How come the SJW crew havent destroyed him yet?
Nigga is literally chilling in his studio, making fun of retards, LGBT trash, minorities, etc and hes as big as ever?
How come the SJW crew havent destroyed him yet?
Nigga is literally chilling in his studio, making fun of retards, LGBT trash, minorities, etc and hes as big as ever?
inb4 >because he's a kike
sjw's see jews as white, unless it's 30-40's germany
He and his fanbase don't care about sjw's at all.
Because you can't pay for his channel with an EBT card
Because he's on xm/Sirius and millennials don't pay for entertainment.
I thought he was a hack Jew sellout who cowtowed to SJWs left and right? Who should I believe, anonymous posters?
>because something costs money means you HAVE to pay to access it
He's not on regular radio, he's on a subscription sat service that most sjw's either don't know about or, more likely, can't afford...
Because he just tells them to fuck off. If you apologize for anything, that's when they go for the jugular.
He is a Jew and no one really listens to radio.
Howard has literally been taken over by a SJW feminist named Marcy Turk and changed all the offensive nicknames of his characters and openly supported Hillary. Gary the retard is now "Gary the conqueror". He has Lena Dunham on the show and kisses her ass constantly... very sad. And he's still scared of Opie and Anthony after all these years
>gary the conqueror
Howard Stern is the worst shit ever
Interviews are basically him licking the ass of whatever celebrity he has on
disgusting pedophile manchildren sycophants calling in to say how amazing howard stern is
douche bag staff that he pays minimum wage
constant SJW shit
>making fun of minorities
>hired numerous minorities including making Robin a regular contributor
>mocking sjws or the lgbt
Since when?
He spent 10 minutes blowing Patrice's corpse when Burr was on a couple days ago. It was very uncomfortable.
cuz he's a lib too
Who, me?
Cause he's on satellite radio. There's very little overlap between the people who have satellite radio and the people who get upset at these things.
Goo for you pal
haven't watched much of it but I know he's made fun of retarded people before
If you're too young to know Howard Stern, then fuck off to reddit please.
Pure retardkino
you cant beat someone who's already won.
he's literally the dragon dildo's meme.
Have you listened to his show in the last 5 years?
He's gone full SJW.
>Gary the Conqueror
>Wendy the slow adult
>No longer says fag or retard
>Constantly books Amy Schumer, Chelsea Handler, Rachel Maddow, etc
>Doesn't have Sal or Richard in the studio anymore
>Removed Benjy from the studio
>No more games, bits, or nudity. Just terrible pre-written phonecalls with trump/Hilary impersonators.
>Other people in the business are afraid of him because he's blackballed people from getting work if they pissed him off
He's an SJW now. He preemptively banned people from the show including Gilbert Gottfried. They went so far as to change Gary the Retard's name to Gary the Conqueror.
>implying jews shilling for moral decay wasnt always the highest form of sjw.
I always got the impression that stern was liberal or at least left leaning.
I watch film, not celebrity personalities.
because he doesn't do anything interesting anymore. he sold out. young howard would destroyed old howard - he became everything he ever kicked against.
go look up 'the best of daniel carver' on youtube - it was magical.
I've always figured it was because his listener base is either low as fuck, or that no one really cares about him or his antics anymore.
Once upon a time he was shocking and graphic, but anymore its like he's turned into that weird uncle who keeps telling the same old dirty/sexist jokes at family reunions.
That uncle who thinks he's hilarious, and a few of the younger kids still laugh at him, but most of your family just kinda gives him a smirk, rolls thier eyes and goes back to having adult conversations.
He's a cuck now
Case closed
>That one time in the 90s one of Trump's friends that was on the show with him talked about how Trump loves Russian women because they'll do anything
I'll give you a hint OP
>(((howard stern)))
This. Don't know if OP is baiting or just uninformed.