*record scratch*

>*record scratch*
>*freeze frame*
Yep...that's me right therer. You're probably wondering how I got there? Well, it's a quite long story..

Other urls found in this thread:


What's he an expert at?

The cyber.

What's his favorite kino?

Fuck Trump. and his autistic ass son.

Is Baron kino?

sister love

fuck YOU shitskin

pick my cotton NIGGER

is Baron the cuck or the bull

Being a 6ft ten year old who bangs his mom

That guy next to me, that's my father, some say he's the brains of the operation. Me? Well I'm the expert of the team.

Ivanka would have discreetly stopped him from doing that.

Tiffany is worst Trump

That is a weak stroke game senpai.

L I T E R A L L Y / O U R G U Y /

jesus he's tall

Giving mommy and big sis' his cummies

computer stuff and the security aspect of cyber

It was the growth spurt from hell

All those women are fucking hideous, ngl

Is Barron taller than RDJ already? Unironically?

The average fifth grader is taller than RDJ

It's funny how we all joke about him being autistic, but he actually is autistic. I don't say that in a chiding way. The kid has autism, HA! Oh man, I can't wait until he grows up and does all sort of autistic crap on live television.

How can he connect with the average American?

if he's that tall already imagine how big his cock is already and how big it's GOING to get


How can you vote for a president that married a sl*v? In my country he would be swinging from a tree

hes just young and awkward

>sister love


>10 years old
>already almost 6 foot
Is this the master race hitler was talking about??


im sure he would, abdulah

>he's becoming a lanklet instead of a qt twunk

The timeline is breaking

People make fun of him now,but wait till he turns 21 and is a 6'6 Chad banging actresses.

It's not just that though, and I mean it. I was young and awkward too. This guy's dad was what, 60 when he conceived him? There's too much stupid behavior for it to be anything else.

>a 10 year old is significantly taller than you

>those heels

That's some tacky as fuck style. So easy to recognize the nouveau-riche.

No way that's really his artwork cuz if it is this man is a genius I could not paint that good at my age niw

He's going to be in a group home. The only thing he's going to be banging is his hand against his chest.

The Expert at fidget spinning

Jesus christ.

Yeah, I'm sure the son of a billionaire ex-president will end up in a group home

maybe he's a little spergy, but it's exacerbated by being 10 and being as tall as a full grown adult

welp, autism confirmed

I can't wait until he comes out as gay or transgendered and then writes a tell-all book about his dead dad.

Remember when his dad won that election and all those retards sperged out over it? God that was funny.

Oh wait that's still happening, why am I talking in the past tense.

Sup Forums speculated that another piece of evidence is that trump started tweeting about vaccines and autism around the time when Barron's autism would've become diagnosed (toddler)

>Michael Cera as Baron Trump
>Sofia Vergera as Melania Trump
>Jeff Bridges as Donald Trump

>Barron Trump may seem like a fairly normal child born with a silver spoon. Little does anybody know he might be the key to his father's election as the preident of the United States. From the comfort of his bedroom Barron wages brutal memetic warfare, subtly controlling millions of internet trolls to discredit his father's opponents and meme him into the white house.

He's really quite handsome, if i'm honest

>all that money
>can't afford to take painting lessons


Baron will be the saviour of the white race

Cry more, faggot.

Is everyone except the guy on the right leaning over?

Or is the camera level and the right guy is leaning back?

Well there is a higher risk of autism with older dads, it's not exactly inconceivable.

Reminder that Barron has a Steam account and has played Deus Ex, making him woke af

Struck a nerve didn't I? Enjoy the next 7 and a half years I sure will.

Prove it.


n-no! no no no! he is being impeached as we speak! this new meme on reddit got 100k upvotes! hahahah enjoy deluding yourself! any moment now!

these interior is hideous af

This is googleable, it's very clearly his account with his name and a confirming description.

Who's going to play him in the inevitable biopic?

Trump is obviously not going to get a second term.

