What, no Silicon Valley thread?
What, no Silicon Valley thread?
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So the asshole sold to Holi because he really prefers the promotion (and money) over better tech?
shit episode
theyre circlejerking again
in the last episode they will fuck up hooli con and win bigtime with the last 30 seconds everything is ruined by something to get a cliffhanger ending and keep them poor so we can wait for the next season of this once great show
>tfw no russ hanneman again
>tfw not even jin yang
good for tj miller to leave this sinking ship
>new thread
>my opinion still stands
silicon valley still hasn't met my expectations to best the "jerk off every guy in the room" scene and i'm highly upset about it.
Show's too repetitive, I gave up on it.
1. richard tries to do something
2. fucks it up because he's incompetent
3. gang scrambles to fix everything
4. repeat
>theyre circlejerking again
it's a sitcom about startups. if the company made any real progress it wouldn't be relevant anymore.
>in the last episode they will fuck up hooli con and win bigtime
osment's tech isn't going to work
>with the last 30 seconds everything is ruined by something to get a cliffhanger ending
they won't have enough bandwidth/data to keep their new users
>and keep them poor so we can wait for the next season of this once great show
they won't have enough to cover their expenses and they'll have to take on another investor in pied piper
yeah, he's just in it for fun and to have fun you need loads of money
Why does this show feel like the trailer park boys? At the end of every season they end up exactly where they started-with a new startup idea.
It fucks with the viewer because any stakes the characters have are superficial cause we know what's going to happen in the end anyway.
Show is trash, every actor sucks, every character is boring. Couldn't even get through the latest episode, just had to stop it because I felt like I was just throwing my life away.
>we know what's going to happen in the end anyway.
richard is going to not be as rich as he hopes and be pretty much a new age woz?
We've gone through another loop in the circle that is Silicon Valley.
My only question is; Why did they bring in Monica to sabotage Richard (as they always do) if the whole deal was just going to evaporate the next morning anyway?
"ah whoops you coulda got a payout for getting dropped but you quit instead"
>fucks it up because he's incompetent
Richard doesn't really fuck things up it's just the ridiculous situations he gets placed in that screws him over. Being the head of a tech company is more than just making good tech. Silicon Valley is a judicial/randian hellhole. He's shown to be pretty competent which is why they allowed Dinesh to be CEO and fail to illustrate the difficulty of running a business and how well Richard managed under such stresses.
it's weird watching now that erlich is leaving at the end of the seaason
I haven't seen this season yet but what dues ex machina device is saving them from financial ruin this time?
First was Gavin Belson, but that failed. Then it was "I See Dead People" kid, and that failed too.
last like 4 eps have been lackluster
I want Richard to snap on Monica at some point.
Since she first convinced Richard to not take the 10 million dollar payout in s1e1, Monica has gone from a glorified personal assistant to Senior Partner, and she's still just stringing Richard along with an ever-moving goal-post to get his FIRST ROUND of funding.
Also, why is Richard even still talking to her? What motivated him to go talk to her about getting bought out by not-Lucky-Palmer?
I don't get the point of it randomly being cold with everyone wearing jackets in the last episode
This show is retarded
It seemed like she was going to end up being the love interest, but maybe instead she's the real villain in the series.
The Erlich scene was so weird
The "do you choke your mother with that necklace" was a pretty great scene.
To poke fun at how retarded Californians and other temperate climate dwellers react when the temp drops to 40 degrees.
Also it was a catalyst for Jack Barker's box being delayed by an accident at manufacturer because of the weather.
I recently re-watched the series. Her only purpose is to convince Richard to fuck up good deals because they don't benefit HER.
I thought he died since I heard he was leaving the show.
That part and the part after the celebration made me think it was a dream sequence or something.
Tfw you will never be a guy with good prospects in silicon valley working on a revolutionary idea with your best bros.
Tfw you will never lick Monica's feet
>laurie will never make your clip her toenails with your teeth and give you permission to suck on clippings like salted sunflower seeds
They are at the same place as season 1: a start up company
It's fucking bullshit and I feel like I'm wasting my time
Man Judge needs to figure out if this is going to be a serialized show or have over-reaching plots for the whole season. How many fucking times has PP been sold, changed owners, been on the verge of going out of business this season? Every other episode something happens and it's completely resolved and forgotten at the end of the episode. I'm tired of the branching possibilities too. Oh they're doing compression, no video streaming, no VR, no data storage, no a new internet. Fucking pick something this isn't king of the hill you stupid texan fuck.
