Racists on suicide watch
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If Europe were isolated like the Americas, it would had been same shit.
is there anything the africans weren't?
>i tried so hard and got so farrrr....
You mad, monkey?
the fuck is this bullshit?
Successful, well fed, and washed.
So if Europe wasn't white who was oppressing them?
Attila was a nigger, family.
The white Africans who took over Europe in the 17th - 19th centuries and forced all the blacks out.
wait so it was black people who oppressed black people, no way, so blm is full of shit right? Man it all makes sense now
Quiet, goy!
do they provide census statistics showing that POC were in a significant numbers in europe?
"This poc in a painting is the proof that europe is always been diverse and vibrant"
there are actually mongoloids who believe this
fucking leeches
Law abiding citizens.
hell yeah
now that's what i'm talking about, cracka
Actually, in medieval times it was common for powerful and rich nobles to take in african (christian) minor nobility as members of the court. There are a fuckload of paintings of black court servants.
take your fake ass pasty ass white boi jesus back to Hell where you came from, you low down dirty cracka motherfuckers
Jesus was a Shitskin; he was from the Middle East. He was neither white nor black but the colour of a light shit.
This thread said I'm not white so I'm OK with this. Fuck you all.
you take that back you lying motherfucker
redguards btfo
Your not completely wrong. It has always had Greeks, Italians and, Fins in it, but the black angle is fucking retarded. Europe used to classify blacks as subhumans back before and during the age of enlightenment when we based our judgments on logic and science.
Where does he think whites came from, if not Europe?
How did
"Hey look at that odd black fellow, I've never seen one of them before. Let me paint him"
"London was Nairobi and you crazy crackas stole it from us"?
You should believe in Lady Britannia not Jesus you bible thumping pillock; you're no better than the Muzzies.
you are white bro
if you have mostly european ancestry, youre white
i has the faith
You think that God cares about your silly genetics? Just because he was born in the middle east and to a middle eastern mom that suddenly makes God abide by human rules?
He was the son of God I'm sure Mary's genetics weren't even put into play and God hand sculpted the perfect genetics for Jesus which means he was most certainly white and probably just made him have a permanent tan so he wouldn't be suspicious.
testify white boi
>Black President
You right, we wuz europeans n shit
>invading moors
>an Ottoman expatriate and a Frenchman
>more invading moors
Didn't know that everybody was speaking english back then.
lel sure man
There is no real evidence of Jesus ever existing.
Use your brain faggot
They were slaves from the ottoman empire who were bought by lands owners in the 1600s and 1700s. Those are their descendants
Actually Roman records show they did crucify a man named Jesus from Nazareth for preaching shit but I don't believe all this magic shit about him fixing the blind cunts eyes when it takes months to get a fucking appointment at the opticians for some cunts.
looks like it was made by 3rd graders. string on the spine golding the pages to it...maybe this is what kindle has done to publishers or maybe tyrome was to lazy to buy glue he wouldnt huff
#blacktoafrica #acquitalforallcops
I knew Serbs were retarded from centuries of sand nigger rape, but I didnt know it was this bad...
The idiocy of Nation of Islam's 'etymology' is quite interesting, really.
Most of it is from a bunch of science fiction novels by Richard Shaver, from the late 1940's. Deal with hollow earth and a bunch of evil creatures called the Deros.
There's this whole system of etymology where certain syllables are shortenings of entire words, in the case of Deros it's "detrimental robots." De-ro-s.
You can see the same system in pic related. They're not only delusional, they're derivative in their delusions.
Just read a history book mate.
It looks like a pop up book
>sees images
Oh, it's a picture book. Good to know they're really going after that POC demo...
Maybe in your shitty Spanish history mate but not in England. Enjoy your niggers you shitskin Spanish decendent.
>nobody cared who they were until they put on the mask
Good job retard, you just fell for an unsubstabtiated meme infographic
holl up.. holl up, so you sayin we wuz knightz n sheit?
so there were niggers in Europe a long time ago... your point? It was most certainly created by whites.. black came along with the sand niggers or as slaves.
nah m8 dero means derelict, theyre like bogans,maybe some link to an abo gang or something
at this point who is not black?
>as diaries recently found in Russia prove
The German word "Ritter" comes from "Reiter" (rider), because they usually rode on horses and only people from a higher stand owned their personal horse(s).
So maybe this applies to anglo cucks, but the rest of Europe was nigger-free. Thanks.
Knight comes from Knecht, I think. Like Landsknechte.
We Wuz Hunz and Sheeit
The black knights rode on boats to get into Europe. Stop rewriting history to suit your own racist agenda.
Please just go to Africa with all of your superior black brothers, you really are a cancer to civilised society and I'm sure you'd prefer being around people as smart as you
>So smart they take pictures on a book that they want to sell
Yes, truly we are the stupid and wrong ones.
I wonder if CERN is rewriting history to include niggers
Here's the author herself
The name "Jesus" is a lie. The letter J wasn't invented until the 17th century.
In france ,the word for knight is Chevalier ,which literally means horse rider. However whites were never able to ride horses ,so they let the heroes of the moorish empire defend them while they were busy with their peasant sticks. Later when we wuz cars inventors ,the white man could finally ride something and began erasing the melanated people out of the history books.
Lancelot had his name from his big dick "lot of lance = muh dick", hence why Arthur lost his wife to him
Fucking hell im durnk
That's a dude, calling it now.
If Europe was white hundreds of years ago, why are there no pictures of white people in Europe hundreds of years ago?
Absolutely disgusting. Esper or GTFO.
Would buttfuck that dude tbf
This image hurts me, such bullshit.
And that at least in english usage stems from an older word for servant/youth.
Real name: Malisha Dewalt
Its true, the entire world was first populated by dark skinned people, all from Africa.
White people were originally aliens, they tried to be friendly, but always at war, they had to settle the areas north where the blacks had not yet learned to survive
Are they seriously implying that Medieval Europeans somehow didn't know Northern Africa and the Middle East a lot better than Northern/Eastern Europe?
>Have no written history so you need to insert yourself into European history
The SJWs trying to change history again.
Reminds me of this delusional video:
Nice Jewry
15 Jew points to Brazil
>tfw Jesus was just some schizo guy that people memed into godhood.
Just like kek. PRAISE KEK
I think we made this one. I remember someone making it a couple months ago.
So the only real shit they have is after contact would have been extensive, especially in two major colonial powers?
The women were still white though.
Marxists on suicide watch.
Yu know us blacks mang, we b stealin yo womyns n shieeet.
We wuz knights n shieeeet.
Brazilians, nigers themselves hahahaha
Remember, Black people were the original people in every land
White people have no homeland, we just popped up out of the Earth one day with a sword in hand ready destroy the advanced peaceful black people
Daily reminder to learn German and read Mein Kampf to be a proper National Socialist soldier.
t. theory done by (((white))) people