>you will never be Barron's personal maid, bringing him breakfast every morning and taking care of his morning wood by massaging his cute yet large for his age shota dick with your massive breasts and complimenting him for being so good at cumming
Why even live

Donald Trump is what a poor person thinks it is like to be a rich person

yeah,like he obviously couldn't get the first one

sort yourself out

I dont think this election could've had a better outcome for Trump's opponents. Now that's POTUS and day by day is proving himself to be a total fucking failure they will either see trumpshitters slowly turning away from him with massive butthurt or continue to bend over backwards trying to explain his continous flops as some sort of an elaborate master plan. Both scenarios are equally entertaining.


people like you shouldnt be alive right now in the first place

Awesome. Nothing I like more than dinosaurs and big tits.

He's quite a large boy

LOL,hey John! I loved New in Town!

the Dems are in such a mess I probably wouldn't bet on it

Not the same thing. He was elected on promises that he won't be able to keep. So people will feel betrayed, and without Hilary as the enemy they'll flock to the centrist candidate the democrats submit

If the ex-president has also been impeached and imprisoned/has fled to russia then yes

I thought it was shit

Triggered, Sup Forumstards?

>Barron comes out as gay in 2019
>Donald says he fully accepts him and is proud of his son
>California goes red for the first time since Reagan

Doesn't stop him being a billionaire.

Fuck off nigger

The Drumpfkins are already beginning to realize they've been bamboozled

Has Trump ever been anti-LGBT? Serious question.

>trump can never be the republican nominee!
>trump will never get elected president!
Don't you guys ever get tired of being wrong?

Sperg harder faggot it won't change the results of the election. Also can you idiots vary your images a bit I swear to god I've seen this exact same image like a dozen times. I don't think anyone really care that some goofy looking guy baked a silly cake to celebrate his candidate winning nearly as much as you think they do.

>Don't you guys ever get tired of being wrong?



Dems aren't smart enough to nominate a milquetoast centrist. The SJW freaks will flock to the polls for the primaries and nominate some sassy black or hispanicwoman who wants to put white men in camps. Then they'll lose again and we'll all laugh at their tears.

Do you realize how rare it is for a president to not get a second term? He'd have to be a charisma vacuum. The Comey hearings also confirmed he's not under investigation which absolutely discredits the last ditch effort of the Democratic party to claim legitimacy by questioning Trump's.

Donald trump is literally burning gays alive in concentration camps right now as we speak you fucking dumbass man

Donald might win reelection, sure, because billionaires constantly shill for him and hire shills to talk him up. Winning election doesn't mean you're good and right though, such a lazy dumb argument. Though it would be swell if someone shot him.

Barron is pure and you deserve to get raped by a pack of niggers

>implying Hilary wasn't a milquetoast centrist

No. He was magically labeled as such when he ran for president though.

It must be the real him. It's not like anyone could make that account.

What politician kept all his promises? I realize how assholeish I sound but it was between him and Hillary and at least he is someone new. I am not saying he is great,but liberal media paints him as this monster who kills kids on his days off (which he already takes too many of!). Also he is constantly underrated by the democrats who need to sort their shit out and realize that you can't attack and belittle voters and then be surprised they voted for him. Also they can't decide what to criticize. Some are calling him an evil emperor and others call him incompetent slob who doesn't do anything. When he does something good,it's because of democrats in some way.

Bush Sr. didn't get one and he was solid

Keep projecting your feelings onto others faggot. Trump has been making yuge changes while the mainstream media is busy trying to force feed us the Russia conspiracy. Pay attention.

Not really. I think he takes the position that gay marriage is a states rights issue, but that's about it. NYC conservatives tend to be like that. People will ask why he picked Pence for VP, then, but that was just to get the religious vote.

Yeah like how Obama lost his re-election bid because he broke all the promises he made to get elected initially.

>So people will feel betrayed, and without Hilary as the enemy they'll flock to the centrist candidate the democrats submit
Isn't this more or less the exact same strategy as last year? Maybe you guys should actually try and get a decent candidate this time rather then just rely on the hatred for your opponent to win.