Star Wars is doomed, isn't it ?
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it was doomed for sure when disney stuck it's dick in it.
Star Wars was never good
Look at that bitch face, she took away his babies and she's gonna make them work on the street corner
>not the prequel garbage
everything after return of the jedi was garbage. the ewok movies only get a pass if you are a child with mild learning disabilities
who gives a shit about star wars?
damn white slaver
What happened to that fat guys neck and chin
Ideologically? Yes
Economicaly? No
She looks smug while he looks like a cowering cuck. Sums up the liberal male-female relationship with one photo.
Yea, but where the prequels were bad, nu-Star Wars is flat out propaganda.
Who was in the right?
Wow Alison Brie really is aging fast
just shut up, retarded goblin.
It was always terrible you shit
The franchise died when Lucas sold the rights
The funny thing is, dumb normies will soon realize how lazy and soulless Disney nu Star wars flicks are and they will not be able to blame George this time
If they didn't realize already with TFA and Rogue One. They never will. At this point, Disney only has to shove their shit down their throat, there is no opposition.
>dumb normies will soon realize
but that's exactly how normies don't work
Kathleen Kennedy is such a slut.....
Yall want her slut pics?
Let's see:
-Disney owns it
-A woman is running the franchise
So, yes.
The Jedi deserved to die, Sheev made a favor to the galaxy
They realized already, see every normie Marey Sue comment in youtube, the Phantom Menace effect has already faded
Nope. Saved.
TFA was good, get over it. Best movie in the past 2 years. Nothing else worth watching. Super hero movies suck. Literally nothing good.
>TFA was good
It was doomed from the Start. Lucas is a hack.
Returns is the only good Star Wars movie. TFA is the 2nd best one.
Hacks don't create 4 billion dollar companies on their own and create some of the most loved movies of all time
Star Wars has been total shit since 1999.
Fucking Lucas, what a hack. What he should've done is sold Star Wars to Sony, then we could've had Star Wars movies as good as Ghostbusters and TASM2.
Ah... yes they do. Look at Apple, look a Beats, etc. Lots of people / companies make it big selling shitty products to morons. The Transformers movies have made billions. Are you saying those are great simply because they've made money?
Lucas is a hack, he took Ewan McGreggor, Liam Neeson, and Natalie Portman... 3 talented actors and he pulled the WORST performances of all their careers out of them, and was OK with it.
If money's the argument then surely Disney's proved itself superior to Lucasfilm since it swallowed it up.
Lucas didn't have to sell. He did it because he didn't want it anymore. He gave most the money away. That's not being swallowed up. Lucas did it because he hates the fans.
I honestly think he got tricked/leveraged into selling.
He didn't have to sell you're right but the point is that he did sell his very large company to another even larger company, and if someone's using the argument that making money is inherently good, then surely a company that makes even more money must be better.
>Returns is the only good Star Wars movie. TFA is the 2nd best one.
kill yourself
Star wars hasn't been good ever since they realized they could make money off any worthless crap just by slapping "star wars" on it, and that happened a long time ago. The original three movies were the only really good part of the entire franchise, and they've been riding that momentum for decades now. Just wait. Ten years after they finish up this new trilogy they'll announce a new one.
have a thing
>using the awful CGI Yoda instead of the iconic puppeteering of Frank Oz
underage please go
I have literally no problem with more Star Wars content. But I wish they were being creative and weird like the expanded universe was all but forced to be instead of trying original stories that are as safe as can be
>going out of your way to track down the "best" version of a shit film
Also prequel puppet Yoda looked like ass. Maybe they shouldn't have let the original puppet rot.
There is no better commercially available version of the superior theatrical cut than the Episode 1 Laserdisk.
True but on the other hand, he still managed to create new stuff and fluff, some of it looking darn cool. Podracing, Darth Maul. Droidekas. While the movies were shit, the videogames were great.
Compare it to TFA, which has literally no new tech. Wanna fly an X-wing? Oops, you already can. TIE fighter? Shoot the E-11? They just took stuff from the OT, slapped a few colors here and there and changed the iconic sound.
>The funny thing is, dumb normies will soon realize how lazy and soulless Disney nu Star wars flicks are
They won't. I saw the midnight screening for TFA and as soon as it finished I couldn't help but have this empty feeling as I was leaving. I didn't hate the film, I didn't love it. I just had no strong feelings about it in anyway, yet all around me the group of people, who were mostly couples wearing Star Wars shirts were all talking about how awesome what they saw was.
As I drove home I thought about it and tried to recall moments that were exciting or memorable and I really had none. Then the next morning all the reviews dropped and were overwhelmingly positive and it was all anyone was talking about and people only spoke positively. I figured my expectations were too high and I would appreciate it more when I saw it the second time.
I saw it a second time with my family and as I was watching it now and able to be more analytical it became obvious how much it just imitated New Hope. It was a safe, no risk nothing film. It's a paint by numbers film exercise made to appeal to the casual fans for reasons they can't comprehend, make a bundle of money and sell toys. And that's all the rest will be.
There likely won't be another good Star Wars film in our lifetime and I'm saddened by that.
>Star Wars is doomed, isn't it ?
not realizing this 15 years ago.
Star wars is highly rated and possibly the most popular franchise in the world so your money argument doesn't hold up.
