwall is compared to her ancestral shithole and couldn't take the shame
Let me tell you from experience, all British and Irish girls are ugly as sin.
Pic related is a British """Model"""
>I'm going to put in a lot of effort to fix some slag whose only plus is her body
No wonder you guys lost your empire.
Oi nigel m8 ma nickers are stuck in my fanny crack, cum tug of them 4 me
I don't get what you're trying to say, is Paris full of fuck ugly girls or Burkas or something?
They didn't really lose their empire. They gave it away. Kind of like USA with their niggers.
Pl0x raid England and annex, Sweden, we'll give you 3 nukes if you do so, we promise you.
We didn't lose it because we didn't make the same mistake the Romans did and decentralised it.
Anglosphere is legit.
I like nigs to