Will there be a happening at the 2016 Rio Olympics?
Will there be a happening at the 2016 Rio Olympics?
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IF their is it'll be the only reason i'll watch it
It's going to be an absolute shitshow
If Kek wants it.
God I hope so. I had to listen to my finace's friend talk about great Brazil is when she visited with her boyfriend 2 years ago. I told her Rio is a shithole and she kept disagreeing saying its peaceful and everyone's cool.
Yes. All the players are in position...
>zika chan
>socialist government controlling a crumbling society
>ISIS and Al-Shabab are confirmed waiting in rio
yes, look for the opening or closing ceremonies, this is too big an event for them to pass up on
top happensings that could happen:
1. Kill a US or Israel athlete
2. Hostage taking of tourists or athletes
3. Paris style attack with 100 + killed
4 Bomb set off at some venue
typical cunt, she only visited and claims to know more than the locals, gas that bitch, its a hellhole in certain areas, others not so bad, but still shit
The Aussies have already been robbed. I can't see things going very well once the games actually start.
Clancy's books were all pretty nice imo
Go to PubMed (googol it) and search "Zika virus".
Focus on review articles.
Medical community is worried as fuck. This infection was isolated to Africa with minimal human transmission for 60 years before suddenly popping up in French Polynesia in 2007, and now Brazil is the epicenter for what they're acknowledging is a "pandemic".
Zika is a Flaviviridae, from the family that brought us other hits such as West Nile and Dengue Fever. These viruses are incredibly difficult to vaccinate against (I.e. we can't) and spread through body fluids as well as multiple insect vectors.
Putting the Olympics in the epicenter of Zika infection is going to be one hell of a happening. Let's hope microcephaly is the worst part...
I hope so, it's high time Brazil joined in on the happenings. I also hate Rio, so hopefully it's something big enough to seriously fuck that city up.
Rio 2016 is basically a testing ground for biological weapons.
this virus zika is a meme, there is no danger in that area you should be worried about getting robbed or aids not some disease that makes you feverish for a few days then goes away, unless youre pregnant if you are pregnant then you should worry
Carioca here.
Zica is a meme, nonexistant nowadays.
85k troops, destroyers and chopters all around.
Nothing will happen. You want a happening? Check "Natal attacks".
Zika won't stay there, that's the problem. It will be brought back to every country that attends, and there's evidence suggesting the effects of infection might linger. It spread startlingly fast and appears to be more contagious that dangerous.
However, viruses mutate more frequently the more they spread. Since Zika hosts barely notice the infection (again, suspicious compared to the severe infections of other viruses in Flaviviridae) they will likely contract and spread it without realizing.
Imagine this spreading through a town within weeks under the radar, affecting hundreds or thousands of pregnancies before it's even noticed.
murican, thinks he knows more than the people that live in the country he is speaking of
I've heard some people say they think a nuke or dirty bomb will go off
It's apparently already in the US anyways.
o kek, give us a sign
kek wills isis being there
Everyone is literally asking for it.
>why didn't you listen?
For you
kek has blessed the thread guys
a happening confirmed
How bout a fappening instead hnggh
Any medical peeps able to tell me if Zika lies dormant in women of childbearing age?
In other words, if a bunch of 20- and 30-something female athletes who aren't currently pregnant go, and get infected, would their kids be at risk for Zika if they got pregnant a few years from now?
Can't find any sources on how that works
I'd say its impossible for one not to happen, as for the scale of it who knows, maybe a small shooting here and there or potentially a large scale bomb attack from Islamic extremists, I honestly wouldn't be surprised either way.
What part of what he said do you disagree with??
No, it's Islam
it's not fucking aids ok it enters your body and leaves it without any medication, unless youre pregnant there are no risks, unless you fuck everyone in your country all the time without a condom it wont spread ffs
Aren't there a fuck ton of terrorists who just got arrested in brazil.
