It is not OK to cry or show any emotions

just saw a thread that asked if crying was ok and most people seem to be ok with it, it is not, showing emotions is for women, it shows youre full of estrogen, only emotion a man can show is anger, estrogen makes women sensitive and emotional which is why they must not be leaders of any kind, most "men" today are ruled by emotion that is why the west has fallen to cuckolds.

Guy here and not ashamed to admit I'm a pussy. I cry about three times a week and I am not ashamed at all. My wife sees me and still respects me to death. It's beautiful when a man cries.

you should raise your testosterone levels, believe me i was a chubby kid full of strogen cried all the time always in fear, in my teen years i started working out and gained my manhood back, do the same

"tough" guys are only as tough as they think they are. Their is always someone tougher. People on Sup Forums that talk about raising kids tough and not being pussies would be in the fetal position if they met the hard core fuckers of the cartel wishing "I wish I was in the land of pussies where everyone let me play the role of the tough guy".

did you check my flag? im from Rio, raised in shit i did not see the light until i was already a man.

You cannot have happiness without sadness. It's OK to cry. Excessively hints at a problem, but you're a fucking savage if you don't cry if a loved one dies. Or when a pup dies in a move ;_;7

Without emotion, the clouds don't rain and the sun don't shine.

Yeah man, I'm sure I don't need to tell you. South and Central America have a lot of hardcore places. Pussy faggot youths on Sup Forums have this delusion that that's the world they want to live in. I think it's because they have literally been so little in life that they feel they a real man needs to portray his masculinity through his appearance. That fucking wild west cowboy gun slinging showdown shit. Real men don't need to or try to prove themselves because they've proven themselves to themselves throughout their life.

I didn't cry out loud but I couldn't hold a few tears during my grandpa's burial, am I a cuck?

The only time I cry is when I think of the Bengals and playoffs
What is tough to you then? Not afraid of death? Kill me if you want.

you should be apathetic all the time, you can have feelings its natural but you must hide them, it is a sign of weakness to be moved emotionally, this does not interfere in your actions you can still be a good man, the effect is that your enemies fear and respect you

I cried when I put my dog down and when I delivered the eulogy for my best friend after he got killed by a drunk driver.

This. I'm also not ashamed to recognize the superiority of the BBC. After my wife's lover cums in her, I eat up the bull's seed as it drips out of her pussy. It's truly an intimate moment between the three of us.

there's times for crying, and times when you have to be strong and not lose your head

try to know the difference

too many who think they can use tears to get their way all the time

leaf, death is the easy way, do not go gentle into that good night, my point here is your countries are cucks because you are affraid to take action and cry in fear of everything, muslims step on you cause they think kindness towards them are a weakness so they will step over you

But if i kill you you win

>Men cannot feel pride or joy
I suppose those emotions would be foreign to monkeys living in favelas.

when my mother died it broke my heart do i did not showed it still crushed me inside, this is the emotion control you must have, when your friends and family are killed by kebabs all i see westerners do is cry and weep but do not act, if you hide your sorrow it will help you to take action sooner than lose an opportunity

>Monkey trying into stoicism

Having feels is not normal. It's a delusion, result of you not understanding yourself or the world around you properly.

your absolutely right my fat friend, pride kills you makes you arrogant you dont see your mistakes, you will feel joy and sorrow its inevitable just keep it hidden

only a faggot thinks its gay to cry. good luck bottling up your emotions and exploding on the people closest to you!

More baseless rhetoric. Crying is an evolutionary advantage. It can in fact *prevent* or mitigate further action based on internal emotion being stockpiled.

very good, see the kebab remover gets it

No, not that. Tough to me is different things. It's being confident if I was to sum it up with one word. But to explain I'd say it's things like not being afraid to cry when you need to (because others are going to call you pussy).

Not being afraid to die is too easy. A lot of times that's just stupidity. I'll tell you something. I don't care about dying either. I went to Iraq for a year and I'll tell you what hurt the most out of all that shit. It was leaving my fiancee two times. It hurt not knowing if you're going to make it bad. Shit was bad over there and I knew this. I hated seeing her cry when I left but moved along towards the plane and got on as much as my emotions and sadness were fucking with my head when I knew she was back there crying. Shit like that is something that makes a person closer to a man. It's one thing to say you're not afraid to die, it's another thing to prove it by putting yourself in harms way. I'm not even trying to use my military experience as a example of I'm better than you. Shit, firefighters sacrifice and risk lives, cops do to (inb4 cops shoot first because they're scared). Some cops do the right thing and put their lives at risk for the sake of following protocol.

evolutionary advantage cry in front of a jihadist and see if he forgives you, the world is ruthless so why should you not be?

