These kinds of men are despicable. Impotent white men who lust for tight Asian pussy.
These kinds of men are despicable. Impotent white men who lust for tight Asian pussy
If he can't score a conservative white woman at his age he might as well help improve the second best race with his white seed.
It must be like anudah shoah for you japs
If they are impotent, what is the issue? No offspring will be made.
It's not like you were going to fuck her you forever virgin, loser.
Did I stomp on your feelings Sup Forums?
Loose white pussies
>Tight asian minges
Someone is fucking your sister arent they lol
Asian pussy is designed to be bred by the white cock. The asian pussy overflows at the sight of a white cock and handsome white stud. Virginal tiny yellow dicks will be forever cucked as nature intended.
No. Just nobody cares about you losing your ugly chink women
Who cares. Maybe you can bang their daughter.
At least it's not niggers.
>lusting for tight pussy
how is this despicable?
are we supposed to be lusting for western roasties?
>forever cucked
>still highest human group on earth
No the ones being cucked are jizzmops like you.
A non-fucking-smokeable leaf
How about staying true to your race you fucking degenerate
Don't yall have a surplus of women in Asia?
Didn't realize their were tiny yellow dicks in the bahamas.
The asian pussy longs for white cock.
Asian girls laugh behind the backs of asian boys calling them boring, passionate, and incapable lovers. It's a win-win really. Asians can abandon their pathetic males, and whites can spread their seed to the tight asian pussy that desires them. Every asian pussy I've bred tells me they'll never go out with an asian guy again.
>hey check this out, you guys can easily get a woman from my country
>that really showed them
I really like you yellow folks (inb4 "Finnish are yellow too"), but that doesn't make any sense.
If an old man is getting laid with a young woman it's not insulting to the old man, he's definitely enjoying it. It's at most insulting to a young man who was in love with the young woman but she chose an old man instead.
>tight Asian pussy
Such b8 I'm cringing
At least change the pic next time proxy faggot
We never got to invade you in the 40's. We have to conquest something. Manifest destiny nigga.
Canadians just cant stop shitposting god.
Actually in China there's considerably more men than women, so it's the opposite.
It's because of the one child policy and families wanting a son.
japs are usually ugly, though half jap half white women are the bomb, someone has to make sacrifice for us to have pretty mutts Naruto
If anyone's the scum it's the girls themselves. Race traitors.
What Asian women are to white man is what white women are to black men
I thought Canadians are half Chinese?
White mother and Asian father produces the best looking offspring in that kind of mix. The guy in OP's pic will produce another Elliot Rodger.
Why do you even have that image saved?
You're like pathetic white cucks who post blacked webms at every oppurtunity.
Fucking me some nice asian pussy about 20 times a week steady with this girl. She is loaded and I am ready to have glorious aryan-gook children with her. She lets me place my seed whenever, how does that feel nip?
Japanese chicks are beautiful and you blokes are too busy jacking it to cartoons, so fuck you I'll find a Jap wife.
Oh god, it's like anudda passion.
Gj son. Taking back our hard earned capital those gooks stole, and their women as interest. Much spicy.
So weird this is. Race mixing is retarded.
Op is an english teacher
I thought the one girl was holding a gun
Asian girls are the best. White women are trash. I upgraded to a Korean recently and she's the best gf I've ever had, cooks/cleans/ultra feminine, outspoken about men and women should serve their own roles, etc.
Korean is a shit though with the whole Christianity business. Must find a truly red-pilled 3D waifu who adopts the truth and the absurd.
nothing wrong with a healthy dose of asian IQ to prop the gene pool up
if I want to fuck a tight asian pussy I'll fuck a tight asian pussy
Its always the white beta losers who i see having a chink gf
the stereotypes are true
I rant about Jews and niggers all the time and she just rolls with it, she's pretty based.
>If an old man is getting laid with a young woman it's not insulting to the old man
This, despiste what feminists want people to believe.
Where'd you get that pic? Mfw I live near this place. I know pol is over run with Florida fags so I guess it makes sense.
Because we are the most powerful race in the world. Everyone else is subhuman
Found it randomly somewhere online. and I'm not a Floridan
>ITT yellow fever cucks share their fantasies which will never be reality
prove it...
