Alright Ameribros and Eurobros, lets say something nice about the french ITT, since theyve been, getting alot of shit lately, ill start
thanks for helpin us get freedom and shit 270 years ago, france
Alright Ameribros and Eurobros, lets say something nice about the french ITT, since theyve been, getting alot of shit lately, ill start
thanks for helpin us get freedom and shit 270 years ago, france
Napoleon was bretty gud
>tfw french gf
>tfw cinco de mayo all over again
Love you frogs
Thanks for baguette and croissants.
Are the French Germanic?
Warning WARNING sage hide and report all shill slide psyops threads warning WARNING we under seige by shills sliders. Warning WARNING they are sliding the wiki leaks threads Warning WARNING they are here they are shillling they are sliding
we may rag on you all the time, but i honestly would feel terrible if anything bad happened to you france.
The French actually have a pretty hardcore military and anti-terrorism police force. With the right leadership, they could kick serious Muslim ass.
Like they said of the British army in WW1, "Lions led by donkeys".
Can't wait for Agincourt 2.0 where we finally end the ETERNAL FRANK for good.
that little midget literally destroyed Europe for no reason other than personal shortcomings
Verdun was pretty sweet as far as brutality goes.
> First war as an independant nation
> Beaten by fucking leaves
I don't want you guys to suck our dicks, I just want you to nuke this fucking place already, I want out now.
desu when I went to France all of the people spoke English and were very nice to me.
>I tried to speak what little french i knew
when people are rude,sometimes it's funny. literally american education.
Napoleon should have won the war
>elects cucked light socialist government who imports millions of muslims
>they start massacring Frenchmen
>French government replies by telling people to just "deal with it"
>take your aggression out on America on an chinese cartoon board
There is so many shitkins in France that meeting someone who speak a civilized language is a relief, even if it's not french.
You are the birthplace of the SJW movement and all the bullshit about immigration that come with it.
You also elected a goddamn nigger and let BLM grow enough to become an international plague.
Your people is also about to elect one of the worst presidential candidate ever, mostly on the basis that "OMG it got a vag ! so proggresiv XXXD!". At least in France, when a woman tried that (Ségolène Royal) she got BTFO.
So let's keep this an appreciation thread, or at least create a France hate thread.
>doubling down on your irrational "fuck you american pig! I spit on you!" french bullshit instead of trying to save your own country
Thats fine Pierre. Just wait for another muslim to murder like 50 french people and then your government can make some bullshit moral platitude and do nothing.