Native Americans Acknowledged 5 Genders

Before the white man took everything,

>In fact, people who had both female and male characteristics were viewed as gifted by nature, and therefore, able to see both sides of everything. According to Indian Country Today, all native communities acknowledged the following gender roles: “Female, male, Two Spirit female, Two Spirit male and Transgendered.”

Osh-Tisch (Left) and his wife (Right)

and look at where injuns are now. them savages are almost extinct and the ones still around are lazy drunks living off government handouts

And how the fuck did that "progressive" think work out for them.

PS that's a snapshot of ONE culture. There were literally thousands of native cultures but burgers seem to think they were all one tribe

Fuck off imjims suck bro

And the Caribs were cannibals. So?

I will never understand why Americans romanticize these people.

Not just one tribe, liberals think they all sang and played fun games together and were one with nature as opposed to bloodthirsty conquerors who were constantly at war with one another, until the white man came and beat the shit out of all of them.

Even now, tribes constantly go at each other's throats.

Not many do. Well the sane ones don't anyways.

>Feminine male
>Masculine female

Thats pretty much the TL;DR

I keep telling people the same shits going to happen to Europeans as what happened to the Natives. Whatever, Europe is just going to be a Muslim dominated continent with an extreme low population of pure whites and majority half-breeds.
Be idiots

Wanna be something they're not because what they are is worthless.

They also thought humans came out of a cave that leads to the middle earth and they thought agriculture was a meme and refused to keep working a farm and went back to hunter gatherer more than once.

>tldr: They believed in stupid shit

>thought agriculture was a meme and refused to keep working a farm
Not true
For some tribes at least

native americans also believed earth was talking to them

fuck what they think

Maybe for some tribes, but others repeatedly gave up agriculture. Its historical fact.

Mostly we just find other cultures fascinating, especially ones like native cultures so different from ours. There's also the pop culture infusion of an entire generation growing up on westerns and Indians being viewed as part of that Wild West fantasy. And maybe just a little guilt because whether you think it was justified or not it IS factual that we pretty much destroyed their civilizations and drove them nearly to extinction.

That happens when you do a lot of Peyote and Datura.
The Ho-Chunk were especially guilty of this.

And a historical falsehood like if you said blacks invented peanutbutter or whites were the first to utilize gunpowder.

The Siberian crossovers who came to America, which are commonly referred to as "Native" Americans, are probably the most messed up group of people on the planet. They were mostly isolated from the rest of humanity and became deranged as such. I'm not surprised to hear more freako things coming from them.

Because of the guilt industry.

O shit one tribe that had maybe a couple hundred people didn't hate trannies

They have been absorbed into the American spirit. Galloping across a plain, wild, free, bow in hand. There's something nice about that. I do feel sympathy for them but not guilt. Wars are won and lost.

>azteks and chinks.
Doesn't change the fact that a shit ton of tribes refused to work a farm.
Got shit to do, wont be replying further.

>That happens when you do a lot of Peyote and Datura.
Datura makes you based
every polfag would die in their own feces

This just means there is always a woman and a man in a relationship, I.E. gay couples have one dominate and one sub. This is no excuse to chop off dicks.

Because they were born with fucked up junk. You're projecting your ideas about "marriage" on this as well.

What kills me is that you can't see how this is actually insulting to natives and why they're largely staying the fuck out of tour gender/culture war. Remember, actual Injuns still don't care what you call your football team, either.

Actual injuns have holed up in their bunkers already, dumbfuck, it's not even a secret.

I'm 1/4 Sioux and I don't know either.

They're probably pretendians. Just like 1/32 Metis who start to furiously make bannock after suspecting diluted injun blood.

Lets send a UNATCO force to destroy the "Native Americans"

I dont have to read the article or this thread to know that this claim is false.

At least they're not 1/62 indian like pocahontas


Natives don't believe this horseshit. It's also retarded as fuck to bootstrap one tribes beliefs onto others.

This noble savage shit has got to stop. They were raping and eating each other when we showed up.


Fuck off Psy.

if they had invented the wheel instead of five genders maybe they wouldnt have been obliterated by a handfull of europeans.

Great, now whites are going to be blamed for culturally appropriating the Redskins' diverse view of faggotry...

Our germs destroyed most of their civilization and our superior culture absorbed what was left.

This shit has been debunked a billion times.

It wasn't ALL natives it was a very tiny amount and their perceptions are overstated and misunderstood.

>all native tribes were the same in ideology
As a red man I find this highly problematic

Gender ROLES.
So it was a caste system?