Was Batman v Superman too deep for modern audiences to understand?
Was Batman v Superman too deep for modern audiences to understand?
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too deep in shit
Yes, there's a reason plebs haven't stopped being mad about it for an entire year
Man of Steel too
too deep in it's own ass
not too deep but people have had a steady stream of fluff so when something different comes along they interpret it as pretentious
A lot of people said the new batman suit looks nice. I agree, but all the muscle pad bulked so much that bat barely has a neck..
They could do so much better..
Yes. It will stand the test of time while every marvel shit fest will be forgotten.
on the display model somewhere i don't know where, batman's suit gere actually seems to be capable of being a agile fighter.
Somewhat I can picture batman having boyka's body:
Yes. Kino is not meant for plebs. Synder attempted to elevate capeshit to something worthy of attention of fellow auteurs, but the plebs rejected his brilliance with their boundless ignorance.
This is what DCucks actually believe. The suit isn't anymore agile than the 90s movie versions, you fucking pleb
Why so autistic?
Maybe not too deep. Maybe too unexpectedly deep.
Dude how can god be real there's bad stuff in the world lmao
How many times has this been posted now?
Too deep for the average capeshit fan. Too shallow for anyone with an IQ above 90.
>they finally nailed the probably most beloved DC hero
>spend at least half the film on shitty marry sue nobody likes
I think what happened is there was so much thoughtless, unimportant superhero garbage for so long, and then MoS/BvS came along, and they weren't paradigm-shifting or deep to incredible depths, but it did have a little bit of something to say, and even that little bit is a huge amount more than Marvel's been saying for however many years. But people just weren't used to it, they were so conditioned by Marvel that superhero movies have to be 2 hours thrown away on fighting and quipping, that they just couldn't process this new development. So instead of taking a step back and being open to what Snyder had to say through his movies and allowing for the possibility of a superhero movie being about something more their thought process was "Here's a movie that seems like it has some meaning and some intention, but superhero movies are shallow and juvenile, so definitively it can't be anything more than that, so therefore it has to fail at all the things it's trying to do. Jumping to this deduction is quicker easier than actually examining it to see whether it actually does have meaning and value or not".
I mean BvS has some rough edges but I don't see how anyone can think MoS is a bad movie without trying to.
All of you pure retarded infant heads that defend this movie need to watch these videos and then refute it. I dare you faggots to try.
>I can't make any arguments so here are some youtube videos made by other people that coincidentally summarise my own personal opinion exactly
how convenient for you that your opinions have already been developed by other people
Not gonna refute anything said in the videos?
It had a lot of shortcomings
Lex was shit
Clark Kent was shit
Superman never smiled (but I guess if you view the movie through Lex's or Batman's pov it makes more sense since he's supposed to be the evil guy.
Why the hell would Superman call his mom Martha
Nobody has time to watch a fucking video of some nerd droning on and on. Type it out or fuck off.
It's a 6/10 when compared to anything other than different capeshit
That's a no, then.
Run from the evidence. :)
I've already watched them both. They're full of shit and demand the movie brainlessly conform to their expectations instead of judging it on its own merits. Among the most retarded assumptions:
>Characters are always perfectly honest with everyone, including themselves
>Being a superhero is synonymous with being a vigilante/crimefighter
>There is literally no difference between self-defense and cold-blooded murder BECAUSE I SAY SO.
>Villains must always reveal their master plan to the hero.
>No one has a hidden agenda. Ever. Unless it's blatantly obvious to the point that they might as well be screaming it directly into the camera.
>Characters can never having internal conflicts and dreams that indicate the contrary have no place in a superhero movie!
>Why is this?
>Why isn't that?
And a heaping helping of
>Not muh
And all because they're brainless retards who've swallowed the pill that superhero films are a distinct subgenre. They're fucking not. Anyone who says differently is fucking trying to sell you more snake oil.
No. It's just a bad film.
You're kind of a faggot huh?
Your absence of an argument is noted. Better luck next time.
It was actually pretty good for the first bit, but it fell apart as it progressed. Is the Ultimate version more coherent?
Also quite frankly, I thought that wedging in Wonder Woman was a pointless distraction.
this desu, though I think bot MoS and BvS are good movies.
Good counter argument user.
How many pajeet bucks do you get for this, dopinder?
Most of the posts actually come from people calling it "kino". Those who thought it was shit stopped caring a few weeks after it was released.
How is Superman a good character?
Why are he and Lo lane in love? What reason do I have to believe or be invested in the relationship?