Whose to say there won't be many more
I hope they blow up Brazilians. Fuck those niggers. Did you hear me, Brazil?
It's getting hit by a meteor senpai
>Paris style attack with 100 + killed
More like +1000
It already is brother
I think so. Yesterday a pressure cook bomb with nails exploded here in BrasÃlia downtown, Fortunately it was late night and there were no wounded
Hell yes there is.
ISIS has started tweeting in Portuguese. Something is bound to happen.
I'm thinking abductions and executions as the ceremonies will probably be heavily guarded.
Praise Kek.
This vvvv
Exactly what I was thinking when I read the Aussie's post
I don't think so. Nothing major at least, same as the Euro cup.
There already had happenings. All about poor and bad mannaged equipment and Stages.
Zika Virus is nothing to worry about, Less than 1% of the pop is infected, although nobody did shit about it yet, it still a small thing and will remain small. Watchout for Dengue tho.
Government is shit, but the money they spended on the world cup says something about what they will be willing to spend on the olympics even though there's an obvious corruption in all that.
Isis can't do shit here, this place is horrible and if you don't speak the language while you're on the wrong street will be mugged. No places to hide whatsoever. The worst case scenario is those pieces of shit from the Favelas use ISIS as a cover for their shitstorm.
Holy shit. Stay safe brother.
Yep. On the 14th.
Hop on your stolen moped and go earn a medical degree from whatever shitstained outhouse passes for a university there. Come rejoin us when you can pronounce "interferon" you ignorant third-world fuck.
I hope Zika spares the world from your children.
I hear Ladbrokes are offering 10 to 1 on a stand collapsing.
Its the Monday 15th , 3.15pm
From what I've heard it may stay dormant for a week or 2 after symptoms go away but it's highly unlikely for it to remain in someone's system for years.. but you never know
Im going with a bomb blast at the athletics track 33/1
>being this mad over someone from a third world country on the internet
Jesus Christ, user.
The jews started the zika plague in Rio so that athletes there will get zika, fuck, and produce a race of super strong small headed retards who will be easy to control, and who will crush the goy
idk about a happening like a sandnigger blowing a bunch of people up or shit like that but its going to be terrible as shit for sure
>select the food
>select the streetsigns
>select the salad
>select the juice
>select the pizza
>select images with bread
>select the milkshakes click until none are left
>select the salad
>select the sandwiches
The Goy pass is only 20dollars, stupid cattle
Don't scoff at 1%, that's pretty fucking bad for a virus that was never seen outside of Africa since its discovery.
You're on the right track with Dengue, that's my fear as well. Flaviviridae are arbovirsues, meaning they use insect vectors - their favorites being Anopheles and Culex species of mosquitos. Where one virus goes, the others tend to follow, and there's evidence Zika "mediates anyibody-dependent enhancement of infection" similarly to Dengue, essentially weakening the host response against other infections - including the nastier Flaviviridae.
Pic is from New England Journal of Medicine...and this was 6 months ago.
hahahha, get shat on gringo.
Here's how everything works, you ahve to select each piece of food you'll want or else pay 200$ for a steak
PS:always buy churrasco or meat if you're going for the taste of things.(vegans have a shitty life here)
I think he is complaining about the captcha system.
The zika virus will spread
Top kekkles
6/10 made me think thoughts
You lost respect for adding jackshit to the discussion, and nothing pisses me off more than disinformation and ignorance. I'm not kidding when I tell you to look up real research on this.
And seriously how do you all drink your water without dying of dysentary?
Yes, there will be.
It will be caused internally, by the left. The government will blame ISIS, the left will then proceed to criticizing the government policy of military security.
Also, there will be a separate event, probably involving a sniper.
But these are my guesses.
Aedes* not Anopheles, but hell who knows? They're adaptable little fuckers on account of keeping up with human development.
PS no vaccines anywhere near completion
I swear I'm not retarded, blame the camera