Are there people on this board who unironically believe Trump isn't a Russian plant?
Are there people on this board who unironically believe Trump isn't a Russian plant?
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Of course Finland would be afraid.
I don't give a fuck about Finland, so what decides to conquer at their discreation when we're allies is fine by me.
How about you check the top left corner of the picture you blind fucking kike-cock sucking yank? Dugin and Russia are literally trying to fuck over America using seperatist movements, blm style dindu groups and want to spread anti-americanism everywhere. THEY'RE LITERALLY ADMITTING THEY WANNA KILL YOU AND YOU'RE STILL DEFENDING THEM BECAUSE "MUH MASCULINE RUSSIAN IDEAL"
Dugin's been cut out/ties removed of Putin administration, and if you look at Russian wiki, he isn't credited at all for being some master policy person in Kremlin. He's even been kicked out of his uni for what he's said
I hoped he wasn't but it feels like he is, unfortunately. Because that means he's a cuck too, only to a different lord than the dems.
I'd rather Europe be ruled by Putin than Merkel to be honest
Kek. I actually hope you spergs get "absorbed".
I'd rather be ruled by Putin than Hillary desu.
That`s because you haven`t had a taste of a Russian rule.
Trust me, you certainly aren`t the type of person to prosper under it.
OP this board has been hit hard by St. Petersburg shills. Your words are falling on deaf ears.
He is a polyglot guy, that's only what i know.
>w w why wont the US pay for all our shit for us forever
>lets in millions of muslim men
>terror attacks and rapes everywhere
>b b but russia is the real danger
yuro cucks
>St. Petersburg shills
Pls give me my 15 rubles.
It can't be worse than having open borders with Africa and 50% income tax to pay for niggers
ask ur boss xd
I remember when I researched this idea about Trump, I found Putin supports Nationalists only.
I also found the citations about Dugin's book on wiki came from (((Voxx))).
It would seem Soros, who is funding BLM and leftists is making propaganda to implicate Dugin.
I almost came to the point of having one of my old professors read Dugins book to help me translate it.
After a few weeks of research, Putin helps spread nationalist organizations but does not fund leftists, George Soros does that and he is behind the democrats.
So OP is wrong, and those wiki citations are tampered with.
This, look at Russian wiki and it doesn't tell this story at all
Russia backed out of the NWO.
Still voting Trump.
Globalists are the enemies here, not Russia.
Russia hasn't been on decent terms with the west since the bolsheviks killed the Russia Tsar.
West is pissed at Russia. Russia wants to feel "western" again.
Trump is open to being friendly.
Boris Yeltsin and Clinton were BFF. Putin and Bush didn't get into shit.
Obama comes in and he's made Putin and Russia enemies.
They ain't Soviet no more.
People forget about Boris Yeltsin and Bill Clinton hanging out?
Too bad for Russia the Jews took over the whole nignog/human conflict.
anti-americanism is right. Dugin is based. stop cucking for america's shitty culture of coca cola and porn
Yep, I remember when I found it.
I researched it and Dugin extensively to see if Russia was behind the polarization and not Soros.
It is Soros.
I trust Russia and Trump, and my own research.
The establishment and Globalist Jews will stop at nothing to spread their marxist shit.
Sorry mate, but I'd rather be friends with Russia than some limpdick Yuropoors who're more concerned about sucking Muslim dick than defending their countries, culture, and heritage.
note that glenn beck is attacking dugin. glenn beck is a huge jew cuck
They were an odd pair.
Clinton with his Sex scandals and Yeltsin being a drunkard and being blamed for the crazy 90's in Russia.
>h-hes a russian plant!
>h-hes a Hillary plant!
meanwhile, in reality, Hillary is an ISIS plant
Yep. Only England grew some balls, so we can be cool with them.
he is a nationalist plant, russia is a nation.