Why is Batman the punisher?
Explain Lex's plan?
That was not Lex.
When have we seen Superman do anything to have the support he does from the public? When the world meets him he slaughters an entire city fighting a menace he brought.
Why can't you admit it's bad? I know Batman looks cool. There are some cool fights. But the plot and character motivations are autism in it's most pure form.
Why does the senator hate Superman but want to stop lex from building a deterrent for the safety of humanity?
Why does Lex say that they should build the kryptonite weapons because there are more metahumans but this will only work against Kryptonians.
Why does mixing Lex's blood with zods make penismonsterman?
You can't answer these.
PS: Martha.
It's the Prometheus of capekino. Plebs can't understand the deep symbolism no matter how many times they watch it.
In a few decades, it will be seen in the same light as Citizen Kane and Fight Club.
Give Snyder more money.
Do you really expect me to watch 40 minutes of the same shit that gets posted in these threads over and over? State me some facts or fuck off mate.
I completely agree with this.
>In a few decades, it will be seen in the same light as Citizen Kane and Fight Club.
I want /r/movies to leave
Scroll down faggot. I gave you an argument.
Just because I talked about batman's suit doesn't mame me a DCuck. Specially seeying how both comis universers also stinking of shit on their own way.
>The suit isn't anymore agile than the 90s movie versions
confirmed retard or baiter
Based Coop is with me. Who could be against me?
You guys defend Suicide squad too don't you?
You've pointed out many of the undeniable flaws. The autist shall run, fingers in ears.
>In a few decades, it will be seen in the same light as Citizen Kane and Fight Club.
Could you explain (in great detail) why you consider something "high"
Use your own words, try not to mention why it's important to other people and don't copy/paste reviews.
>why does the public support him
Besides the montage of scenes in both films where he saves people, stops disasters, stops a fucking spaceship from crashing
but that's only a minor problem with your post. The rest is someone trying to complain about something too hard. It's a bad movie, but you're being a retard.
kek i have never seen that
Your mother's a cunt and should be beaten.
It's a great movie. Everything in his post is wrong. Name one thing right?
>How is Superman a good character?
I find him quite realistic and relatable. He's a good examinations of the human side of a superhuman character. His flaws are important, of course he's a flawed character. What are the odds of an alien travelling across time and space to meet two people who while having no kids of their own happen to be the greatest parents in the world and who raise a superpowered alien kid to be a perfectly well-adjusted adult who always knows what to do and is always capable of doing it? Slim.
>Why are he and Lo lane in love?
Because Lois is the first person he wasn't related to who understand who and what he was and not only accepted him but loved him for it, and because Clark is a superpowered but troubled Adonis who will do anything to protect her and the innocent
> What reason do I have to believe or be invested in the relationship?
I don't know how to explain the answer to this to an autist such as yourself
>Why is Batman the punisher?
He's not, but I understand where you're coming from. Batman is already, definitively, not a mentally stable person, and the Batman in the movie has spent decades fighting crime and come up with nothing but loss to show for it. As he says in the movie, criminals are like weeds. He's jaded and hardened by the futility of what he's dedicated his life to.
>Explain Lex's plan?
In short: discredit Superman in the eyes of the public by casting doubt on him, then set up a fight between Batman and Superman so that either A) Superman kills Batman and the world sees Superman as the guy who killed Batman, and thus not a virtuous paragon B) Batman kills Superman and the world sees that Superman was not the invulnerable god they thought he was or C) something else happens, Lex releases Doomsday as a fuck-you to whoever's still alive
>That was not Lex.
Lex isn't real, Lex is whatever he's written to be. That aside, this version of Lex is based on various comic sources, primarily Superman: Birthright.
>Wonder Woman showing up at the end
>When have we seen Superman do anything to have the support he does from the public?
There's a whole montage of him saving people from things. And they were actually paying attention when Metropolis was getting rekt in MoS so they know that Superman wasn't there at the time because he was on the other side of the planet saving the entire world.
>Why can't you admit it's bad?
Because it's good.There's more to both movies than fights, and the plot and characters have none of the flaws you accuse them of having.>Why does the senator hate Superman but want to stop lex from building a deterrent for the safety of humanity?
Because like Lex she fears him but simultaneously knows tha tLex is a slimy dishonest and mentally unstable person who shouldn't have control of the means to start a war with someone who can fly and shoot lasers from his eyes.
This isn't a question
>Why does Lex say that they should build the kryptonite weapons because there are more metahumans but this will only work against Kryptonians.
