>it's a movie about wall street
It's a movie about wall street
>takes place on some other street
>it's va movie about main street
>gay anal sex scene
>Relax Don't Do It starts playing
>I don't understand economics
check em
>It's a movie about grove street.
>At least it was before I fucked everythang up.
>movie set in another time and involves another culture
>they speak english
>character gets knocked unconscious by a blow to the head
>wakes up later in a daze instead of having permanent brain damage or dying
My little brother died for your shitty trope, Hollywood!
>movie is about wall street
>"Look at this scheme! I'll just swindle everyone out of a bunch of money! We can't lose!"
>2 1/2 hours later
>"Oy Vey! My scheming has gotten me into legal trouble! I should've never ripped them off!
>crucial conflict revolves around a card game
>you don't understand the game
>plot revolves around a complicated wall street scheme
>you have no idea what happened the whole movie
>movie about a doctor
>movie about a lawyer
>movie about a cop
>movie about a woman
>movie about a foreigner
>movie about hard working jewish character
I still don't understand mahjong
mommy milky pls
>money money money money starts playing
Should be against the rules to post Milana and not follow up with another 40 pics.
>movie about wall street
>scene cuts to yacht
>movie about handsome rich smart lucky chad doing drugs and fucking hookers and disregarding his own health and societal well being for 1 hour and 45 minutes
>last 10 minutes characters realize what they did was wrong
>call movie a degenerate jewish mess
>"no user the movie was anti degeneracy pay attention!"
fuck movies
you have to only pick the pricks that are on the same level
>movie about how great Steve Jobs is
>depicted as a creative genius
>no mention of the exploitation of the people who manufacture its products
more like
>10 movies about Jobs each year
>the title emphasises the word JOBS each and everytime, as if it was his nickname acquired from all the job creating.
>it's a movie
>attempt is made using special effects to simulate how it feels to trip on LSD
>movie about Wall Street
>everyone is fucking and snorting coke while cursing like sailor
>movie has some subtitles for some foreign languages
>but doesn't have subs for the 5 minute discussion near the end of the movie
>movie about wallstreet
>obligatory montage of extravagant parties, racing sportscars through the city, fancy apartments and buying your lady friends fancy gifts
>it's a movie about slavery/the holocaust
>and it won oscars
ask me if i care
>lights start flashing
>...and your other street