Norwegians of Sup Forums, the election is around the corner. Who are you voting for, and how do you think the outcome of this election will be?
Norwegians of Sup Forums, the election is around the corner. Who are you voting for...
I'm not a Norwegian.
But I would vote for the most popular right-wing party, whatever that is.
I think FRP (the most right party)
Norwegian on vacation here. I'll be voting socialist this time
who cares elect a trans-black hitlerite its not like anything happening in your country affects the world
I dont want to live in a multi-cult hellhole. I could care less about the world
>said the canadian
election is not until september 2017... i think we'll have the same coalition as today, but with more votes for FRP (most right winged party)
That would probably be FrP. They are actually in government at the moment, with a coalition between the Conservative Party, the Liberal Party and the Christian Democratic Party.
this shit-eating leaf sadly speaks the truth
Spoken like a true multiculturalist.
but it affects us you dumb fuck
I really want to vote FrP, but the way they're saying they're gonna handle the oilfund really doesn't sit right with me.
I hope they finally purge out Venstre and Krf, and then begins to cooperate with Senterpartiet instead.
who gives a fuck about money now? whatever they do it won't be worse than the billions we have pay and will pay for PERMANENTLY UNEMPLOYABLE niggers.
by voting FRP we are moving the overton window to the right. i don't know where you live, but I have friends who live almost exclusively with Somalis. it's fucking horrible.
this is not about money, it's about our country not becoming a fucking niggermuslim shithole
I'll probably vote libertarian
Having plenty shitskins is also very bad for the money, and turns even worse day after day.
>unlimited immigration
i guess you know what you're talking about.
poor france these days..
Probably FRP if they keep railing anti immigration policies.
Why would Abdi from Somalia come to Norway if there's no free money to be had?
he's already here and he's making 10 times more babies than a real norwegian
SV, only ones with balls to actually do something.
>a real norwegian
you should just say "norwegian", no reason to put the word "real" before it.
i've noticed this pisses off liberals a lot. whenever i use the term "swede" or "swedish" to refer to white ethnic swedes exclusively, they get pissed off as fuck and starts arguing semantics.
I've travelled all around Europe and I can say that the country with the biggest muslim population for me after France is Austria but I've only been to Salsburg and Vienna
Do the government now support the high taxes and universal healthcare?
a little less than the previous gov.. marginal difference tho. and they do support universal health care
Good luck supporting 10 kids when working as taxi driver. Stop giving them money, and they'll leave.
Is that a good thing your opinion?
>supporting kids
>a nigger
As long as your government gives the kids shelter and human rights, you have a problem, because that means giving them money for a "standard of life" or some other retarded shit. If they were all put in boxes and thrown in the ocean, maybe that would solve it.
And since the government is not going to do that unless there's some kind of full-blown revolution, you'll have to try moving towards very strict citizenship standards so that they won't be given to any shitty genetic matter, deportation and citizen rights instead of human rights.