>the ewok movies
I never watched them, even as a child I was like man do those look gay as fuck
>he looks like a cowering cuck
That's just George's face. He always looks like that.
>prequel puppet Yoda looked like ass
CGI Yoda looked more like OG Yoda. I could not believe how terrible prequel puppet Yoda looked. Like seriously............had the designer never seen the original Yoda before?
The prequels sucked, but at least you got a few years of spacing between them. You could take that time to collect yourself and think about what you saw, maybe get a little hyped for the next film which could better.
Now you get Star Wars thrown in your face every day, with a new "Star Wars" movie every 6 to 12 months featuring shoehorned diversity characters. And Disney is spending every single ounce of their Corporate budget attempting to permeate every facet of society with Star Wars. They're trying(extremely hard) to make Star Wars a "Girls thing" even though it doesn't exactly jive with their temperament.
The simple, well made movies made on a(comparatively speaking) shoestring budget are long gone, get ready for a 150 million dollar juggernaut forced down our throats every six months.
>TFA was good, get over it.
It started out great. Then by the time Finn and Poe's escape rolls around it turns into shitty Disney quippy garbage.
>Starkiller base was stupid
>The First Order was like a parody of The Empire
>Maz Kanata was a cheap attempt at creating a "NEW YODA FOR A NEW AGE"
>Why is Anakin's saber still around? Shouldn't it be crunched up in the center of Bespin's gravity well?
>There's an even badder, more ancienter villain than The Emperor. But he's been hiding this whole time heehee.
>Rey was only good in her intro scenes, everything after that was riddled with the strong womyn trope
>Everything on Han and Chewie's new ship was god awful (Kanji Club, those creatures, hamfisted references to the OT)
>Maz's Castle was kinda cool, but everyone being able to see SKB destroy that system from there was retarded. If they were close enough to see it with the naked eye that would mean they're in the same system. Which means SKB should've targeted them as well since it's a "system killer" weapon
>Phasma literally dingu nuffin
>Same with Luke
>Leia consoling Rey instead of Chewbacca, her furry brother-in-law
>MaRey Sue
>Underwhelming 'trench run'
>No Threepio and Artoo bickering
>Forgettable space/air battles used as background clutter
>fine with TFA
>Really liked RO
I'm okay with it so far.
both were shit. tfa was less shit, but still shit
Better than the prequels which is good enough for me.
>There's always a bigger fish.
spend less time on the intranettes brah
welcome to 2012
i thought ro was less shit, tfa was too far up its ass with nostalgia bullshit
No. MRAs are just losing.
The rest of the world will continue to enjoy these films.
The Jedi were openly hypocritical.
>obligated prequel hating 12 year old
At least George was trying something new with the franchise. Can't say the same for Disney's A New Hope 2.0. Just because you'er a cynical faggot leaps at fucking hate trends doesn't mean the prequels weren't still fun and new.
is there anything worse in the world than the face of a smug white woman
This. Original trilogy was mediocre at it's best, prequels were objectively terrible, Force Awakens was polished corporate swill.
I will never understand why this franchise is so rabidly adored.
A New Hope I agree isn't such a "masterpiece" as so many like to call it.
BUT, without a doubt; Empire Strikes Back is one of the best films ever made.
You cannot deny how important ESB is to filmmaking.
When this trilogy is done and dusted, everyone will look back and say we should have stuck with George.
At least he had original ideas.
Who gives a shit. Starwars was never really all that great to begin with. Empire was kind of neat though.
Haha what the fuck happened?
he said jar-jar wasn't the key to all of this
Is that seth green beside George Lucas? I feel like this is from a skit
Even after all this time, there still are barely any other films that were that well directed and paced.
Never was one of the better Bond films, too. Kershner had a real gift for it when he gave a shit.
wookiepedia confirmed this is canon btw
First post best post.
Star Wars already died in the 90s.
The EU was terrible.
The prequels were abysmal.
The Force Awakens was just a soulless product.
Rogue One was a joke.
Even Return of the Jedi had some serious problems, already.
>he's one of THOSE guys
I have not consumed one iota of nu Stars Wars and never will.
Feels good man.
George Lucas was almost certainly pressured into selling Lucasfilm. Look at the body language in the Lucas/Kennedy interview. Note the way he was cut out of Disney's projects. Actually think through the bullshit reasons given for why he sold.
>he was tired of Star Wars.
No. If that were the case, he wouldn't have tried to remain involved in the Disney projects. If he was done with directing, he could have kept the rights and taken an executive producer's role, hiring whoever he wanted to helm new movies. But he didn't, why?
>He was just so sad that fans didn't like the prequels.
No. He was never bothered by fan whining in the past, a few YouTube reviews didn't force his hand.
>He wanted the money! Disney gave him $4 billion!
Which is well below market value for the Star Wars IP. Besides, Lucas just tossed that money into a charity museum, so clearly he didn't need it.
Don't forget Special Edition and the rest.
To go back and make the movies worse and withhold the original version is so insanely autistic.
I'm glad Lucas doesn't have the rights anymore.
>Poodoo play
Insanely autistic are those multiple groups who've taken upwards of three years creating "perfect silver screen unspecialed" versions.
Lucas was just a bad editor that noone had the balls to say "stop, dipshit" to.
...and bad screenwriter
...and bad director
>George in the light
>Cunt in black
this image really makes me think