What are some films about best friends having a good time and getting a new bud while outsiders only here for capeshit get upset?
What are some films about best friends having a good time and getting a new bud while outsiders only here for capeshit...
Pol is delusional if they think any well adjusted human sees them as anything but an annoyance.
I prefer dubs, to be honest
Sup Forums is the cancer of this site. Literally immigrants from reddit. My digits back me up.
me on the second to left
is /fit/ supposed to be a child or a manlet
>Sup Forums
what has happened to Sup Forums that this kind of newfaggotry is acceptet?
>Watched Death Grips live on Saturday
>Songs from Steroids nowhere to be seen
how tf did you do that
Sup Forums posting is literally the sign of newfaggotry.
Go back Leddit
A bunch of autistic racists started shitting up everywhere outside their containment board.
what's the difference?
Sup Forums runs this show denialfag
why would I care what those people think, why do you want to be a well adjusted person anyway?
INB4, you answer with memes
These are redditors, Sup Forums and Sup Forums drones who only joined Sup Forums because of star wars7 and game of thrones
Sup Forums is as mentally retarded as sjw they are fighting
>this delusion
Holy shit! 18+
Sup Forums is king. We run the website. If you don't like it I suggest you leave
Sup Forums is what Sup Forums was 3 years ago: biggest most active board on the site where most of the reddit transplants end up. not that you were around then so you don't remember everything being blamed on "Sup Forumseddit" and shitposters being redirected to Sup Forums
as for Sup Forums, r/the_donald runoff unironically makes up the majority of Sup Forums at this point and they've spilled out over the whole site
Sup Forums belongs to Sup Forums faggots
If you're against Sup Forums then you're against us which means you need to go back to reddot or Sup Forums
I agree, if I were to ever meet a pol/erina/ in real life,... let's just say you wouldn't even see my katana move
Before 2016 they were no politics on Sup Forums.
Then during the election some political incorrect meme appeared and nobody was bitching about it.
Now that the election is over if you use one of these meme an army of DURRR DURRR POL show up.
I guess it's the circle of life