Why is it always the good looking white girls who hang themselves?
because the narrative hates white people, men and women are constantly picked on by the pop culture media, and the women are encouraged to race mix from a young age with subliminal programming. It wears on you.
because we don't about uglies girls who hang themselves
Because they dedicated their lives 24/7 to looking as good as they can, only to find out that Chad Thundercock will still dump them after one fuck for the next girl that makes herself just as attractive.
Not enuff of dat bbc u feel me?
They don't realise it is the average looking (and even ugly) mid-sized guys who bring in the wages at the end of the day not the cunt who dreams of becoming a professional footballer.
She's from Rochdale you plum she hasn't had her life handed to her on a silver platter.
>Looks like two different people
That's the power of make-up comrade; your average Canadian bitches should use it. Jk.
Because of daddy issues. Think about it!
>dyed hair
>duck face
glad she's dead
Hard to believe she slot open someone's throat
would make her my gf
I'm sure if I fuck her good and support her she won't stab me to death when i'm sleeping
I'd give her (hairy?) badger a lick.
because they are used to being praised and being the center of the attention, so when they don't get enough attention they can't understand why. Just look at her pics, and she was 14?
No wonder kids kill themselves over """"cyberbullying"""" now, they are weak and don't know what real suffering is
people waking up to systematic white supremacy. and the myth of white superiority. crackers are universally hated. and it's gonna get worse.
>She said she had grown to hate the victim for how happy she made her 16-year-old brother
That's some serious brocon. If I were her borther I would immediately make her my waifu.
1. pretty girls are usually bullied @ school by other girls
2. a lot of white skin hate @ school and media
Because you werent there for her
not only white girl,asian girl did the same thing
Nobody gives a fuck about that.
I know I wasn't there. I'd have pounded her to fucking Halifax and back.
I think their was a hispanic girl who hanged herself once.
I recall seeing a pic once.
So probably once hispanic girl who did it too
Just attention seeking bitches. A friend probably didn't message back quick enough, so she decided to top herself for attention.