>I feel like I'm wasting my time
Startups in a nutshell
I don't give a fuck about the end product, it's about the journey to me.
show needs more Ed Chambers
>temp drops to 40 degrees.
Dude, we act that way when it gets below 60. 40 is like a winter night out here.
I loved the first seasons but now it feels like a drag. Should've ended already
You know that copy+pasta about how Sherlock is "Smart people as written by dumb people"?
Silicon Valley is a lot like that.
It's written by smart people and that copypasta is retarded.
I think he realizes how unlikely it is that he's going to be able to stay on HBO for a long time so he's just riding it out. In the meantime the show is still funny. It only feels like the show isn't a sitcom because of the way it's shot but it really is one.
no, they now have hs revolutionary technology capable of displacing everyone from the market wich nobody wants and is twice as good as the other revolutionary technology they came up with and several oher people also came up with but also nobody wants
Still they are finding money somehow after crashing buisness after buisness
Erlich getting revenge when?
i would rather just have the vr dude disapear from the show, i dont need another pointless character
This scene kinda pissed me off.
One of your best friends is attempting suicide by fire, and instead of braving the flames to drag him out... or even calling the Fire Department... you just kinda... wait until dawn to lazily confront him after it fails.
Ah, I'm a dumb Celsius-using syrupnigger. All I know is 32 degrees is freezing.
>-40 fahrenheit is the same as -40 celsius
He isn't pointless.
Barker bought his VR tech to have something to show at Hooli Con.
His tech is shite and will fail, ruining Jack and Gavin will swoop in.
seems likely
pied piper will manage to stay in business thanks to hooli con, gavin will return and maybe he'll bring richard and the guys to hooli to start the new internet project
Okay, okay. I'm bias. I personally identify with Richard, and I want him to achieve some reasonable level of comfort before the show gets canned.
All it takes to make he happy is for Gavin Belson to cut Richard a check for like 10 million bucks.
Then we get a glorious season of Richard running the company exactly how he wants to, and fucking it all up.
Wouldn't that be a fun change of pace?
Yeah sure, I'd love that, I also just think it's a pretty comfy situation in that house with the 5 of them, but things never really change and I do admit that something new should happen.
they'll reserve that for the last season
i don't know how much of an impact erlich's leave will have on the show but i hope they don't try to put "i see dead people" kid in his place
also jack barker is a shitty character and his voice pisses me off
>best friends
Urlich is a massive dick to them.
the first few eps were bad but I've enjoyed these last three or four
I think Hoolicon will be really good
Erlich is being set up to leave to 'find himself' or something. If TJ had ended up staying they would've brought him back next season but instead he'll probably go off into the desert or something
erlich isn't leaving on bad terms so a possible appearance later on is possible
I like that Jack is getting nasty. It seems obvious that the only way for Jack to save the box is to buy-out Richard, and that's the perfect time for Gavin to come back. Then we go around the loop again.
They're friends. We all have a friend like that.
Speaking of friends, where the fuck is BigHead?
Russ Hannemann and Gavin Belson are by far the most funny characters
Show quality has really sunk and without these two it's unwatchable
I think he is leaving on bad terms. In the Larry King interview, you can definitely tell something is off and we're not getting the real story.
showing movies at stanford
peter gregory was top tier, rip christopher evan welch.
Looking back I don't know if I've laughed as hard as I did during the "have any of you eaten at burger.... king?" scene
Gavin will probably swoop in during Hoolicon next episode
It's because he is missing a large part of the frontal lobe. He's lacking in social graces and he's unable to cooperate with other.
Tron isn't that long.
Doesn't he sleep at that house?
no. thread theme:
he's not gay, he's presumably motivated by her fuckin hips
>her fuckin hips
just brought up that mental image
i liked the most recent ep
pilapa burning scene was oddly cut off, though
Get lost on your way to redd.it?
I don't know man, not as good of a scene(s) maybe but Jared's Ed Chambers stuff still cracks me up.
Mike Judge is like the only based guy left in Hollywood. He's pretty much a Sup Forumsack.
Ed Chambers was hilarious. Is there a person on whom the character is based?