Almost 100% of the white guys I have seen with Asian women, especially if those women are foreign and the men are Canadian, are fucking powerbetas beyond belief.
They're so fucking pathetic you can often see the cuckoldry genetically expressed in their faces. Their women run the show, every time. It's fucking amazing.
>tfw a couple like this have just moved to my area
>tfw every single female I've spoken to in the area has complained and said it's disgusting
>tfw strange how it's no longer "being irrational" and "paranoid", to them, when the foreigner is a woman
>wife has a larger cranial capacity
That guy's going to be the bitch of the relationship
That's because most people, women ESPECIALLY, are not logically consistent in the things they believe.
>someone is literally fucking the women in your country
>lol your feelings are hurt Sup Forums
Come the fuck on nip nops.
>List for tight pussy
Well, burger pussy is loose and disgusting.
if it was a white girl that young with a guy who's that old, it'd still be disgusting. you missed the point because your mind is addled with misogyny and racism.
>Asian pussy is designed to be bred by the white cock. The asian pussy overflows at the sight of a white cock and handsome white stud. Virginal tiny yellow dicks will be forever cucked as nature intended.
Yeah I've came across that a few times
>Woman makes point
>Show how ridiculous and illogical it is
>Too stubborn to admit defeat so continue to try and prove their point
>Just dig a deeper hole
>Still too stubborn to admit they're wrong so change direction and say they "don't care anyway" even though it was their fucking claim that they brought up
Thanks, Justin.
I wouldn't touch an ugly gook bitch with your little dick, mate.
Hey man, those women have a choice.
You really don't understand how women "think" at all.
>implying these women even realize their own idiocy
>Women think based on emotion
>Hence why they "stop caring" when you show their emotions mean nothing
You don't need a doctorate in redpillology to understand it.
I had the same thing when I asked a friend of mine what she thought about the NDP (very left party) won in my province.
>"what do you think about the NDP winning?"
>"Oh it's great, I've always liked them and I've voted for them ever since I could vote"
>"What do you like about them?"
>"I just really like their policies"
>"Oh yeah? Like what?"
>*long pause*
>"I don't really want to talk about politics right now."
Asian girls are pretty kawaii though.
The only problem is that they are looking for push overs and they use them up.
My wife is Irish-Japanese and to be honest I wasn't aware of her East Asian racial heritage before she brought it up. She's ginger and looks quite European. Although after she told me that something about her eye shape and facial shape made more sense. Some people just fall in love, however relationship based on race fetish are doomed to fail.
White man I....
>Implying you wouldn't
If I recall isn't your population going down due to no one fucking? You have bigger concerns then who we are fucking. We are just picking up your slack
wtf i didn't realize this was a thing among asian parents
Basically my wife, just replace eyes with green ones and hair with ginger
"u have to marry a white guy so I can have beautiful grandchildren" (c) non-Nip Asian problems
Eliot says hi
As a White Rhodesian I can confirm that East Asians are the master race and we Whites should breed with them to make ourselves stronger
So odd how it's always the mom
It's like she's so unhappy with her Asian husband she doesn't want her daughter to repeat it
>Ooga booga wer da yella wimmen at
>Asians work too hard
>Asian men are spineless
>Dey pee pees too small
>I knock Asian out fo real, ain't got no strength, he a pussy
>Yo I'll stretch yo bitch out while you workin
Tfw whites are the niggers of Asia.
Seems more like your feelings are hurt by this, considering you made this thread
no elliots and baltazars. enough supreme and hardcore kids
ITT: retards think anyone posting with a nip flag is actually Japanese
My gf is hafu. Stay mad, Hiroshi.
only people who care about this are bets Asians.
seriously, you're an elliot Rodgers op.
My girlfriend is Asian, are you mad?
>That flag
You're probably a chink too KEK
well its the same as white men who care about white women dating blacks/arabs.
Its completely natural to care or feel betrayed about it. Especially if you are a single beta.
these images just really make us look like niggers, and I'm not that low.
>throwing your genes away
>having manlet kids
Thats because they are cucknadians