To anyone considering emigrating to Norway.
>>>>>> Don't
To anyone considering emigrating to Norway.
>>>>>> Don't
why so butthurt, did we stole your job again?
What if I'm Muslim
what if I'm a dark skinned Muslim who will let you watch me fuck your wife and daughters?
please enter for the sake of cultural enrichment
Hey look its this dumb shit again.
No way I am going to Norway.
It's too gay.
To anyone considering emigrating to Portugal
>>>>>> Don't
>6. We will not rent housing to you, you will live on the streets being raped by Poles and Somalis
Norway confirmed for third world shit hole
>supposing people want actually go to Norway
I was thinking about getting a masters degree in your country. Education is free right? Found a few programs taught in English. Thought about taking loans out to live there while studying and fucking Norwegian girls ;)
To anyone considering emigrating to Fagland.
>>>>>> Don't
The joke is on you, I get my scandi cuties delivered at front door.
>mfw i'm going to live in Norway because my Brother lives there
>mfw we're both of arab origin
>mfw currently stuck in germany for 2 weeks
Thinking about moving to Norway. I probably won't bother learning Norwegian since it's so similar to Swedish that we'll understand each other anyway.
You already are our colony faggot.
too bad. I'm Nigerian and ?ill be moving there in 4 months
Cool another fellow Sup Forums refugee friend
k ahmed
What if my skin is whiter than you?
Yeah, Im pretty shure everyone here dreams of becoming a glorified ice fisherman.
>Implying someone wants to that nigger's hole
I actually want to fuck the blondes there
bet they love my arab cock
Yup, were u from my nigga?
Greeks are on par with niggers, arabs and turkroaches? Kek
Am i allowed senpai?
Greetings fellow Sup Forumsacks.
I've recently thinking about immigrating to any first world country for a work and comfortable stay. Pakistanis is OK. But, I rather prefer a lavish and western lifestyle. My top choices are America, Australia and Canada. I want to cherish a lifestyle with white people. I don't have a slight preference of living with people of my color. My sexual orientation and irreligious don't match with the integrity of Pakistan. I am very qualified person with Masters Degree in Software Engineering and Advanced Diploma in graphic designing. Currently 28 years old. Unmarried and self-employed. I want to indulge myself in degeneracy but committing horrendous amount of sins and doing drugs. Do participate in orgies and vile acts. I am centrist person with not so strong beliefs. I am certainly OK with give a tranny a blowjob.
>mfw you steal a job from a nationalist stormcuck without skills
You act like people WANT to go to Norway
Syria if anyone asks, but actually from turkey
Why would anyone want to leave the United States?
Turkey welcome! We need you bros in the EU!
Nice Brother. You are muslim like me, right? I hope we can make Sharia happen in Norway
This burgerbro wishes you best of luck in your goal.
Where did we Americans mention anything about mutual consent when it comes to wanting something?
Subahanallah, Norway will soon feel the sword of islam
To anyone considering emigrating to 4chanland
>>>>>> Don't
is this a new pasta
but i might migrate there.why do you hate me abdul?
holy shit lol, i have some of these still
this is what we got away with in Norwegian cartoons in the 90s.
His Tshirt essentially says:
>Keep Norway clean, use white bleach
while chasing a darkie. my sides.
this would not be published today.
>Unsheates fake visa
>teleport in front of the welfare line
>pssh nothin personel whitey
What if I'm white, have a degree in accounting and management, won't be on welfare, and really like Thor.
Yellow =/= White
Born and raised in California. Thanks for noticing the flag though senpai.
Same goes for Switzerland btw. I'm looking at you Germs.
You're thinking of Canada. Canada is agree you want to go.
To anyone considering emigrating to Bongistan.
>>>>>> Don't
Ignore this.
I have a friend who has been living in Norway illegally for 20 years
He makes mad untaxed cash that he keeps in a UK bank account
Germany it is. Congrats and stay there.
I'm immigrating to Norway and about to get my card next month. I'm half Black.
Norway needs more cultural diversity. The people are too homogeneous for my liking. Rich people should share.
Oil niggers getting all uppity again.
How about a Lutheran, educated, Canadian, with Norwegian ancestry?
How about a tribal, uneducated, African, with a foot-long cock ancestry?
You military burger?
t. Ervin Kohn
are you expecting them to care? fat chance! they go where unprotected wealth is to demand more and more until everything goes to shit
prepare to kill people at some point in the future
wtf I was even considering emigrating to Norway now!
With your 100th birthday coming, do you think Finns stand a chance of staying awake and not being cucked like their neighbor?
To anyone considering emigrating to central america.
>>>>>> just do it
>implying anyone wants to come to your muslim ridden shithole
hahaha thanks but no thanks pal
>taking the bait
Step 1: Come to Germany and claim that you are from Syria.
Step 2: Get lots of gibsmedats.
Step 3: Get run over by white Antifa bitches who want to suck your poor traumatized cock and give you even more gibsmedats.
Step 4: Wait till you get a work permit and apply for a job in some software company.
Step 5: Earn enough money to buy a nice house.
Step 6: Get elected as Chancellor of Germany because all the leftists think we should finally get a non-white chancellor because of diversity.
Step 7: When you are eventually chancellor of Germany start to remove all religious idiocracy (especially Islam) and other cuckoldry and make Germany great again.
Step 8: Die in your bed with your white wife and your half-white children sitting beneath you thinking about how you as a an illegal sandnigger immigrant have made Germany the greatest and freest nation off all time.
Step 9: Be remembered and worshipped forever as the saviour of the human species.
What if my family is from Norway and I've already visited them?
I've been to Jessheim, Oslo and Bergen
Full of pakis and other brown gentlemen
Step 10: Watch out his children ruining it because of the blue pill (((influence)))
you can't stop me.
Norwegian girls aren't cute enough
>lived in Norway
>saw Somalis getting free houses and government allowance
>they didn't go to mandatory Norwegian lessons, nobody cared
You're alright Norway, but don't pretend you're immune to the problems of this nightmare Marxist age.
Hmmm, yeah, that would be very likely...
Jokes on you Norway
I already have a job lined up in Norway
I'm highly educated and best of all I'm
>not white
To anyone considering emigrating to Israel.
>>>>>> Don't
To anyone considering emigrating to South Africa.
>>>>>> Don't
I like how Norwegians think that just because they top a lot of the happiness, social security, healthcare etc lists, that everyone wants to live there.
Don't worry faggots, nobody actually cares about your stupid language speaking, midnight sun, cold ass country, that no one knows where it exactly is.