She's leading in every professional poll out there. Just accept her as your next President.
She's leading in every professional poll out there. Just accept her as your next President
Madame president
Professional as in media shills who change titles to fit their narrative.
nce bait op
Cool, I guess I can stay at home then and don't have to bother voting. This is a sure thing.
>a fucking Britfag knows more about our elections than we do
Yeah, I don't think so.
Polls are definitely not always accurate, but when you're losing in every poll, that'd objectively bad.
>She's leading in every professional poll out there.
>leading in every professional poll
>every professional poll
After all the leaked emails proved media collusion with the DNC. You are still retarded enough to use the word professional.
Take a hike kike.
She rigged every poll out there she even rigged her own nomination. Be a good goy and stop fighting.
Happened with Brexit though.
(((professional polls)))
Your candidate is losing. He's losing in EVERY poll. If you think every poll is rigged, you're no better than tinfoil wearing conspiracy nuts.
you're not even american.
Wasnt losing in every poll, Nigel
I accept that OP is a huge faggot.
I have a dual citizenship.
Anyone working on pic related for when Trump gets destroyed?
Did you read the DNC leaks or are you just getting paid to shill.
implying she doesnt have a D under there
>If you think every poll is rigged, you're no better than tinfoil wearing conspiracy nuts.
Weird thing is, tinfoilers keep getting proven right.
not every poll. LA times still has him up. and non of the other polls have him down by 9%. who are you trying to fuckin' shill here?
Only because (((polling companies))) keep moving the goalposts
they're paid to poll until they get the result their (((client))) wants
The last three fucking polls out there have been rigged big time. Look it up you fucking dumb fucks god damn.
Include me in the screencap senpai
you've totally convinced me.
2017 will be a year of bloodshed in that case.
This will be the straw that breaks Americans pols back
All of the Americans on Sup Forums would just go outside and murder as many people as they can. Because nothing else matters. So they may as well make others suffer
There will be like ten sandy hooks in one day.
Pol won't commit suicide. Not before taking others with them I predict
I knew a guy in britpol who hid his power level. And was willing to stab his remain flatmates if remain won
Luckily brexit won so he calmed down
But he was totally willing to murder them, posted pics of the knife too.
Would you rather fuck her or your own mother?
Wtf I love Trump now
The polls seem skewed this year. Is there anywhere I can view polls with out liberal bias?
>mfw I'm still voting Trump
Get a real job faggot.
so did Brexit.
your point?
>DNCleak shows massive widespread media involvement in election rigging
>suddenly reuters changes polling algo
>not realizing that polls are tools for influencing public perception, not independent metrics
Babbys first election
No, but you can look at the actual poll data and make your own inferences.
Thanks for correcting the record.
given how wrong polls have been lately, and how quickly they change, projecting the winner now is absurd. just wait as wikileaks releases more damaging emails.
>after brexit
>trusting polls
>implying they mean anything
she is going to have another stroke, live on TV. As she falls down some stairs taking hum a weiner with her, and breaks her hip.
Good. What America needs is more dead sand niggers. Hillary Clinton has an unmatched record of killing sandniggers.
Drumpf supporters will try and tell you that she killed sandniggers that were keeping geopolitical stability and helped arm ISIS. Who gives a fuck though.
Sand niggers are all the same. Hillary kills sandniggers. Fuck Drumpf he's all talk. Only Hillary has the proven track record of murdering these sandniggers.
yeah, fucking liar slut.
Also, for OP: have a sage cunt
>Nearly all media outlets shilling for Hillary
>Nearly all media outlets bashing Trump
>Statistical tie
>professional poll
>rightwing terrorism coming
Hahahaha, I would laugh so hard. I would laugh so hard.
Hiroshima would hand over everyone's IP instantly.
>I have a dual citizenship.
found the jew
why do people reply to these ShitRedditSays shill threads?
>mfw hillary has a stroke and dies at her inauguration
That's the silver lining. Also jailing niggers.
Yeah And look at all of the saying in Europe the UK is doing too.
wtf I am now #Basic4Kasich
>Polls being worth a shit if the margins aren't double digits
Well we will find out who comes after President Romney.
>Remain is leading overwhelmingly in the polls. Just accept Leave will lose
Well he couldn't because you wouldn't be able to tell.
American polacks who simply turn off their computer.
Pick up their nearest gun. And kill the nearest group of people.
There would be the any threads about it.
They would be done with Sup Forums and life
So I hope your happy when innocent people are murdered
>Brits breaking that gay little globalist club
God bless you sons of bitches
Drumpf is ein gott, er ist unser konig!
If you reply to these threads you only bump them where people can continue to see them.
thats why we SAGE
Accepted a long time ago. :)
not even mad
Since Ghostbusters didn't flop, I actually believe that there are enough idiots out there to get her to the White House.
Correct the record.
CRT wouldn't even bother to shill here. Think of it from their point of view, people here are either trolls, stormfags or white supremacist brazilian. There's noone to convince.