I don't understand what you're trying to say here
>Why does mixing Lex's blood with zods make penismonsterman?
Because human genetics and Kryptonian genetics are similar but not the same, so what you end up with is an abomination.
I'm not the guy but you seemed to skip a lot of his points. Also, dude if you think Superman is relatable you are beyond saving.
The problem was that Ben Affleck decided to get obese for some reason. For a few moments when his mask was broken I thought it was Jason Alexander.
You're lost to the movie God's foolish boy.
I shorten some of his questions because I knew I'd probably hit character limit but I think I addressed all of the points themselves.
Why don't you think Clark is relatable? You don't have to have his capabilities to understand his perspective.
>You can;t answer these
>Here you go Nelson, here are answers to your questions based on the film
>uh.... uh, you;re just, uh, you;re just a fanboy, you fanboy
>How is Superman a good character?
By virtue of being an actual man instead of quipbot #46328, for starters. He's not perfect and god-like in his wisdom. He's struggling with his own demons, namely guilt and fear of how easily he could just as quickly lead humanity to its doom than he can inspire us to better things. He's aware that something's off in his approach and is trying to figure out how to fix it. It has a lot to do with being a quiet farm boy from Kansas.
>Why are he and Lo lane in love? What reason do I have to believe or be invested in the relationship?
Because Lois believes in who he is and who he can be and Clark loves her for accepting him for who he is. Their relationship is not without its bumps and is very much reflective of Superman's relationship with his adopted world.
>Why is Batman the punisher?
He's not. Not even close. For one thing, Frank will cap a man dead in the face and eyefuck him while he's doing it. Bats can't even bring himself to shoot KGBeast.
>Explain Lex's plan?
Blackmail Superman into killing the Batman. Use Doomsday as a diversion while he makes good his escape and ties up loose ends like Lois and possibly even Dr. Klyburn. Whoever loses, Lex still wins because now he's got an alien menace to scare the world with. He'll use the survivor(or even the protracted conflict) to assemble other metas, notably Diana whom he had the foresight to invite to Metropolis in the first place.
>That was not Lex.
It was every bit as much Lex as any other incarnation has been, cartoonboy.
But I thought he didn't, and the stuffed up bulked fake muscles were the problem.
That working out scene in the movie.. he got a lot fatter than that?
I've tried so hard to like this movie man. But I honestly don't dig mopey no-hope-supes or wacky unstable lex. And I get Batmans character motivations but I don't like what it does to the character. Plus the huge plot holes and rushed apocalypse.
It's just not very good. No one here would say it's better than TDK I hope.
>Bats can't even bring himself to shoot KGBeast
Batman murders people all the time in BvS and it's not even in the memey trolley problem way you see in Nolan's movies.
>the huge plot holes
There are none, fight me.
>When have we seen Superman do anything to have the support he does from the public? When the world meets him he slaughters an entire city fighting a menace he brought.
He brought them. Being fanatical douchebags is completely on them. Non-autists have zero problem making this distinction. They showed up, were unreasonable dickheads, and Clark stepped up and dealt with them. Decisively. There are countless other acts of heroism illustrated both on the security guard Wally's corkboard as well as acts like we see him performing in the appropriately named Rescue Montage. Pay less attention to your phone when you're watching movies and you'll catch these nuanced little details that span minutes of film time.
>Why can't you admit it's bad? The plot and character motivations are autism in it's most pure form.
Your post is the purest, most undiluted distillation of autism in this entire thread. You demand explanations and then refuse to accept them because you're too autistic and up your own ass to even see how dense you are.
>Why does the senator hate Superman but want to stop lex from building a deterrent for the safety of humanity?
Because she doesn't hate him. You're just too autistic to read emotion. She even says outright what she thinks to Charlie Rose: "I'm not saying he shouldn't act. I'm just saying he shouldn't act unilaterally." She's afraid of how he can, simply by virtue of being seen by the rest of the world as an American, can fuck up international relations and violate the sovereignty of any nation on the planet at his whim. That would be, and *should* be terrifying to any political entity, most especially the one the world looks at as his home.
fucking kill yourself OP, BvS is stinking shit no matter waht
What killer Batman does to the character I love alone ruins it for me. I'm not the guy btw.
>"I'm not saying he shouldn't act. I'm just saying he shouldn't act unilaterall
I also think that Lex influeneced him a bit since even though there's a miniscule 0.00001% chance that Superman can go rogue, HE CAN go rogue and who can stop a god like him?
