Just saw this on my Facebook feed.
What principles is that sign referring to?
Just saw this on my Facebook feed.
What principles is that sign referring to?
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Hipster cuck faggot dad masquerading as a republican confirmed
Would gas/10
>What principles is that sign referring to?
Supporting regime changes, arming radical islamic groups and pushing for democracy among these radial peoples without any sort of constitution like our own.
Oh and the belief that america wont survive unless we take in millions of muslims
Fake or the principles of being eternally cucked by globalists and warmongers.
I always knew the American right doesent have the balls.
Cuckservatives should be killed
raybans are basic bitch tier now, not even hipster at this point
Hey you found one of the four mythical (((republicans))) for Hillary. Way to go!
I saw a few of the millions of democrats for trump already today.
Trump doesn't have a normal Republican ideology.
They believe in small government, which he hasn't really talked about at all. If anything he's planning on bloating the Federal government even more.
Doing the wrong thing. Republicans used to be good at that.
corporate interests and being cucks for the saudis
>What principles is that sign referring to?
Troy before Goy.
MUH JESUS was always just to attract votes
They're just globalist scum like the rest of them.
Free Trade
Neoconservative Foreign Policy
This is the first election in decades where the Democratic nominee is closer to establishment GOP on trade and foreign policy than the Republican nominee.
There are Republican Foreign Policy advisers who are now openly saying they support Clinton based on this alone. Bill Kristol himself said that if this election were purely about foreign policy and trade he would vote for Clinton.
It was originally GHW that drafted NAFTA. He would have signed it into law if he had gotten a second term.
She's a moderate-right. If she were running for PM up here, she'd be in the Conservative party.
>not wearing Maui Jim
It's like he doesn't give a shit about optics
Maybe the principle of not wanting a bigot racist inept retard in charge of the USA?
Literally, Trump is even shit at business. If he'd put his inheritance in a high interest savings account he'd be richer than he is now.
not saying dumb shit to the media every other day
The principle of not having been a Republican in the first place.
They should all be shot.
Its all about keeping the NWO establishment going.
Murdering Americans overseas
>free trade
Pick one
The principles of neo-cons. Which is what Hillary is. Aside from the largely irrelevant social issues leftists care so much about she's closer to the current Republican core than Trump.
that triggers every liberal bone in my body.
You know how they say there's a fail safe for things, well Trump is the fail safe for America. America needs to be fixed and trump is the person that can do it. All these cuckservatives have sold out their people that they represent and America. Their policies are globalist tier, neocon, baka shit. I wouldn't mind if trump purges congress since congress is broken. Sure there are good congressmen and senators but there's a lot of senators and congressmen that are bought.
Globalism and cuckoldry
>What principles is that sign referring to?
open borders and wall street favoritism
also fighting wars/killing American boys for Israel, exporting labor, etc etc.
oh shit just noticed these gets
No. Trump is gonna make the government so great and so small. It's gonna just be him by the end. Not gonna get much smaller.
"Israel First"
>My face right now
It's a democrat pretending to be a republican
Sup Forums captcha kill yourself
Whatever the principle is that turns your country into a giant gaping vagina oozing to be spread open and raped.
Environmental issues - ask Columbia and Nigeria how the Clinton's strip mining their countries went.
Humanitarian efforts - ask Haiti, the poorest country in the western hemisphere, how it feels to have millions in red cross aid go to your Foundation.
Gun control - ask the Clinton's why they were selling arms to Saudi Arabia and IS or course, after the check cleared for a speaking fee.
Women & LGBT - ask the Clinton's why they actively support regimes, for a price, that throws gays off of rooftops and stone women for exposing their skin.
It's all a sham - they talk the talk but do a 180 and cash in on suffering from around the world.