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Continued from: >>83842017
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If she used any more foundation, I'd put a house on top of her
so I'm back, here's a thought, Moorish people like her don't believe in drivers licenses and shit, is it possible the arrest warrant was the result of her trying sovereign citizen shit
Hers a bunch of videos of the dindu dealing with police using her child as a 'you can't touch me' device
Also she wasn't shot dead during a traffic violation
with her hair and the amount of makeup she looks like a nigger clown
Insane bitch was insane
Just wanna acknowledge my own masterful trolling in that last thread before this one dies without me in it.
Suck it, faggots.
What's your tripcode?
Oh shit. Stealing this to trigger.
>gets arrested
>calls it a "kidnapping"
yeah this bitch a crazy ass black sovereign citizen
Use it with pleasure
>sits there with her kid in her lap while cops are patiently waiting for her to fucking comply with orders
but yeah I'm sure they just murdered the cunt because that's all they were there for
>That guy comes in my house in his army suit holding a rifle and I'm gonna blow his head off. End of story. Anybody with red blood pumping through their veins would do the same.
I really hope her niglet doesn't survive its wounds. This scourge needs to be purged, plus I am for whatever agitates more dindus into getting themselves killed.
Is she trying to look asian or trying to look like a clown?
>baby daddy and negress fail to appear in court
>warrant issued for their arrest
>baby daddy has assault charge
>baby daddy flees with one year old
>negress decides its a good idea to grab her child and shotgun
>negress threatens child and officers over a failure to appear in court over traffic violations and resisting arrest.
>negress gets shot
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
>i was only pretending to be retarded
Which one were you? It's hard to tell you "ironic faggots" apart from the regular faggots.
lol who is this?
"ALWAYS keep your finger off the trigger until ready to shoot."
see you fucked up the whole video, how can i share this on kikebook
Now people are gonna share this and the end is gonna fuck it up.
I love you guys.
Is there a worse state than Maryland to live in? (Eastern shore not included, that place is cool.)
They probably thought she was about to explode because she was glowing orange.
Trump is doomed
Oh shit. That last line of this Insta.
It's Wham.
"I'm never gonna dance again
Guilty feet have got no rhythml"
Fucking pigs man, another black Queen down ;_;
Imma proud African queen and don't take orders from no white man.
this has to be Sup Forums
I don't speak nigger
Can someone translate to human?
Can someone give a link to this video that isn't from an obvious Sup Forumstard so I can share it without it getting dismissed for coming from a racist?
thank you
Go to Shaun King's Twitter, faggot.
Oh, wait. You wanted it from someone who isn't racist.
It's not that I don't believe the video. The problem is retards who will dismiss shit if the source is deemed racist. Anyone who isn't a retard knows this is an issue if you want to get dumbasses to stop trying to pretending this is a race issue.
Don't reproduce.
That's not the news I read.
I read she was using her child as a human shield while aiming a shotgun at police officers.
I don't get it. I just don't fucking get it. Why is she a hashtag? Why are people defending someone who used her own child as a shield and shot at police officers?
stay woke!
Black narratives matter
Absolutely disgusting.
Have the BLM-movement no shame being on her side?
I swear to god, this whole bullshit is almost like they are trying to make blacks immune to being arrested.
>They're still alive
Not all of them
Link to this now
I think I can fill a form and have that forwarded to the police department or sheriff department that bitch lives within the jurisdiction of
I keep the compost heap behind Planned Parenthood pretty well stocked. Thanks.
>They're still alive
Confirmed for not knowing what actually happened.
>I swear to god, this whole bullshit is almost like they are trying to make blacks immune to being arrested
That's actually one of their demands:
>Community control of the laws, institutions and policies that most impact us
stop getting your news from stormfront, the police murdered her in cold blood for a traffic violation
Segregation when?
Yes, Pedro. The police shot her in the house because she was driving badly. Good job, Detective.
Don't let anyone ever tell you that the 3rd-world shithole you live in is appropriate, because you deserve so much better in life.
>do not arrest black people!!
That was a shit movie
Pretty sure he was being sarcastic bro
suppressors are legal?