The directors cut is great, its a shame that commercial retards put barriers in the way and cut it to pieces
Pic related. If you can't see how this, Bruce's choice of weaponry, the branding, his reluctance to actually kill anyone in cold blood, and his own psychological hangups all add up to the very real possibility that he was only hearing what he needed to hear to stop himself, that's totally on you.
>Why does Lex say that they should build the kryptonite weapons because there are more metahumans but this will only work against Kryptonians.
Because I know this will come as a shock, but sometimes people just say whatever they think will scare other people into giving them what they want. These things happen sometimes. Just because we know and Lex knows that all metahumans aren't linked to Superman doesn't mean literally everyone knows that.
>Why does mixing Lex's blood with zods make penismonsterman?
For the same reason ancient dino blood plus frog DNA = Jurassic Park.
>You can't answer these.
Oh, but I can, junior. I so totally can.
>PS: Martha.
PS: 4U
Now politely fuck off to something more your speed.
>HE CAN go rogue and who can stop a god like him?
that was fucking stupid and you all know it
>the character I love
Do you defend Suicide squad?
If you don't have a backup plan for Superman you're just asking for trouble. Superman is an alien entity - he's not human, you don't know his agenda you don't know what he's aiming for. how long will he keep saving people? what makes him angry? what makes him tick? what's the end of his patience? these are all unknown to humans
>oh hey, it's another "desperate faggots trying to prove BvS was not shit and are unsuccessful" episode
Reluctance to kill? What are you going on about? He does nothing but kill. Explain yourself.
Your defense of Martha borders on mental illness.
>dude he shoots laser and flies! Not relatable at all!
Top kek
Yeah, not so much.
>Do you defend Suicide squad?
Nope. I liked precisely three things about it - Leto looks like he might actually do some great things with the character given a better script, I liked the character designs overall, and I liked the subtle reference it made to how magic and godhood work in their universe and how belief and worship factor into it. Overall, it all felt rushed and disjointed to me without being able to devote sufficient screentime to developing chemistry between the characters.
>TFW we will never have a killer croc/captain boomerang buddy flick with them having mad banter between each other
There are some objectively bad directorial mistakes, such as anyone telling a joke except Laurence Fishburn. All of them were horribly cringey. The majority of the first act was also atrocious. With that said, the films imagery, cinematography, and conservative themes were quite powerful and I adore this movie despite it's objective flaws.
Show me one person he actually shoots. One. He doesn't aim for people, he aims for equipment. There's a reason for it, but you don't want to hear it, so you won't.
You'll come back with an incredibly predictable response. I'll utterly beat you down with how it proves my point, and like Wimp Lo, you, bleeding, will declare yourself the winner.
The title is so fucking dumb. Like that of bad fan fiction written by a 12 year old.
Snyder is a fucking hack and if you liked this you should kill yourself
Obviously, even now the marvelpajeets still doesn't get it.
so how are they going to revive Supes?
>that was fucking stupid and you all know it
It was dumb when Cheney said it, too.
Here endeth the lesson.
Was this scene inspired by anything? This scene had a pretty cool setting.
As a Snyder fan, I can acknowledge that BvS wasn't really good.
BvS theatrical cut suffered too much from pacing problems. Director's cut alleviated that but if you already saw the theatrical cut, your view will already be tainted.
WB wanting to catch up to Marvel basically made BvS a compressed movie. Instead of going with the usual route of
MoS 2 and / or Batman
then BvS
they cut to the chase to have their team up team Justice League get released as soon as possible. There was so many things for Snyder to do and gutting the film didn't help at all. I really want to see Snyder's 5 or 6 hour BvS film. The man's vision is unparalleled.
Personally, I want a heist movie with Katana and Boomer where she reluctantly gets paired with him by Waller, trash-talks him in Japanese the entire film, and Boomer reveals at the end that he's fluent in Japanese, but gets off on the abuse.
Are you retarded? That was a dream. He shoots ppl the whole movie and blows them up with his car.
My bet is that the New Gods do it. Second best guess is Bats working with S.T.A.R. Labs.
Kino choice: They need Lex for it.
It tried to be more than a mindless flick and it failed spectacularly because of a terrible screenplay, editing that was all over the place and stupid Justice League shit
Essentially, it's Injustice or arguably even a nod to Flashpoint. DC's got a good number of dystopian future settings. Their Elseworlds stories are pretty much the end-all/be-all of alternate takes on characters.
No it was just a bad movie and those shitty Superman movies are going to be what drags DC's CU into its grave.
>there's a reason why this movie suck
Of course there is user