Seeing as it's the 30th anniversary of it's release, can we talk about Predator? What's the appeal? It's a shitty movie.
Seeing as it's the 30th anniversary of it's release, can we talk about Predator? What's the appeal? It's a shitty movie
Other urls found in this thread:
fuck off pleb
>has bad taste
>has to ask permission to talk about a movie
Fuck off faggot
Better than alien for sure. Though the predator was a bitch-ass nigga who couldn't face a challenge
You are one ugly motherfucker!
>It's a shitty movie
>Shitting on Predator
Op confirmed for low test faggotry
Other than the obvious answer, how did Arnie get so ripped?
tell us why you think predator's shit, OP
Apart from the monster design, I liked the movie's premise: a group of badasses are hunted by an even bigger badass. It sort of parodied the cliche 80's action movie, especially Commando, where its just one badass fighting a group of terrorists.
Imagine being this retarded
"I don't get the appeal. It's not nearly as exciting as Twilight Part 13."
no one beats prime arnie
aside from doing everything right the amount of people who can look like that is probably 1 in 100,000
Shitloads of work. The steroids only do so much
It's just overwhelmingly boring. The characters aren't interesting or likeable and then they die.
Schwarzenegger is charismatic as fuck, but isn't given much to do or say until the end when he has no other humans to play off of.
And the whole movie looks ugly.
>It sort of parodied the cliche 80's action movie, especially Commando
Too bad it's not nearly as good as Commando.
Stick to your Marvel flicks and video games you disgusting nu male
What Movie Tavern are you going to?
>It's a shitty movie.
Predator is so good I know for a fact that you don't honestly believe that.
Wont be catching any predators with this shitty bait thread OP. Only idiots.
Why? Are you a nu male dyel without testosterone who wears an "ironic" beard? Doesn't had it enough quips for you?
lmao have a (you) on the house kid, thanks for the laugh.
Name a better battle cry in a movie. Ill wait.
I do. What's good about it?
That Battle Cry is Pure Male-Testosterone, captured on film, of how men express themselves emotionally. I dare one man to say that's not exactly the image you have of yourself at your most primal.
when i first saw this scene i was like…wow thats fucking bad ass. now ten years later i say…wow thats fucking bad ass
Most alpha scene of all time, come and get it motherfucker!
It has the greatest laugh ever put on film.
Kill yourself, it looks great, and could have been made last week and still be fresh.
Best action film ever.
>Look son, a pleb
>What's the appeal? It's a shitty movie.
Slack jawed faggot detected.
How do I get biceps as big as this?
Still didn't get an explanation.
Nu-males and cucks are unable to appreciate the masterpiece that is Predator
I remember hearing that he had to lose like 80 pounds because he was so bulked he couldn't raise his arms while in the water.
god how fucking awful
all the predator and alien movies are fucking awesome for practical monster effects alone. some of the best in the industry.
predator literally stars two fucking future american govenors, arnold, and ventura. predator is fucking piece of america history.
it is a movie most women and nu-mules cannot appreciate.
>detecting slack jawed faggots so quickly
sexual tyrannosaurs detected
>It's a shitty movie...