Same here Pierre. it's okay for funerals

It is an evolutionary advantage. Your retarded jihad example is bullshit and doesn't counter what I said.

what will counter? if your friend gets killed by a lion will you hold the action of running or attacking for crying?

I don't think it works that way...eventually you will reach the point in which you don't feel nothing just anger and pain but those even those two feelings would be mitigated.

This new state of mind may help you to understand more things and be more red pilled.

Thank you giacomo, my point right there, when youre anger and feeling pain all the time you never relax youre thinking all the time, makes you self aware

t. Autist

not an argument

Im a homosexual
Is it okay if i cry once a year ?

>when youre anger and feeling pain all the time you never relax youre thinking all the time, makes you self aware

Kindness is weak. If I had my druthers isis would be a single mission and we'd just pearl harbour drones until there wasn't a middle east left. Don't tell me canadians are pussies. I know that.
I get it. I do stupid shit at work that can apparently kill me. I smoke, drink. Don't go out with protection. I'm more interested in the afterlife then where I am now. But ffs. Can you not leave the room when you cry?

a fucking leaf

When you leave the new years eve standard fuck party and your neg hole still isn't pozzed up?

Accidentally lost what I was typing.
Let me retype:
Look up the benefits to crying yourself. It can help you mentally decompress, eliminates those that can't control their emotions as a threat (ex water in eyes), and helps with some social situations (related to empathy, a trait you don't seem to possess).

You don't immediately cry in a flight-or-fight response situation anyway, which is why I say your example is ill formed.

>the only emotion a man should feel is fear when he trips over his flip-flops and the local gang of 7-year old crack-dealing murderers catch up and skin him alive with a rusty piece of metal off a bicycle

The idea of a man isn't to suppress your emotions and show anger. The idea of a man is to control your emotions. Never show weakness. Never lose control of yourself.

found the fedora

what if there isnt an afterlife it all just black out and youre gone you wasted your life, you should at least make children and have a family, that's pretty much all you can accomplish in this world that will do any good

They're called thongs cunt

I'll cry when I Iose family or pets

Fuck you OP you aint't tough

I don't think marcus aurelius said that or you might be missing his point. He clearly has a point about passion.

If you read stoic philosophy and all you got from it was "dont cry, dont show emotions" then I genuinely have no idea where to even start.

I never quoted Macus Aurelius, just used his picture

Your not a Geralt of rivia badass Mary Sue with no emotions. Everyone gets sad at some point. Without crying or sadness then happiness has no meaning.

Do you cry of happiness seeing the joy your wife experiences when Tyrone is fucking her?

Didn't Taylor Swift make a song about those?

pic is not related, but stoicism preaches that emotional reaction is useless you should think and not act out of emotion

I rarely cry, but if you show no emotion at all you're probably a sociopath.

She assures me she doesn't love him

as i said, you will feel sorrow and joy just hide it

A thing is a g-string in actual human-derived languages Bruce

With a stoic file name. How could you not be talking about him or Meditations by extension. If you're going to talk about this it is entirely relevant.

I'm not being pious when I ask but have you read Meditations?

Does she suck your dick more because of it?

>References shitty neckbeard video game
>Says it's ok to cry

You're part of the problem.

i show no emotion although i feel them

yes i have, and i enjoyed it, though i thought he was too kind and soft in some aspects

>You're a fucking savage if you don't cry if a loved one dies.

its weird but I think you get used to losing people.

- I cried a lot when my grandfather died.
- I cried a bit when my grandmother died
- was sad when my grandmother on my fathers side died
- I didnt cry when my mother died of cancer

I mean I was sad. Really sad and I miss her. But its not like felt the need to cry.

So I guess when you get older it just takes more to make you cry.

>posting a pic of Marcus Aurelius
>"only emotion a man can show is anger"

The Meditations quote:
>"...that to be moved by passion is not manly, but that mildness and gentleness, as they are more agreeable to human nature, so also are they more manly; and he who possesses these qualities possesses strength, nerves and courage, and not the man who is subject to fits of passion and discontent."

i think that too, when you are mature enough you wont be toyed by emotions you will turn to reason instead of emotions

2nd time, pic not related, just didn't had any pictures to put on

Joy is meaningless if you don't know sadness, you sorry little edgelords.

I see what you're saying, I think that is a different situation than what OP is arguing - the difference being someone having the urge to cry and forcefully not crying VS not having the emotional urge come down as harshly in the first place. Not to get too into this, but would you then say you are happy? I think that dampening/preventing the negative emotions also puts a cap on the joyful emotions.