People are here to rub it in your faces because how obnoxious you guys were during Trump's RNC bump. Now suddenly nobody believes in poll, statistics and math. Go ahead and cry some moar. Your tears are delicious. You guys are losing on every front
I just pissed a hole in my punch im so fucking walled. Are stupid really this people? You deserve what america you know. you street a deserved whore wall. you ground to all deserve to the burn. You spoke to debbie wassermna schultz, no one allowed to do this. Now bernie wont listen to your voices when you spoke up and chose she. My hand is fucking, but i dont bleed anymore, i dont care. all of you fuck. everything fucks. canada people say when there moving i actually am but. Im shitty with debbie wasserman this leaving country jew bitches. All of you fuck.
LET her win the poles, let him go to office. We're all going to have a laugh, if she wins it proves Americans are brainwashed if he wins it's going to be stand-up comedy for 8 years.
media shills rig for Killery..
sage all shills.
You mad white boy? Then I will prescribe you Xanax. You see sometimes we are angry for reasons we no longer remember and have the hatred boil up inside us. This is not healthy and rest assured you will not have to keep ingesting it it will be only temporarily. I will make you an appointment with our psychologist and she will keep track of your progress. Eat healthy a lot of fruits you know how they say an apple a day keeps the doctor away. Avoid stressful situations when you can. Take 2 pills one in the morning at diner and one at evening at diner with a big glass of water.
Side effects include:
Being forgetful
changes in patterns and rhythms of speech
clumsiness or unsteadiness
difficulty with coordination
feeling sad or empty
lack of appetite
loss of interest or pleasure
relaxed and calm
shakiness and unsteady walk
sleepiness or unusual drowsiness
slurred speech
trouble concentrating
trouble in speaking
trouble performing routine tasks
trouble sleeping
unsteadiness trembling
or other problems with muscle control or coordination
unusual tiredness or weakness call me if you experience any of these.
I will see you again next tuesday at 10am or 7pm whatever fits you best. Have a pleasant day sir.
It would be fun seeing her get involved in a war with Russia. It's going to take one hell of a false flag to get support for it. I bet she'll arrange to sink one of those Disney cruises with little kids and say a Russian sub did it.
Oops meant to post that on Sup Forums..
Figuratively burying your heads in the sand
No matter how hard you sage the thread, the poll numbers ain't gonna change. Drump got drumf
>$1.15 has been added to your account
Hillary will win. No doubt about this.
Good thing is that she will wreck the US and you won't have to deal with a female president for a good while.
We will have Merkel for as long as she lives. She might even get a cyborg body and rule us 'til the end of time.
Remember the (((Media))) is always more kind to female leaders.
>people legitimately want Hillary to win
Oh I forgot we get a huge bump in newfags and shills every time there's an election around the corner.
That's what you get for not having termlimits
>tfw tradie
>tfw women will never work in my field
good luck getting shit canned for your women replacement faggots
Thanks for bumping the thread with your toothless retort.
You don't even have a coherent argument. As I said, CTR wouldn't even waste money shilling here, I'm just here to laugh at your tears
t. r/worldnews & /ck/
It's over. Jeb is surging.
SHILL TEAM 6, better use this quote...
Remember what everyone seemed to think of Brexit?
>CTR wouldn't even bother to shill here
thats exactly what a shill would want me to think
I'm now a #TurtleHead.
>Remain is leading with 5% the day before the vote
>just accept your defeat, leavers
>Just give up!
You sound worried.
All hail, Madame President.
What will her primary legacy be? I'm guessing:
- greater rights for women
- greater political representation of women
- a much more liberal supreme court
- an honorific posting for Obama, maybe as Secretary-General of the United Nations
- significant reduction in inequality in the US
- a reduction in school shootings
- greater collaboration with Canada, perhaps involving more visas with better conditions.
Doesn't seem at all bad, right anons?
But that's wrong
I wasn't aware there was evidence for the existence of shape-shifting lizards in politics
I can't wait for Muslims to undo all of that
do you have any links?
I saw one today cbs, nbc, i forget, it said 21% of republicans polled said they would vote for hillary.
have you seen it?
>Europoor knowing how to math and statistics
In 'Merica polls are very accurate, they come up every other days and very rarely miss the mark. They offer snapshot of time of course, but as it stands currently drumpf is btfo'd hard.
Very rarely does a set of poll the night before the election missing its mark. It only happens on very close race like Iowa Republican primary and Michigan for Democrats. That's 2 out of 104 primaries for both major parties
What do you expect her policy will be with Muslims? I think she likes the moderate ones and is skeptical of Wahhabite propaganda plans. I can't imagine her opening borders significantly or reducing security. I think it'll be largely a continuation of the current situation, which honestly has been pretty good for terrorism in the US for a long time. I'm in NYC and don't feel threatened at all, especially since the NYPD were doing high-visibility policiing through Ramadan in public spaces around the city.
Hilldawg beats out bigoted Drumpf in every single way. #ImWithHer