HAHAHA this is too much for me.
My sides
Will this cause a major ruckus with the negroids?
Will their be happenings?
Who are you to tell this QUEEN that she is not allowed to drive in her own home
Hmmmmmmmmm, I wonder why she got shot....
Her instagram was full of wewuz top kek
Oh and vapid selfies with her niglet fucking about in the background. Irresponsible useless cunt got what she deserved
It's happening chaps. Extremely vague description of events, no mention of child used as shield, and a critique of NRA at the end (as if they have some responsibility)
Her instagram is hilarious.
Of course, these people have no shame in what they are doing.
>hope they sending in clones
>you will have to kill me
She is literally admitting that she will die fighting her arrest.
And YET people defend her. This is 100% madness.
How the fuck do you post 3500 pictures to instagram? That's more than 1 a day since the launch of Instagram. Only the most self indulged narcissistic assholes do that
I can't wait for Shaun King to see the business end of a tope.
Or a rope for that matter:
>9+ charges for 1 traffic stop
>If you would listen, show respect, and obey commands you would get 1 charge maximum if you had a minor fault while driving
Niggers are definitely a dindu breed. How stupid can you be...
Anyone who attempts to defend the dead nigger is a worthless piece of shit who also needs to be killed. Seriously this BLM shit is just insane at this point. Mindless social media parrots who can't even think for themselves on any level yet everyone wants to defend them. I'm so god damn glad I live in TN where niggers still know their place for the most part.
They've convinced themselves that black people are being murdered by the PoPo and yet refuse to accept that the vast majority of blacks being murdered are by other blacks. Over 4,000 every year.
How can all you people in this thread be saying such horrible things about this AFRIKAN INTELLECTUAL?
Holy shit, what the fuck did I just read? Is this really considered intellectualism by the african community?
>Is it more important to move?
>Or to think?
>Nd i still know the difference between a King a Queen nd a pawn.....just a thought.........
Really does make you think.
>and nothing of value was lost this day
Not only that. Most of these police killings are totally justified.
Even if we say that a ridiculous high number of police killings of black are unjustified, like 20 a year. What's that, 0,5% of blacks murders?
And we know that 20 is wayyyyyy to high.
Is she a prophet or just high off the danks?
>generations of Lmaoweed
126 likes, dude
This is your average "woke conscious queen" by the way. If a black person ever brags about being woke, this is how they think. They're actively dumber than the average dindu since the average dindu doesn't pretend to be smart.
hmmmm realy made me think
>Korryn Gaines
More white police officers will be shot by Black Lives Matter then Shilter Rodham Clinton's polls will go higher because we are cucked as fuck.
I think the number last year is closer to 126 while whites are just double that. Not to mention that Hispanics getting shot are less than 80.
Yea, but I swear, 99% of those are totally justified.
lefty delusion knows no bounds
The number of unarmed civilians shot though was like 9 or some shit in total. It was such a small number.
This is just such a pointless tragedy. I don't know what's worse...
A woman who was so out of her mind for a traffic violation that she would barricade herself in an armed capacity, using her child as a human shield, or cops killing a mom because she was out of her mind over a traffic violation.
Now we have a child without parents, and an unpaid traffic violation and a disgusting media circus capitalizing on it for talking points.
Lord have mercy.
>Now we have a child without parents
Now we have a child without a crazy mother.
the happening:
it is today
the first domino has been felled
letter from an assassinated woman
>Elections have been rigged since 2000
>9/11 was an inside job
>Shadow government keeps president in line using Zapruder film
>Bernie won democratic primary by a landslide
Algorithm simultaneously deletes some bernie votes and changes some bernie votes to hillary.
>Anyone who tries to reveal it is murdered using "suicides", "fatal accidents", and "terminal illnesses"
>The guy who wrote the letter signed his name as "deceased"
>Entire thing blames Karl Rove as principal perpetrator behind entire operation.
But now that child is in the hands of an dysfunctional state system.
Being an orphan sucks. I've worked with before in Big Brothers and Sister's here. A lot of them have baggage.