>to be able to feel compassion and also have the ability to express compassion a almost human exclusive trait should be restricted to one gender because cowboys don't cry

I literally hope your shilling if not please and I mean this kill yourself please

What fucking enemies

It's okay to cry (as a man), but only if nobody is looking.

All these people trying to defend them being autistic

yeah I am quite happy even if I say so myself.

>I think that dampening/preventing the negative emotions also puts a cap on the joyful emotions.

No need to think. Its a fact.

>having nearly no emotional range
Psychopathic, sociopath and so on

>having an extreme emotional range
Maniodepressive, eccentric and so on.

Most people fall in between both poles of cause but have leanings either way. Ive never been know to be particular emotional myself.

Your country is the enemy of all western civilization, you pretend to be good and kind while you are arrogant and create every single problem the west has, you're ruled by jews

When I am sad with someone I trust, I release a single manly tear. Too bad you are too cucked by the jews that you need to bottle up your emotions until they come out in a fit of rage. Classic nig tier behavior desu.

I haven't cried (unless in severe physical pain like when I broke my foot) in ten years. Not to blog here, but I was beaten and abused as a kid by my step father as was my mother. One night I tried to fight back but I got too scared, and ran and cried (I was about twelve) from that day on I decided to never show that kind of weakness again. So I've never cried due to emotions since, there are a few things that brought me close to it, but I found ways to stop myself.

Emotion is a normal human response but men are conditioned to not show emotion because they shouldnt. Men should be strong leaders for their family and community. But with our "progress" men are now wearing skirts and acting like women to the point where they change their gender. This degenerate behavior is even encouraged. Our country is so pathetic now

>displaying emotions is degenerate
l o l

You aren't even supposed to have the emotional jew.

bravo, well said friend

I think it's okay for a man to cry by himself or publically for something big like a family death.


I'm autistic (diagnosed).
This shit you're saying is...
What you're trying to embrace is extreme stoicism, like Spock. Sorry bud, us humans have this thing called the limbic system along with the frontal cortex that allows us to experience complex emotions (sadness, joy, curiosity, etc.). To remove emotion is to remove humanity. We become computers with no sympathy for our fellow man.
>Looks at flag
>Its a BRokeass fool


I haven't cried since I was 6 and some nigger stole my bike.
Now, if I start to feel anything that might be an emotion, I just ball it up and push it deep inside of me.
I haven't noticed any bad effects from this. To be honest, I think it's much better to be completely dead inside.

in hospital after OP nurse attends to swap bandages on drainage baget attached to me for 24hrs.

it's been put on wrong and finally starts to work. cried for some reason? seriously not even emotion. was weird.

you fell for it, congrats

Niggers also don't display emotions. Are you a nigger, Sup Forums?

Niggers also breath. Are you a nigger?

this guy gets it

Yes, it is what humans both male and female do. Feminist sluts are of the Devil.

Black church's say otherwise

I cry maybe 2 or 3 times a year (obviously it was a lot more when I was a kid if I scraped my knee or something while outside). Honestly I don't think it's that bad to occasionally let it all out as long as you can constructively find the root of the problem afterwards and sort/deal with it.

Also crying in public in front of strangers is degenerate and you should at least be able to hold it in until you get home if you're really that desperate

Men should be able to control their emotions. The only exception would be religious moments or when there are chemicals effecting one's mind.

Bro, your losing the argument. If your trying to prove a point express your opinion and references. Don't be that guy that says "Google it"

Yeah you sound pretty normal. I guess its just a desensitation thing.
Ps my id probably changed, mobile.

I laid out a summary of the reasons in the next sentence. Try again, faghot.

Showing emotion is fine, but you should strive to know yourself well and not lose control. Anger is a good motivator, but it's pathetic if you lose control and use it to scream at a video game and smash the controller. Crying can be cathartic if you let it happen, just being teary eyed is often enough for me. You can save the sobbing and screaming for personal tragedies.

>or when there are chemicals effecting one's mind
Ah, so all the time then.

does your wife's son see you cry too?

Acceptable and manly, user. Fuck dogs for being the best thing to ever happen to mankind yet not living forever, and fuck drunk-driving subhuman trash

I cry all the time but I am depressed

People always think I'm emotionless or distant. I have emotions cunt, I'm just stoic and don't need to express my emotions in public display. And it's got nothing to do with wanting people to think I'm tough either, I just think grand displays of emotion come off as insincere or self serving.