I'm getting tired of this fuck in every movie. Ya we get it, you're Stan fucking Lee.
I'm getting tired of this fuck in every movie. Ya we get it, you're Stan fucking Lee
his whole name is a first name
Have you tried not watching capeshit?
I've known Stanley but never a Stanlee
Like Lee Marvin
No you dolt
Stan Lee = Stanley
Lee Marvin = ???
Drink bleach.
>Stan Lee appears in scene
>some mong in the threatre whispers ''that's Stan Lee!'' as if he's in on a joke nobody else gets
How bad are normies going to virtue signal his death?
Lamar like Kendrick Lamar
It's how reddit says Marvin
Normies will be in absolute tears despite never actually picking up a comic book in their lives
>Jack Kirby and Steve Ditko create every single well-known comic book superhero
>this cuck takes credit for it
"Stan Lee" isn't his real name
>Stanley Martin Lieber was born on December 28, 1922 in New York City, U.S.,[2] in the apartment of his Romanian-born Jewish immigrant parents
It really shows. Stan's actual material is really cheesy even for comic books.
>It's a normie takes a picture of themselves holding a comic or piece of MCU merchandise while crying and thanking Stan episode
I predict a huge normie reaction, followed by a fairly large counter-reaction by internet debate-club faggots talking about him screwing over Jack Kirby.
If you ask me the more interesting bet is which movie will have the "In memory of" part?
go to france and say that you piece of shit
Considering what like five MCU movies get released a year I think all of them that come out in the year of his death or afterwards will milk that cow. Normies will go and see it in droves despite the fact they will be bad, because they'll want to do it for Stan.
Why so bitchy? Hitchcok did it in all his movies.
Le is prounoinces luh you dumb fuck amerifat
highest point in every movie he's in
you're the amerifat you dumb fuck marvin is a feminine name
face it, you've lost the argument.
i retire in victory
He'll be dead soon so you can stop worrying about him appearing in future movies
he's going to die very soon, and one of you fuckers are going to be like "aw i just saw him in 'marvel capeshit crusader' and he looked fine."
the Deadpool cameo was the worst for this
>Stan Lee finally dies
>Disney perfects the CGI body doubles they used in Rogue One
>Creates CGI Stan Lee cameo in Black Panther 2: Bigger and Blacker as a RIP in Peace Tribute
>Received so well by fans they put CGI Stan Lee cameos in all MCU films for eternity
>implying they haven't recorded tons of footage of him so he can keep appearing in movies long after he dies
>they animate Stan Lee to confess that he wouldn't have been successful if it weren't for his white privilege
>they anime Stan Lee to get cucked by the Black Panther
When I saw the Civil War some guy was doing that with every superhero he could remember the name of
>MCU films for eternity
oh god no, the horror of endless capeshit movies makes my heart skip a beat in fear.
Why didn't he get a cameo in Wonder Woman? Subverting the trope?
It's lasting at the very least another decade, you'd better buckle up. Box office kings are only killed by usurpers so we need something else to gain popularity
or suicide squad...or batman vs superman...or man of steel...
huh...just what is the pattern?
Can't wait for him to appear as a space alien in the colliseum in Thor Ragnarok.
>"Geez, what's an alien gotta do to get a space beer around here!?"
>Stan Lee cameo
>People in the cinema go fucking ballistic and start screaming like they never seen him in other 873 MCU movies
>tfw I look up where the cameo is on Google before I watch any Marvel film so I can throw my popcorn in the air before he shows up and ruin it for everyone
>losing your shit over a 5 second cameo
Seek help.
For starters Stan Lee hasn't directed shit. He literally only got famous because he wrote his name on other peoples work.
I like that Zack's cameos are much more subtle instead of inserting a comic sketch in the middle of any movie. It often ruins the mood and pacing.
Best Stan Lee cameo was X-men Apocalypse for that same reason. Both of them were nice.
>Stan Lee appears on screen
>close my eye and brace myself for the inevitable comment that's soon to follow as I parrot the very words silently with my lips
>"Haha! Hey user! Looks, it's that guy!"
Most kino cameo in all capeshit is when the Senator played an actual Senator in BvS (and got BTFO)
Is he related to Bruce Lee?
I agree. Let's go one step further and get rid of capeshit movies.
Why wasn't he in Logan? That was a Marvel movie about old geezers dying wasn't it?