Really makes you think...
Really makes you think
Most libertarians I know loathe the Republican Party as much as the democrats.
Yeah they're a bunch of useless faggots.
That's about the makeup of the Dems if you replace "racists" with "feminists" and "rednecks and hicks" with "blacks and hispanics".
That's it, I'm taking my tin-foil paranoia and racism to be #artilleryforhillary
Libertarians are the ultimate fedora tipping cringelords.
Racists, rednecks, and hicks are all bad things. Blacks and Hispanics are just races of people, and feminists just want equality. It's a bad comparison and you should feel bad. And retarded.
Rednecks and hicks are economic and cultural groups. Racists are people with eyes.
It is in fact a perfectly accurate comparison.
>implying all the (((bad))) things are white
that's pretty racist, faglord
>race is a social construct
>white race is privileged
>blacks and Hispanics
I think you mean niggers and spics if you want to be consistent in your use of slurs.
Color the whole thing blue and add racist blacks, sjw's and a tiny white and jewish liberal elite. Then you have the Democratic party.
replace it with Ghetto trash then?
The edginess around here is intense.
Fucking ableist shitlord, check your privilege.
There is literally nothing wrong with being a redneck.
Not an argument. :^)
>Not an argument. :^)
Not an argument.
But I'm a racist AND a tinfoil hat wearing moron, where do I fit?
> be open minded, inclusive and not so quick to stereotype people for their beliefs
- Liberals
That's pretty accurate.
This meme that all liberals are SJWs needs to end. We're just regular dude who way, way smarter than you.
>We're just regular dude who way, way smarter than you
wew lad
Right here, kouhai.
The few Republicans I know are utter retreds.
I know one libertarian, he can hold a position in a debate and is capable of thought. He does have a piece of his soul missing, hence his political leaning.
>utter retreds
Stay cucked britfag.
how are those two things in any way exclusive? are social constructs not able to have a societal privilege? do you think before you post?